आपको यह बात जानना जरूरी है कि कोलेस्ट्रॉल हमारे सेहत के लिए बहुत अच्छा होता है। लेकिन बीमारियाँ तब शुरू होती हैं, जब यह ब्लड सेल्स में जमने लगता है। इस स्थिति में ब्लड सर्कुलेशन बाधित होने लगता है, और शरीर में सभी भागों तक ख़ून पहुंचाने के लिए दिल को पहले से ज्यादा पम्प करना पड़ता है। कोलेस्टेरॉल दो तरह का होता है एकलो डेंसिटी लाइपोप्रोटीन (एलडीएल) दूसरा हाई डेंसिटी लाइपोप्रोटीन (एचडीएल) इसमें से हमारी एलडीएल सेहत के लिए बुरा होता है, जबकि एचडीएल होता है अच्छा। मुख्यतः कोलेस्टेरॉल हार्मोन को नियंत्रित करने में हेल्प करता है।रक्त के विषैले तत्वों को सोखकर शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने में मदद करता है।मस्तिष्क के ठीक से काम करने के लिए कोलेस्टेरॉल का नॉर्मल होना ज़रूरी है। शरीर पर पड़ने वाली धूप से विटामिन बनाने के लिए कोलेस्ट्रॉल जरूरी है। ब्लड में कोलेस्ट्रॉल का स्तर 3.6 से 7.8 मिलीमोल्स प्रति लीटर की रेंज में होना चाहिए। जब यह लेवल 6 मिलीमोल्स प्रति लीटर हो जाता है, तो यह हाई कोलेस्टेरॉल कहलाता है। लेकिन 7.8 मिलीमोल्स/लीटर के बाद हार्ट अटैक का ख़तरा बढ़ जाता है।
हाई कॉलेस्ट्रॉल की कुछ खास वजह होती हैं जैसे कि
वज़न बढ़ना शारीरिक मेहनत न करना खान-पान में लापरवाही जेनेटिक
कोलेस्ट्रॉल बढ़ने के सिम्पटम्स कुछ इस तरह होते है। हाई ब्लड प्रेशर जल्दी थकान होना जल्दी हाँफना डायबिटीज़ के मरीज़ में शुगर लेवल बढ़ने से जब ख़ून गाढ़ा होना आदि
कोलेस्ट्रॉल कम करने की तरकीबें:
एलोवेरा: रोजाना खाली पेट 50 ग्राम एलोवेरा खाने सेकोलेस्ट्रॉल कंट्रोल में किया जा सकता है धनिया: खड़ी धनिया को ताज़े पानी में रातभर भिगोकर सुबह उसका पानी पी जाएँ। साथ ही भीगी धनिया भी चबाकर खाएँ। अंकुरित अनाज: अंकुरित दालों को अगर दिल का दोस्त कहा जाए तो गलत नहीं होगा। अंकुरित दालों का रोजाना सेवन बुरे कोलेस्ट्रॉल को घटाता है। अपने दिन के खाने में कम से कम आधा कप बीन्स जैसे राजमा, चने, मूंग, सोयाबीन और उड़द को आप सूप, सलाद या सब्जी किसी भी रूप में ले सकते हैं। नओट्स: सुबह के समय नाश्ते में ओट्स खाना स्वस्थ दिन की शानदार शुरुआत है। 6 हफ्ते तक सुबह नाश्ते में प्रतिदिन ओट्स का दलिया लेने से एलडीएल को 5.3% तक घटा सकते हैं। वाइन: जो लोग वाइन पीने का शौक रखते हैं, वो अपना शौख बरकरार रखें। हफ्ते में 2 बार थोड़ी सी रेड ग्रेप वाइन पीना कोलेस्ट्रॉल को कम करने मे मदद करता है। ग्रीन टी: ग्रीन टी में कॉफी के मुकाबले काफी कम कैफीन पाई जाती है। साथ ही शरीर को चुस्त-दुरुस्त रखने और स्वस्थ रखने वाले एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट भी ग्रीन-टी में ज्यादा होते हैं। रोजाना ग्रीन-टी पीने से शरीर की प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ती है जिससे बुरे कोलेस्ट्रॉल को कम करना आसान हो जाता है। मछली: जो लोग मछली खाते हैं उनके लिए भी कोलेस्ट्रॉल को घटाना आसान है। दरअसल, हमारे शरीर को स्वस्थ फैटी एसिड और अमीनो एसिड की जरूरत होती है। शरीर को एनर्जी और विटामिन-डी देने के अलावा फिश में स्वस्थ फैटी एसिड और अमीनो एसिड भरपूर मात्रा में होते हैं, जो कोलेस्ट्रॉल को कम करने में उपयोगी हैं। ड्राई फ्रूट्स: अमेरिकन हार्ट एसोसिएशन के मुताबिक सूखे मेवे खाना हमारी सेहत के लिए बहुत जरूरी है, क्योंकि इनमें प्रोटीन फाइबर और विटामिन-ई भरपूर मात्रा में होते हैं।साथ ही मेवों में स्वस्थ फैटी एसिड भी पाया जाता है जो केमिकल्स में प्रोसेस नहीं होता है और कोलेस्ट्रॉल को कम करने में काफी असरदार है।