Psoriasis, in general, is a persistent autoimmune condition that causes the speedy development of skin cell. This increase in the number of cells causes unhealthy scales on the surface of the skin. Symptoms of nail psoriasis Symptoms to watch out more
Cold sores are also known as fever blisters. They are surely not something a person would want to have. These sores occur on the face of the person or even inside his or her mouth. They are lesions which appear like blisters. There is a lot of more
For long, people have had a tough time dealing with hair fall and baldness. In some people, especially men, the baldness may appear in patches, affecting their overall appearance, with people looking way older than their age. Scalp Micro more
Our skin gets its color called melanin. This is a pigment that is produced by a special kind of skin cells. When these cells get impaired then melanin production is also affected. This leads to discoloration of the skin which is called more
With the advent of cosmetology, one can say goodbye to scars and wrinkles. But however, in most cases, the treatment is artificial as it involves the use of substances that have their side effects and can be disappointing in the long run. Wouldn' more