5 Myths About Gallstone Disease!
Top Myths About Gallstone Disease -
1. Excess fat in diet is a cause of gallstone.
Reality is that excess fat in diet may cause the gallbladder to contract and cause pain but it will not lead to the formation of gallstones.
2. Gallstones are mostly a hereditary problem.
It is generally a lifestyle disease and generally not a hereditary disease though occasionally seen in families but no hereditary linkage has been established.
3. After your gallbladder is removed, you need to avoid fatty food.
Patients don't become fat intolerant after gallbladder removal. There is no medical literature to suggest that post cholecystectomy patients become fat intolerant as the gallbladder only stores bile.
4. Gallbladder removal removes only stones.
Stones reflect malfunctioning of gallbladder, so removing only stones will result in recurrence of symptoms.
5. Gallstones can be treated by using waves.
ESWL has been used for treating kidney stones. However, usage of this method can result in recurrence of gallstones and had many complications so it was abandoned.