तो अब बिंदास आप रोजाना एक मुट्ठी डॉयफ्रूइट्स खाएं। मोटापा कम करें: मोटापा कोलेस्ट्रॉल बढ़ने के प्रमुख कारणों में से एक है। हाई कोलेस्टेरॉल का ख़तरा बढ़ने पर वज़न को बढ़ने मत दीजिए। अधिक मोटापा हाई कोलेस्टेरॉल के साथ साथ डायबिटीज़ और हाई ब्लड प्रेशर का भी कारण होता है। योग और व्यायाम करें: योग और व्यायाम के लिए वज़न बढ़ने का इंतज़ार मत कीजिए। योग करने से रक्त संचार ठीक रहता है, हृदय रोगों से बचाता है, और रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाता है। कोलेस्टेरॉल से पीड़ित व्यक्ति हफ्ते में 5 दिन एक्सरसाइज करे। जॉगिंग, साइकलिंग, तैराक़ी और एरोबिक्स भी कर सकते हैं। और कुछ न कर सकें तो कम से कम आधा घंटा रोज़ टहलें। हेल्दी डाइट: कोलेस्ट्रॉल कंट्रोल करने के लिए फ़ैट बढ़ाने वाले चीज़ें न खाएँ। वो हर चीज़ खा सकते हैं, जिससे सभी पोषक तत्व हों। अंडे की ज़र्दी, जंक फ़ूड, तली-भुनी चीज़ें, फ़ुल क्रीम मिल्क और रेड मीट खाने से बचें। ज्यादा दवाएं खाने से बचें: दवाओं का इस्तेमाल डॉक्टरी सलाह से ही करें ना कि दवाओं सुनी सुनाई बातों पर करने पर मनमानी दवा खाएं। इसके साथ जीवनशैली में आवश्यक बदलाव करके दवाई पर निर्भर रहने की कंडीशन पर काबू पाने की कोशिश करें। ध्यान रहे कोलेस्ट्रॉल की जांच हर 6 महीने पर कराते रहनी चाहिए। और 20 वर्ष से ज्यादा उम्र केलोगों को हर 5 वर्ष में एक बार जांच करानी चाहिए।","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dt.Radhika","medicalSpecialty":"Dietitian/Nutritionist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/9684708b9b171d2d0922ae8b4f293325/Dietitian-Nutritionist-Radhika-New-Delhi-831c37.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/delhi/doctor/dt-radhika-dietitian-nutritionist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Breast Reduction - Know More About It's Methods And Advantages!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Women who have abnormally large breasts usually tend to develop them during adolescence or during pregnancy. Large breasts can cause physiological problems apart from being unsightly. Some of the problems commonly reported by women include back and neck problems. Let's explore one of the most common methods of breast reduction known as the keyhole method.
What is the keyhole method of breast reduction? The Keyhole method of breast reduction is the most commonly prescribed form of breast reduction surgery. In this method, the doctor places an anchor or a keyhole-shaped incision around the areola extending to the underside of the breast. Then a small device is inserted to melt fat and a low power vacuum is used to extract it. After this is done the area is stitched up reducing the breast size.
The extent of the incision: The length and breadth of the incision can vary from case to case. However, the following areas usually tend to have scarring -
1. The area around the nipple known as the areola - A round circular incision is made around the areola to open up this section of the breast.
2. Downwards from the areola to underside of the breast - This is where the keyhole shape comes into prominence as this is an extension of the incision to open up the breast.
3. The area on the underside of the breast along with a horizontal curve This may vary in extent from patient to patient depending upon how much tissue needs to be removed and thus may be larger or smaller.
The advantages of keyhole method of breast reduction: There are many valid reasons why this method is the most prescribed and most popular form of breast reduction. Let's look at some of the reasons below.
1. The most minimally invasive method - Conventional breast reduction may employ techniques which open up the breast which is a longer and more complicated form of surgery, and thus the keyhole method being the least invasive has its own advantages.
