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Balcal Nutrefy Diet Solutions

Balcal Nutrefy Diet Solutions

Dietitian/Nutritionist Clinic

403, Chesterton, Hiranandani Estate, Ghodbunder Road, Thane - 400607
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1 Doctor
₹ 2,000 at clinic
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Customer service is provided by a highly trained, professional staff who look after your comfort and care and are considerate of your time. Their focus is more

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10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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Top 10 Tips To Lose Weight
Top 10 Tips To Lose Weight

Hello everyone,

 I am Pradnya Padhye. I am a registered dietician. I have been practicing for the last 16 years and in this video I am going to share with you the top 10 mantras to lose weight the right way. Number 1 eating less does not equal to weight loss. Eating less not only deprives the body of the vital nutrients that are required but you also have a chance of binge eating later in the day.

The second important thing is to remember that eating frequently is very important. Eating frequently not only gives your body the boost in the metabolism that it requires but it also ensures a regular supply of energy and helps you avoid eating large portions later on in the day. Long gaps can be avoided by including healthy options such as almonds, walnuts, fruits, nuts, buttermilk etc. The third important factor is to ensure that you are having enough of water. Enough water not only keeps us well hydrated but also helps the body throw toxins out of the system. You need to have 1 litre for every 20 kilos of human weight. Staying hydrated also helps you eating large portions at a time.

Carbohydrates: carbohydrates are made to look like demons. It is very important to realize that not all carbohydrates are bad. It is the refine carbs which we consume in the form of white sugar, sweets, refine carb products or the maida products like bread, biscuits etc that do the damage to the body. Our body requires complex carbohydrates which are available in the form of whole wheat, different millets such as ragi, jawar, bajra; they not only nourishes and give us the energy that our body requires but they are also good source of micronutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc and so on.

Fats: keeping fats away is what is often thought as the easiest way to lose weight but a point again to be noted is that not all fats are bad fats. It is the trans fats such vanaspati, dalda, hydrogenated fat or the re-fried oil which we consume unknowingly in the form of chips, fried, waffers, vada, samosa that are responsible in clogging the arteries and causing heart diseases. Our body requires fat and some of the good sources of fat to be included in your routine come from groundnut oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, rice bran oil and so on. It is important that we don't use the refried oil in our cooking. Stress is also one of the reasons for putting on unwanted weight. Stress increases the levels of a hormone called cortisol which gives you the sweet cravings and is also responsible for abdominal obesity.

It is very important to manage your stress in terms of meditation or some light exercises so that you can help the body move the weighing scale on the lighter. Sleep is also one of the factors that are very often overlooked when somebody thinks of weight loss. Lack of sleep not only makes our metabolism sluggish it also hampers the body's efficiency to remove toxins out of the system. Lack of sleep can also cause hormonal imbalance, hence in a pursuit to lose weight it is important that you have enough time for a good night’s sleep to lose weight effectively. Exercise: all of us know that weight loss is 70% diet and 30% exercise. Exercise can be aerobic, anaerobic but exercise is non-negotiable. Only dieting will not help you lose weight and neither will only exercise. These 2 have to happen together.

Now-a-days there is a lot of food that is available in the market under the name of healthy foods such as your energy bars, your masala put in makhanas, your flavoured channas, diet colas. Let me take this opportunity to make it very clear that anything that is ready to eat, anything that can be consumed immediately can never be healthy for your body and will never help you lose weight the right way. The last but not the least is patience. Weight loss is a slow process. The faster you lose weight, the faster it comes back to you. Crash diets, intermittent fasting and other desperate measures give you a temporary weight loss and you end up putting on more weight than what you have lost after you stopped that. Ensure you give your body enough time to change the pattern that it has been forced to follow for the past so many months. I am sure if you follow the mantras that I have shared above, you will not only lose the weight the right way but you will also keep it away from coming back.

Thank you.

Inculcate Good Eating Habits In Your Children!
Inculcate Good Eating Habits In Your Children!

Hello everyone,

 I am Pradnya Padhye. I am a registered dietician. I am practicing from the past 16 years and in this video I am going to share with you a few tips that will help you inculcate good eating habits in your children. Childhood years are the formative years and what your child eats today will decide his health in adult. It is very important to begin early. Exposing our kids to different coloured foods, flavours and textures in the form of fruits, vegetables and millets is very important to ensure that they get wide range of nutrients that their body needs. This process has to begin when we start weaning. Having said that it is never too late to begin.

Second important thing is never missing the child's breakfast. Lack of time in the morning because of the rush in for school in the morning is a very common reason to miss breakfast. Your child's brain needs carbohydrates to function optimally, to have better concentration and memory at school. No child is born with the habit of eating breakfast and it is a very important habit that needs to be inculcated. You can begin with small portions of snacks that your child likes and then eventually move to the ideal breakfast snacks. Childhood obesity, childhood obesity is one of the rising trends now-a-days among kids. For many parents a chubby child is a healthy child and often the parents over feed the child in this pursuit. What we don't realize is the child gets used to the habit of over-eating and this is a major cause of obesity in adult. The fourth thing that is important is the rampant use of processed food in today's routine.

For many parents processed food or outside food only refers to the hotel food or the restaurant food, what we don't realize is anything that is packaged like a bread, a biscuit or a packet of cookies or chips, chocolates, tetra packs that your child consumes is also considered as outside food. Outside food is not only loaded with calories but is also loaded with toxins and chemicals in the form of additives, preservatives, food colours and so on. This food needs to be consumed strictly occasionally. Kids now-a-days are also becoming very picky or fussy eaters. Parents often discuss their child being fussy or picky eater in the child's presence. This leads to the reinforcement of the fact in child's mind that he is a poor eater. Many a times parents also give in to the child's demands for specific foods limiting his exposure to wide variety of foods. Any concerns about the child being a picky eater or ways to manage it should be strictly done in the child’s absence.

The next habit that we are inculcating in children is finish your plate rule. Though food wastage is not acceptable, forcing the child to overeat and finish the plate not only inculcates the habit of overeating but it might also lead to the development of a strong dislike for the food. What we can do is begin with small portions when we are serving the plate and only refill those portions that the child seems to enjoy the most; this way we are assured that the child is eating till he is full and there is no wastage of food. Falling ill is also one of the concerns that most parents face. Falling ill gives the child's body a chance to develop an immune system and he comes up stronger instead we should ensure that we are giving him a lot of fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals so that he has a better immune system in the form of nuts, eggs in your child's health is also strongly recomming. You can meet up with your nutritionist or your paediatrician and assess your child's current eating habits to ensure he is eating a balanced diet and carbohydrates, fibre, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water is being consumed in appropriate quantities. The earlier you start the easier it is to develop good eating habits. It is never too late to begin. I hope this video is of help to you and by incorporating the above-mentioned points you can help your child to develop good eating habits. Happy parenting. For any further queries about your child's eating habits or his nutrition, lybrate.

Thank you.

Doctor in Balcal Nutrefy Diet Solutions

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Doctor in Balcal Nutrefy Diet Solutions


Dt. Pradnya Padhye

Dietitian/Nutritionist24 Years Exp.
RD, M.Sc - Home Science Food & Nutrition, B.Sc - Home Science Food & Nutrition
₹ 2,000 at clinic
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Dt. Pradnya Padhye provides answers that are practical. 5'4

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