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Diverticulitis Tips
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
MBBS, MS - General Surgery, M.Ch - more
Surgical Gastroenterologist•Hyderabad
With more than 1 million cases reported every year in India, the condition is one of the most significant causes of hospital admissions and outpatient visits. A few otherwise common conditions may sometimes become acute, causing intense trauma, and one such is diverticulitis.
Although most people affected with diverticulitis can be treated by medical procedures, some of them would require surgical intervention. It is only required when medical treatment is not amenable, or the disease d...more
Although most people affected with diverticulitis can be treated by medical procedures, some of them would require surgical intervention. It is only required when medical treatment is not amenable, or the disease d...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
With more than 1 million cases reported every year in India, the condition is one of the most significant causes of hospital admissions and outpatient visits. A few otherwise common conditions may sometimes become acute, causing intense trauma, and one such is diverticulitis.
Although most people affected with diverticulitis can be treated by medical procedures, some of them would require surgical intervention. It is only required when medical treatment is not amenable, or the disease d...more
Although most people affected with diverticulitis can be treated by medical procedures, some of them would require surgical intervention. It is only required when medical treatment is not amenable, or the disease d...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
What is diverticulitis?
Formations called diverticula are key components of diverticulitis. Diverticula are pouches that occur along your digestive tract, most often in your colon (large intestine).
These pouches form when weak spots in the intestinal wall balloon outward. When these pouches become inflamed, or bacteria gather in them and cause an infection, you have diverticulitis.
Symptoms of diverticulitis :
abdominal pain
Formations called diverticula are key components of diverticulitis. Diverticula are pouches that occur along your digestive tract, most often in your colon (large intestine).
These pouches form when weak spots in the intestinal wall balloon outward. When these pouches become inflamed, or bacteria gather in them and cause an infection, you have diverticulitis.
Symptoms of diverticulitis :
abdominal pain
375 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
What is diverticulitis?
Formations called diverticula are key components of diverticulitis. Diverticula are pouches that occur along your digestive tract, most often in your colon (large intestine).
These pouches form when weak spots in the intestinal wall balloon outward. When these pouches become inflamed, or bacteria gather in them and cause an infection, you have diverticulitis.
Symptoms of diverticulitis :
abdominal pain
Formations called diverticula are key components of diverticulitis. Diverticula are pouches that occur along your digestive tract, most often in your colon (large intestine).
These pouches form when weak spots in the intestinal wall balloon outward. When these pouches become inflamed, or bacteria gather in them and cause an infection, you have diverticulitis.
Symptoms of diverticulitis :
abdominal pain
902 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
DNB (Surgical gastroenterology, MS( more
Surgical Gastroenterologist•Delhi
With more than 1 million cases reported every year in India, the condition is one of the most significant causes of hospital admissions and outpatient visits. A few otherwise common conditions may sometimes become acute, causing intense trauma, and one such is diverticulitis.
Although most people affected with diverticulitis can be treated by medical procedures, some of them would require surgical intervention. It is only required when medical treatment is not amenable, or the disease d...more
Although most people affected with diverticulitis can be treated by medical procedures, some of them would require surgical intervention. It is only required when medical treatment is not amenable, or the disease d...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
What is inguinal hernia?
A section of the intestine or fatty tissue may protrude through a weak area or rupture in the abdominal wall close to the groyne in a condition known as an inguinal hernia.
Types of inguinal hernia:
Direct inguinal hernia: this type of hernia is caused by a section of the intestine pushing through a weak spot in the abdominal wall and into the inguinal canal. Men are more likely than women to have this sort of hernia, and can be prese...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
General Physician•Moradabad
What is hernia?
An organ or tissue that protrudes through the wall of the cavity that usually houses it is known as a hernia, a medical condition. Normally, this cavity would contain the organ or tissue.
Types of hernia:
Inguinal hernia: this type of hernia develops when a segment of the intestine pokes through a tear or weak spot in the muscle of the abdominal wall close to the groyne. Males are more frequently affected than females by this type ...more
43 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Ayurvedic Specialist•Allahabad
What are gallstones?