2. Lesser scars - With other forms of breast reduction, the scars along the incision lines may be much larger. With the keyhole method, much of the scarring is hidden away due to the shape of the incision, as well as the size, being smaller.
3. Quicker healing - Most forms of keyhole surgery use liposculpture or the extraction of fat rather than full excision of tissues and thus it generally translates to quicker healing. Even in cases where excision is performed, healing still tends to be quicker with this method as the incisions tend to be smaller. ","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Amit Mukund Mulay","medicalSpecialty":"Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/6dee28393d59c69b0cef06d1b3ea0d73/Aesthetic-Surgery-AmitMukundMulay-Pune-4ea2af.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/pune/doctor/dr-amit-mukund-mulay-aesthetic-surgeon"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Acoustic Neuroma - Know The Risks Involved!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Acoustic neuroma is the development of noncancerous and slow-growing tumors on the main, vestibular nerve that travels from the inner ear to the brain, connecting the two organs. They are also known as vestibular schwannoma, as it arises from Schwann cells covering the vestibular nerve. It rarely grows rapidly or attains a large enough size that can press against the brain and interfere with the vital functions of the brain. Since the tumor is benign, the patient can be assured that it won t spread to the other parts of the body; however, they can grow large enough to disrupt the normal function of the body.
The pressure from the acoustic neuroma on the main nerve can cause loss of hearing, a constant ringing in the ear and unsteadiness. As per a report published by the Acoustic Neuroma Association, 1 out of every 50,000 people suffers from this condition.
Risk factors for acoustic neuroma:
Acoustic neuroma does not have quite as many risk factors. The only established risk factor for acoustic neuroma is having a parent who suffers from the rare genetic disorder neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2). However, having said that, neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) accounts for only 5 percent of the reported cases. In most of the cases, it has been found that the tumors appear spontaneously without any indication of a family member having this disease or any medical history of the same.
The development of noncancerous tumors on the ear nerves as well as other nerves in the body is scientifically supported as a characteristic indication of neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2). Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is also termed as an autosomal dominant disorder, which indicates that the mutated gene can pass from just one parent. Each of the children has a fifty-fifty chance of inheriting the disease.
However, scientists and doctors have failed to identify why specific people get these tumors. They have reached a generic conclusion about the risk factors, which may include:
Loud noises near the ear. A parathyroid neuroma, which is a similar benign tumor of the thyroid. A chance of exposure to low levels of radiation in the childhood. How to diagnose the risk factors for acoustic neuroma?If you are experiencing loss of hearing or other neurological symptoms, try to keep track of them. Later on, mention them to your doctor for a proper diagnosis. A detailed history of the symptoms will help your doctor. Your doctor will perform a hearing test to check whether you have an acoustic neuroma. MRI Brain is the main diagnostic modality for acoustic neuroma. The doctor may also perform a brainstem auditory evoked response tests along with an electronystagmography to detect any changes in eye movement, caused due to the inner ear.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Harmeet Singh Pasricha","medicalSpecialty":"ENT Specialist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/568f00395a89d5ed42089b00192e91e0/Ear-Nose-Throat-ENT--HarmeetSinghPasricha-Gurgaon-5ced05.JPG","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/gurgaon/doctor/dr-harmeet-singh-pasricha-ear-nose-throat-ent-specialist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Blepharoplasty - Who Can Opt It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Sagging eyebrows, baggy eyelids (both upper and lower eyelids) or under eye bags can be quite annoying and uncomfortable. Though mostly observed among aged people, the problem can equally affect people of other age groups. Left unattended for a long time, the sagging eyebrows or droopy eyelids can even interfere with one's vision, especially the peripheral vision. The Eye Lift or Blepharoplasty comes as a much-needed savior that can work wonders to deal with droopy eyelids and similar problems with efficiency and precision.
