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Nightfall Tips
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
What is Nightfall?
Nightfall or night discharge is a condition when some men ejaculate in sleep usually in the early hours of the morning or late at night. This problem usually worsens due to the weakness in muscles and nerves of penis due to the past bad history of excessive masturbation, thinning of semen viscosity, fluctuation in hormones and a full bladder. Usually, men are able to hold the semen but when it excess then it is eliminated in the form of nightfall.
In case of ...more
Nightfall or night discharge is a condition when some men ejaculate in sleep usually in the early hours of the morning or late at night. This problem usually worsens due to the weakness in muscles and nerves of penis due to the past bad history of excessive masturbation, thinning of semen viscosity, fluctuation in hormones and a full bladder. Usually, men are able to hold the semen but when it excess then it is eliminated in the form of nightfall.
In case of ...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Nightfall commonly referred to as wet dreams is a common problem among males in their adolescent and middle age. The problem of nightfall is attributed to involuntary ejaculation while being asleep. It can affect both men and women though it is commonly seen in males.
While having nightfall, men tend to wake up and go back to normal sleep once again. It is a natural physical process which is considered a problem only if it is too frequent or if it is persistently occurring even after th...more
While having nightfall, men tend to wake up and go back to normal sleep once again. It is a natural physical process which is considered a problem only if it is too frequent or if it is persistently occurring even after th...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Certain medical conditions can be embarrassing to be discussed with your closed ones and doctors. Sperm leakage is one of them, and if you are experiencing it, fret not; awareness about the problem will give you clarity on seeking treatment.
Read on to get an insight into the problem
Semen leakage is one of the most common issues that men face. There are many instances when sperm leakage becomes more likely, such as during urination, while using the toilet and when your sex drive is...more
Read on to get an insight into the problem
Semen leakage is one of the most common issues that men face. There are many instances when sperm leakage becomes more likely, such as during urination, while using the toilet and when your sex drive is...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
MD - (Ayu.), CCP, B. A. M. S. (Bachelor more
Boys who have hit puberty may often wake up and find seminal discharge on their nightclothes. This is the result of a spontaneous orgasm and is known as having a wet dream or nightfall. Nightfall is a common occurrence and nothing to worry about. For some people, this is a phase that they outgrow while for others, it can last a lifetime. The frequency of these emissions also varies from person to person. However, it can be frustrating as there is no rationale behind it and it can be embarrassing...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Nightfall or nocturnal emissions is a common problem among men. It affects men of all ages, however, men between the age of 18 to 30 are the most affected. Nightfall, also called swapnadosh in Ayurveda refers to involuntary ejaculation during the night or early morning hours. This discharge of semen during sleep is usually attributed to hormonal changes in the body. With the onset of puberty, hormonal changes along with sexual desires evoke stimulation and may lead to nightfall.
Apart f...more
Apart f...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Nightfall or night discharge is a condition when some men ejaculate in sleep usually in the early hours of the morning or late night. This problem usually worsens due to the weakness in muscles and nerves of the penis due to past bad history of excessive masturbation, thinning of semen viscosity, fluctuation in hormones and a full bladder.
Usually, men are able to hold the semen, but when in excess then it is eliminated in the form of nightfall or late night. This problem usually worse...more
Usually, men are able to hold the semen, but when in excess then it is eliminated in the form of nightfall or late night. This problem usually worse...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
नाइटफॉल या नाइट डिस्चार्ज एक ऐसी स्थिति है जब कुछ पुरुष आमतौर पर सुबह या देर रात के शुरुआती समय में नींद में स्खलन करते हैं. यह आमतौर पर अत्यधिक हस्तमैथुन के पिछले बुरे इतिहास, स्पर्म की चिपचिपाहट के पतले होने, हार्मोन में उतार-चढ़ाव और एक पूर्ण मूत्राशय के कारण लिंग की मांसपेशियों और नसों में कमजोरी के कारण गंभीर हो जाती है. आमतौर पर, पुरुष वीर्य को धारण करने में सक्षम होते हैं लेकिन जब यह अधिक हो जाता है तब यह स्वप्नदोष रूप में समाप्त होता है. अत्यधिक वीर्य प्रवाह और स्वप्नदोष के मामले में, एक...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Certain medical conditions can be embarrassing to be discussed with your closed ones and doctors. Sperm leakage is one of them, and if you are experiencing it, fret not; awareness about the problem will give you clarity on seeking treatment.
Read on to get an insight into the problem
Semen leakage is one of the most common issues that men face. There are many instances when sperm leakage becomes more likely, such as during urination, while using the toilet and when your sex drive is...more
Read on to get an insight into the problem
Semen leakage is one of the most common issues that men face. There are many instances when sperm leakage becomes more likely, such as during urination, while using the toilet and when your sex drive is...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
नाइटफॉल एक आम समस्या है जो ज्यादातर युवाओं के बीच आम है. यह एक तरह का मानसिक विकार है, जो रात को सोने के दौरान होता है. यह आमतौर पर कामुक सपने देखने के परिणामस्वरुप होता है. जब आप सुबह उठते है तो आप अपने अंडरवियर में गिला और चिपचिपा पदार्थ का अनुभव करते है जो कई बार शर्मिंदगी का कारण भी बनता है. किशोरों में नाइटफॉल होना एक सामान्य बात है. यदि आप महीने में दो या तीन बार नाइटफॉल का अनुभव करते है तो यह एक सामान्य घटना है. हालांकि, अगर आप इस समस्या को नियमित रूप से अनुभव करते है तो यह एक परेशानी का ...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
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