Gallstones are solid deposits of digestive fluid that may develop in the gallbladder. Cholesterol, bile pigments, calcium bilirubinate, and calcium carbonate make up their composition.
Types of gallstones:
Cholesterol stones: this is the most common kind of gallstone and is caused by an excess of cholesterol in the bile. It can also happen if bile contains too little bile salts, which help break down the cholesterol. They are ...more
71 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
किसी भी तरह की शारीरिक बीमारी पीड़ादायक होती है। फिर चाहे वह बड़ी हो या छोटी। ऐसे ही शरीर में निकलने वाले फोड़े भी हमें काफी दर्द दे सकते हैं। इसी वजह से लोग इससे बचाव और उपचार के लिए तरह-तरह की क्रीम और दवाएं इस्तेमाल करते हैं। इसी क्रम में आज हम आपको कुछ ऐसी होम्योपैथिक दवाइयों के बारे में बताते हैं तो फोड़ों के इलाज के लिए काफी कारगर साबित हो सकती हैं। हालांकि, इसके पहले यह जानना जरूरी है कि आखिर फोड़े होते क्या हैं और हमारे शरीर में इसके निकलने के पीछे के कारण क्या है।
फोड़ा क्या होता हैं...more
फोड़ा क्या होता हैं...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
What is hydrocele?
Hydrocele is a type of hernias which is caused when fluid accumulates in the tissue that surrounds a testicle. It may occur on one or both sides of the scrotum and the swelling can increase in size over time.
The fluid buildup results from a weakness in the wall of the scrotal sac or difficulties along the spermatic cord that carries sperm and fluids into and out of the testicle. Hydrocele is most common among newborns but can also occur among olde...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
आजकल की भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में व्यक्ति अपने शरीर का ध्यान रखने में लापरवाही बरतता है और उसे इस लापरवाही का खामियाजा भी उठाना पड़ता है। नतीजन, उनको शारीरिक दर्द जैसी समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। ऐसी ही एक समस्या है ग्रोइन दर्द, जो कई बार मामूली चोट के कारण भी उत्पन्न हो सकता है। तो चलिए हम आपको ग्रोइन दर्द के कारणों और लक्षणों के बारे में विस्तार से बताते हैं। साथ ही आपको इस समस्या से बचाव और निपटने के तरीकों के बारे में भी बताएंगे।
क्या होता है ग्रोइन दर्द
इस बात को समझने से पहले य...more
क्या होता है ग्रोइन दर्द
इस बात को समझने से पहले य...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
General Physician•Alappuzha
Bedsores: symptoms, causes and management
When we do some work for a long time or for the first time there is pressure on the skin of the area used for work, that pressure causes injury to skin and nearby tissue causing ulcers called pressure ulcers.
They are also known as bedsores and decubitus ulcers. Bedsores always happen to the place where skin is over bone and the gap between them is very low. Such areas are like heels, hands and sometimes...more
222 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
. Rajesh upadhyay
Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-rajesh-upadhyay-gastroenterologist
Mbbs, mrcp - gastroenterology, certification in liver diseases ;
45 years experience 900 - 1000 at clinic
For the last 45 years, Dr. Rajesh upadhyay has practised gastroenterology in delhi. Dr. Upadhyay has accomplished several milestones in his professional career thanks to his knowledge and experience. He has won the Dr. B. C. R...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Mouth ulcers, which sometimes show up on your tongue as tongue ulcers, can be painful and annoying. These ulcers are usually red or yellow and can make it tough to eat, drink, and talk.
Tongue ulcers are relatively common and usually go away on their own within a week or two. A sore tongue is often just a temporary and minor irritation, but it can still be bothersome and even painful. Along with soreness, the tongue can also have:
Small bumps
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
MBBS, DNB - Internal Medicine, DNB - more
1. Dr. Sushruth shetty
Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-sushruth-shetty-gastroenterologist ;
Mbbs bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, m s general surgeon, mch surgical gastroenterology
11 years experience 100 online
He has garnered both a prestigious education and extensive clinical experience as a physician. He is a highly regarded gastroenterologist who has successfully helped several people with intri...more
149 people found this helpful
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