Who can undergo the Blepharoplasty? Blepharoplasty comes as the best option under the following situations
The droopy upper eyelids affecting the side or peripheral vision to a great extent. The increased bagginess of the lower eyelids results in the appearance of wrinkles, making one look older than their age. The appearance of under eye bags, especially in young adults. The steps involved in Blepharoplasty
Before the surgery, a patient is given local anesthesia in the form of intravenous (IV) sedation to ease the pain and the discomfort. Incisions are then made along the natural lines of the eyelid to remove the excess skin and the fats. The surgeon then carefully makes minute stitches to close the incisions. This is mainly carried out in the case of upper eyelids. For the lower eyelids, the procedure may be different depending on the type of incision. In some case, the saggy and excess muscles, fats or skin may be excised through incisions made along the margins of the eyelash. Alternately, the excess fats can also be removed through incisions made inside the lower eyelids. This may be followed by an Erbium Laser Resurfacing to take care of the fine lines (in both the cases). The surgery, however, may not be as simple as it sounds. Make sure you opt for an experienced surgeon. Research on the matter well enough before you go for the surgery. In most of the cases, sans any complications, the stitches are removed within a week or two. Minor side-effects such as swelling, irritation, watery eyes, bruising, blurred vision, pain, the eyelids appearing numb may be observed. However, consult your surgeon immediately in the case of excruciating pain, loss of vision, infection at the incision site, severe bleeding, difficulty in closing the eyes, dry eyes, to name a few. Precautionary steps for a faster healing The hourly use of cold compress or ice packs (for about 10-12 minutes) following the surgery can be of great help.
Avoid rubbing the eyes or wearing a contact lens for some days following the surgery. Do not miss out on a single medicine or eyedrops advised by the doctor. Smoking, strenuous and rigorous physical activities such as exercise, swimming or lifting of heavy objects should be avoided for at least a week or as advised by the surgeon. Avoid direct contact with the sun or going outside the house without wearing dark glasses. Practice good personal hygiene. Keep the eyelids clean but don't be harsh.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Mithilesh Mishra","medicalSpecialty":"Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/219590c9cbf0fa79efd3ba61a56a0d9c/Cosmetic-Plastic-Surgery-MithileshMishra-Thane-80cd8e","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/mumbai/doctor/dr-mithilesh-mishra-cosmetic-plastic-surgeon-1"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Tummy Tuck - Know Forms Of It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Stuck with extra flab that does not seem to go away, or simply trying to hide the sagging skin after losing tons of weight? Whatever the reason, a tummy tuck is a cosmetic means of fixing that unsightly area of your abdomen that many people have trouble with. While exercise and diet may all be good in theory, there are many circumstances that may require this kind of surgical intervention, which is also known as abdominoplasty in medical terms. Read on to know more about it.
Ideal Candidates: Who is the best candidate for this kind of procedure? To begin with, women have a hard time achieving a taut tummy, especially after a few pregnancies. They can easily make use of this kind of procedure in order to have the excess flab removed surgically. Also, men and women who were once obese and still have rings of excess fat deposits around this region as well as loose skin due to sudden weight loss, can use this procedure. The people who want to go in for this kind of surgery will also need to be in good health condition in order to qualify for the same.
Not so Ideal Candidates: If you have been pregnant before and are planning another pregnancy, then you may want to wait before having this surgery as the vertical muscles that are tightened during the surgery can be separated due to pregnancy and childbirth again, which will reverse the effects of the surgery. Also, it should be the last resort after you have tried myriad weight loss measures. Further, people who are suffering from conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases should have a talk with the doctor about the safety of such a procedure first.
Types of Abdominoplasty: There are two kinds of abdominoplasty. The first kind of called complete abdominoplasty. In this procedure, the surgeon will cut open the abdomen from one hip to another, and then carry out contouring of the skin, tissue and muscle as per the requirement of the patient. In this procedure, the belly button of the patient will also be moved and drainage tubes may be inserted for a few days. The other kind is partial abdominoplasty which is basically done for people who have fat deposits under their navel. The procedure is short and does not require belly button movement.
Preparation: One should be careful not to smoke or drink before the procedure and to keep a stack of loose clothing and ice packs ready for later.
Talk to your doctor in detail regarding complications and the aftermath so that you are better able to take care of yourself after the surgery.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Milan Doshi","medicalSpecialty":"Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/05e021aeb6da529236ce126261b86fbc/Cosmetic-Plastic-Surgery-MilanDoshi-Mumbai-cbf131","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/mumbai/doctor/dr-milan-doshi-cosmetic-plastic-surgeon-1"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Blepharoplasty - Things You Should Be Aware Of!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Blepharoplasty is the surgery of the upper or lower eyelids. It is usually done for cosmetic purposes but can be done to correct any deformity around the eyes. Blepharoplasty is an operative method to improve the vision by removing the extra tissues, skin, fat, and muscles under or above the eyelids. With the elimination of the saggy eyelids, the eyes look more alert and younger. This surgery can be performed for many reasons such as to remove extra skin on the upper and lower eyelids that can cause poor or disturbed vision. It can also be done for droopy eyelids and to remove bags under the eyes.
Blepharoplasty is usually done with other surgeries like skin resurfacing, forehead or facelifts, and filler injections. Before one decides to go for the surgery, he/she should consult the surgeon about all the risk factors that are involved in it and should also be open to the doctor regarding one s medical history and condition. There are a number of risks involved in Blepharoplasty such as reaction to anesthesia, dry eyes, blood clots, irritated eyes, skin discoloration, transitory blurred vision, loss of vision, bleeding, troubled shutting and opening of eyes, visible scars or markings, infection, and damaged eye muscles.
Before the surgery, there are a number of procedures that are needed to be followed. The surgeon or doctor should be well aware of the patient s medical and surgical histories especially if there are any medical history and condition related to eyes and allergies. It is the patient s responsibility to make the concerned medical team well aware about his/her expectations from the surgery before proceeding.
The patient will have to undergo some lab tests and examinations to help the doctor know the overall medical condition and the expected outcome and the expected risks of the surgery.
The doctors will physically examine the patient which includes measurement of eyelids and tear production test.
As the surgery is concerned with the eye area, eye tests will be performed that includes a vision test and other eye-related examinations.
In these kinds of surgeries, the concerned part is photographed from various angles to help the surgeons plan the surgery and to know the instant and long-term outcomes.
Before the Surgery:
The patient should follow the instructions provided by the surgeon before the surgery. An individual should take into account some of the precautions before the surgery.
Eliminate smoking weeks before the operation or surgery;
Eliminate alcohol consumption weeks before the surgery;
Eliminate medications or other supplements related to amplified bleeding such as aspirin, warfarin, and likewise;
Consume medications prescribed by the doctor;
Give maximum rest to the eyes;
Avoid using electronics or devices that can affect eyes.
Take Away:
Blepharoplasty is a surgery used to improve the drooping eyes by removing the extra skin, tissue, fat, and muscles from the upper or lower eyelids. This surgery is usually done for the cosmetic purpose to make the eye look younger and alert but is also performed often on the senior citizens to help improve their vision. There are many risks involved in the surgery depending upon the medical history and conditions of the patient. One should not go for the surgery unless needed for medical purpose or suggested by the doctor as it makes the eyes more prone to infections and other problems.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Ashish Sangvikar","medicalSpecialty":"Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/707d205fe4e78483eb6fae63f98b0126/Cosmetic-Plastic-Surgery-AshishSangvikar-Mumbai-47575d","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/mumbai/doctor/dr-ashish-sangvikar-cosmetic-plastic-surgeon"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Osteopenia - Know Symptoms Of It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"We may be lost in progression and may have a lot to achieve in life, there may be things that we just cannot let go off, such as success and in such a rush for advancement and success we may be overlooking health in the bargain. Though we may not realize it, as age progresses, the health takes a toll and the disease-fighting and sustenance abilities of the body also start to decline. One of the most common problems that a lot of people go through is the weakening of the bones.
There may be instances, particularly in women, where they may feel fatigued and tired and this is something that most women may ignore so that they may be able to concentrate on the other aspects of life. However, more than often, the problems that the women face are known to be symptoms of health issues such as Osteopenia. Osteopenia is a problem of the bones where they gradually lose their natural ability to make sufficient amount of calcium necessary for the health and safety of the bone structure and when the problem takes a severe turn it may lead to osteoporosis.
Knowing the symptoms: The problem of osteopenia may not have obvious symptoms in the beginning but people who suffer from the problem may complain of the following issues:
A lot of people may experience lower back pain when they are suffering from osteopenia. The back pain may also arise from the hunching of the back which is another symptom of the health issue. There have been instances of patients suffering from lowering of the height when they are suffering from the bone-related issue. The fracturing of bones becomes more likely for people who suffer from the problem. Lots of people may also end up losing teeth due to the issue. One of the biggest symptoms is that the patients of osteopenia usually also develop osteoporosis in the advanced stages of the issue. Treating Osteopenia: Though there is no confirmed cure for the issue, it is possible to be able to control the problem and limit its ill-effects or symptoms. With a revision of dietary habits to include foods that help in the increase of calcium, you may be able to control the problem to a great extent. It may also be possible to keep the issue under check by following healthy lifestyle habits such as quitting smoking or following regular exercise routines or taking the right treatment or medications as suggested by a specialist. Sometimes a disease can be a result of an underlying illness that you are unaware of, which is why self-diagnosis or treatment may not be advised and it is always wiser to take help from your physician.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Rajesh Verma","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/6b41908d7247f1159c1c78711aa207eb/Orthopaedics-RajeshKumarVerma-Gurgaon-ac6583.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/gurgaon/doctor/dr-rajesh-kumar-verma-orthopedist-1"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Abdominoplasty - Know Considerations Before It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a frequently performed cosmetic procedure which is meant to improve the looks or appearance of your abdominal region. The primary goal of this procedure is to remove excess skin or fat from the abdominal region and then reconnect the tissues with sutures to get a more toned and flat look.
The requirement for abdominoplasty
The tummy tuck surgery is for someone who has folds of fat or skin on their abdominal region that results in an unsightly appearance and causes body image issues. These problems may be caused by multiple factors, some of which are mentioned below:
1. Significant weight loss - Men or women who have lost a lot of weight tend to have excess loose skin on their bodies as a result of the skin being stretched over a long period of time.
2. Pregnancy - Many women who have gone through multiple pregnancies also have similar problems as the skin in their abdominal region tends to stretch over multiple times which may result in the skin becoming flabby.
3. You have a weak lower abdominal wall - Some patients tend to generally have a weak lower abdominal wall which over the years tends to protrude and hang. This results in a misshapen body which they want to correct for body image issues.
4. To correct scarring from C section - Many women who give birth via C-section tend to have a scar on their body and some abdominal contouring can change the shape and size of the scar, which in turn not only tightens the tummy but also hides the scars.
Considerations before abdominoplasty
Abdominoplasty isn't recommended if you fall under any of the following categories:
1. Still have to lose weight - If you have to lose a lot of weight, then it is advised that you wait till your goal weight is reached and only then consider this procedure. Abdominoplasty isn't meant to reduce weight, but to take out excess skin and flab that remains after weight loss
2. Plan on becoming pregnant again - If you are planning to become pregnant again, then the muscles and tissues in your abdomen might loosen and cause a flabby belly again.
3. If you have heart disease or other conditions - If you have heart related conditions or are diabetic, then abdominoplasty won't be considered as it might put you at high risk of complications after surgery.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Bhushan Patil","medicalSpecialty":"Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/3f4dc139380ff0cfb07ba51825af0590/Cosmetic-Plastic-Surgery-BhushanPatil-Pune-39fbae","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/pune/doctor/dr-bhushan-patil-cosmetic-plastic-surgeon"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Bone Fracture - What Are The Types & Causes Of It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Broken bone is commonly known as bone fracture a d it occurs when an exorbitant amount of force is applied causing the bone to split or shatter. While some minor fractures lead to cracks and crannies, others may lead to complete breakage of the bones. Despite being hard, bones are formed in such a way that they can absorb pressure to only a certain extent, beyond which they break. Statistically, the incidence of broken bones are most common in children and in old age people.
Causes of Bone Fracture:
Bone fracture can be caused due to a number of reasons; both intentional and accidental. Some of them include:
1. Accidents and injuries: Sports injuries, being hit by a car and tripping and falling are some of the typical episodes. 2. Old age: Diseases such as osteoporosis and brittle bone disease are common in aged people. As bones tend to become more fragile among the aged, they are at a greater chance of bone fractures.
Type of bone fractures:
Primarily bone fractures are of four types, based on the way the bone splits. They are:
Complete fracture: This type of fracture refers to a complete breakage of the bone wherein the fracture may occur at various parts of the bone. Incomplete fracture: In this type of fracture, the bone partially breaks instead of splitting entirely. Compound fractures: This is a type of a fracture wherein the bone breaks past the skin. It is also known as an open fracture. Simple fracture: In this type of a fracture, the bone breaks without causing an open wound on the skin. Treatment of bone fractures
In case of a broken bone, the immediate course of action would be to reach for the first aid box. This can be done to stabilize the bone prior to hospitalization. Icing the injury, elevating the injured area to prevent further swelling and covering the wound with bandages are common measures. In many cases, people also make household splints (made of newspapers) to keep the bone stabilized. Hospitalization and especially surgery, can be also opted for in case of severe fractures.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Kedar Agrawal","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/916a22e166c2df2671c843deb94391ca/Orthopaedics-KedarAgrawal-Bangalore-01029d","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/raipur/doctor/dr-kedar-agrawal-orthopedist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Blepharoplasty - How To Prepare For It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"The surgical procedure to correct the appearance of eyelids is called blepharoplasty. The correction is done by removing extra skin, fat and muscle that make the eyelids droop.
Eyelids start drooping when the muscles supporting your eyelids weaken as you grow older. Excess fat accumulates below and above your eyelids as a result, which leads to eye bags and droopy eyelids.
Besides making you look older than your age, droopy eyelids can also affect your vision. Blepharoplasty can improve your vision and give your eyes a polished look at the same time. Some other benefits include:
Excess deposits of fat that make eyelids look puffy are removed with the help of blepharoplasty.
Eye bags are reduced.
Drooping eyelids which end up revealing the sclera (the white part in your eyeballs) are fixed.
Fine wrinkles and excess skin around lower eyelids are corrected.
Blepharoplasty is usually combined with procedures such as skin resurfacing, face-lift or brow-lift.
Blepharoplasty, like every other surgical procedure, has certain risks, which include
Bleeding and infection
Irritated, dry eyes
Trouble closing eyes and other associated problems
Prominent scarring
Eye muscle injury
Skin discoloration
Follow-up surgery is needed
Short-term blurry vision, or in unusual cases, loss of vision
General risks associated with surgery such as blood clots, anaesthetic reactions, cardiac and other coronary problems.
Before the surgery can be scheduled, a surgeon and ophthalmologist will be consulted to record your medical history and discuss your expectations about the surgery. Then, before the procedure can begin, the following steps will be followed:
First, you will be examined physically; your doctor will test your tear ducts and take measurements of your eyelids.
Second, your eyes will be examined and your vision will be tested.
Lastly, your doctor will take photographs of your eyes which will facilitate and guide him/her through the course of the surgery.
The effects of blepharoplasty are long-lasting and the corrections are permanent. Durable sun protection of the eyes helps in maintaining the corrections made.
Although, you can get excellent results from one surgery, sometimes you may need multiple procedures to achieve the desired look.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Manoj Bachhav","medicalSpecialty":"Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/a58900a23b7dc7dd0373036549b6cda3/Cosmetic-Plastic-Surgery-ManojBachhav-Nashik-91e8ab","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/nashik/doctor/dr-manoj-bachhav-cosmetic-plastic-surgeon"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Blepharoplasty - All You Should Know!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"The surgical procedure to correct the appearance of eyelids is called blepharoplasty. The correction is done by removing extra skin, fat and muscle that cause the eyelids to droop.
Eyelids start drooping when the muscles supporting your eyelids weaken. Eye bags and droopy eyelids are a result of excess fat accumulation below and above the eyelids.
Besides making you look older than your age, droopy eyelids can also affect your vision. In such scenarios, blepharoplasty can help in improving your vision and give your eyes a polished look at the same time.
Advantages of blepharoplasty:
Excess deposits of fat that make eyelids look puffy are removed with the help of blepharoplasty.
Eye bags are reduced.
Drooping eyelids which end up revealing the sclera (the white part in your eyeballs) are fixed.
Excessive skin around the upper and lower eyelid can be corrected. Blepharoplasty is usually combined with procedures such as skin resurfacing, face-lift or brow-lift.
Blepharoplasty, like every other surgical procedure, has certain risks, though very rare, which include
1. Bleeding and infection
2. Irritated, dry eyes
3. Trouble closing eyes and other associated problems
4. Prominent scarring
5. Eye muscle injury
6. Skin discoloration
7. Follow-up surgery might be needed
8. Short-term blurry vision, or in unusual cases, loss of vision
9. General risks associated with surgery such as blood clots, anaesthetic reactions, cardiac and other coronary problems.
Before the surgery is scheduled, a general health check-up is done to record your medical history and discuss your expectations about the surgery. Then, before the procedure can begin, the following steps will be followed:
1. First, you will be examined physically; your doctor will test your tear ducts and take measurements of your eyelids.
2. Second, your eyes will be examined and your vision will be tested.
3. Lastly, your doctor will take photographs of your eyes which will facilitate and guide him/her through the course of the surgery.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Ashutosh Misra","medicalSpecialty":"Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/585c2366bea8f5a96af08da7c361f079/Cosmetic-Plastic-Surgery-AshutoshMisra-Noida-a5ab62.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/noida/doctor/dr-ashutosh-misra-cosmetic-plastic-surgeon-1"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}}]
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वर्तमान में कुछ शरीरिक समस्याओं का साथ चोली दामन की तरह हो गया है। जैसे ब्लड प्रेशर, शुगर, थाइरोइड, कोलेस्ट्रॉल आदि। और आज इसी कड़ी में हम जानेंगे खास से आम और आम से खतरनाक हो चुकी बढ़े कोलेस्ट्रॉल की समस्या की। कोलेस्ट्रॉल लीवर द्वारा बनाया जाने वाले वसा होता है। हमारे शरीर के ढंग से काम करने के लिए कोलेस्ट्रॉल का बनना ज़रूरी होता है। ब्लड में कोलेस्टेरॉल का स्तर कम ज़्यादा होने से तरह-तरह की बीमारियाँ घेर लेती हैं। तो आइए हाई कोलेस्टेरॉल को कम करने के उपाय जानते हैं। आपको यह बात जानना जरूरी है...more
DNB (Plastic Surgery), DNB General Surge...read more
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon•Pune
Women who have abnormally large breasts usually tend to develop them during adolescence or during pregnancy. Large breasts can cause physiological problems apart from being unsightly. Some of the problems commonly reported by women include back and neck problems. Let's explore one of the most common methods of breast reduction known as the keyhole method.
What is the keyhole method of breast reduction? The Keyhole method of breast reduction is the most commonly prescribed form of br...more
DNB (ENT), MBBS, MNAMS - Otorhinolaryngo...read more
ENT Specialist•Gurgaon
Acoustic neuroma is the development of noncancerous and slow-growing tumors on the main, vestibular nerve that travels from the inner ear to the brain, connecting the two organs. They are also known as vestibular schwannoma, as it arises from Schwann cells covering the vestibular nerve. It rarely grows rapidly or attains a large enough size that can press against the brain and interfere with the vital functions of the brain. Since the tumor is benign, the patient can be assured that it won t spr...more
Sagging eyebrows, baggy eyelids (both upper and lower eyelids) or under eye bags can be quite annoying and uncomfortable. Though mostly observed among aged people, the problem can equally affect people of other age groups. Left unattended for a long time, the sagging eyebrows or droopy eyelids can even interfere with one's vision, especially the peripheral vision. The Eye Lift or Blepharoplasty comes as a much-needed savior that can work wonders to deal with droopy eyelids and similar problems w...more
Stuck with extra flab that does not seem to go away, or simply trying to hide the sagging skin after losing tons of weight? Whatever the reason, a tummy tuck is a cosmetic means of fixing that unsightly area of your abdomen that many people have trouble with. While exercise and diet may all be good in theory, there are many circumstances that may require this kind of surgical intervention, which is also known as abdominoplasty in medical terms. Read on to know more about it.
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor o...read more
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon•Mumbai
Blepharoplasty is the surgery of the upper or lower eyelids. It is usually done for cosmetic purposes but can be done to correct any deformity around the eyes. Blepharoplasty is an operative method to improve the vision by removing the extra tissues, skin, fat, and muscles under or above the eyelids. With the elimination of the saggy eyelids, the eyes look more alert and younger. This surgery can be performed for many reasons such as to remove extra skin on the upper and lower eyelids that can c...more
MS - Orthopaedics, AO Fellowship in Trau...read more
Orthopedic Doctor•Gurgaon
We may be lost in progression and may have a lot to achieve in life, there may be things that we just cannot let go off, such as success and in such a rush for advancement and success we may be overlooking health in the bargain. Though we may not realize it, as age progresses, the health takes a toll and the disease-fighting and sustenance abilities of the body also start to decline. One of the most common problems that a lot of people go through is the weakening of the bones.
MCh - Plastic Surgery, M.S. Gen. Surg., ...read more
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon•Pune
Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a frequently performed cosmetic procedure which is meant to improve the looks or appearance of your abdominal region. The primary goal of this procedure is to remove excess skin or fat from the abdominal region and then reconnect the tissues with sutures to get a more toned and flat look.
The requirement for abdominoplasty
The tummy tuck surgery is for someone who has folds of fat or skin on their abdominal region that results in an unsightly app...more
Broken bone is commonly known as bone fracture a d it occurs when an exorbitant amount of force is applied causing the bone to split or shatter. While some minor fractures lead to cracks and crannies, others may lead to complete breakage of the bones. Despite being hard, bones are formed in such a way that they can absorb pressure to only a certain extent, beyond which they break. Statistically, the incidence of broken bones are most common in children and in old age people.
M. Ch. (Plastic Surgery), MS - General S...read more
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon•Nashik
The surgical procedure to correct the appearance of eyelids is called blepharoplasty. The correction is done by removing extra skin, fat and muscle that make the eyelids droop.
Eyelids start drooping when the muscles supporting your eyelids weaken as you grow older. Excess fat accumulates below and above your eyelids as a result, which leads to eye bags and droopy eyelids.
Besides making you look older than your age, droopy eyelids can also affect your vision. Bl...more
Fellowship In Cosmetic Surgery, M. Ch. (...read more
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon•Delhi
The surgical procedure to correct the appearance of eyelids is called blepharoplasty. The correction is done by removing extra skin, fat and muscle that cause the eyelids to droop.
Eyelids start drooping when the muscles supporting your eyelids weaken. Eye bags and droopy eyelids are a result of excess fat accumulation below and above the eyelids.
Besides making you look older than your age, droopy eyelids can also affect your vision. In such scenarios, blepharop...more
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