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Acute Pancreatitis Treatment: Cost and Side Effects

Last Updated: Nov 01, 2021

What is the Acute Pancreatitis Treatment?

The pancreas is as important part of the body that is in charge of regulating blood sugar through the production of insulin hormone. Needless, to say, any damage to this organ may lead to severe malfunction in the human body. One such condition is when the pancreas swells up, causing a disease known as acute pancreatitis or AP.

The first and foremost sign of AP is chronic pain in the upper abdominal region, which can also lead to back pain. In some cases, acute pancreatitis may lead to damage or malfunction of other organs as well.

AP can be caused either due to direct causes or for indirect reasons. Some direct causes include injury to the pancreas, autoimmune response to the pancreas, damage to the organ from a prior surgery and the presence of excessive fatty deposits exist in the body. However, indirect causes for acute pancreatitis include alcohol abuse, cystic fibrosis, Reye’s syndrome, Kawasaki disease and the ingestion of certain medications.

Smoking and drinking alcohol can greatly increase the chances of acute pancreatitis. Symptoms of the condition include pain in the abdomen region only minutes after eating and drinking. This pain may last for days at a time and this pain increases while lying down, when compared to sitting down.

What is end-stage pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, an important part of the digestive process. It includes different stages which have pain and loss of secretion of pancreatic enzymes as their complications. These are followed by an end-stage i.e pancreatic fibrosis, which involves loss of function of the pancreas leading to severe maldigestion and diabetes mellitus.

How is the Acute Pancreatitis Treatment done?

Acute pancreatitis can be diagnosed using a blood test. This test will reveal whether amylase and lipase are leaking out of the pancreas and into the blood stream. For further confirmation, doctors may also ask the patient to undergo an ultrasound, CT or MRI scan. These scans show any abnormalities of the pancreas, if this exists.

Once the disease is diagnosed, the patient will be hospitalized. Saline and fluids will be administered intravenously. Medications for the pain and the infection may also be prescribed. If these treatments do not solve the issue, doctors may advise surgical procedures to handle the condition. Such a surgery may be conducted in order to drain the fluid from the organ, repair tissue damage from injuries or open the blocked ducts.

Normally, a patient undergoes immense pain after the treatment for AP, regardless of whether the treatment involved medications only or surgery as well. Pain medications may be prescribed to deal with the discomfort post the treatment, so that recovery is faster.

Acute pancreatitis may be related to type 2 diabetes, as people suffering from the former often suffer from the latter condition as well.

Who is eligible for the treatment? (When is the treatment done?)

People who have been diagnosed with the condition will need to undergo treatment. However, the form of treatment may differ from one patient to the next. If the medications alone are sufficient to reduce the symptoms, other forms of treatment may never be required for that patient. However, if the disease remains unresponsive to medications, a surgery may be needed to rectify the treatment.


Who is not eligible for the treatment?

People who do not suffer from acute pancreatitis should not seek treatment for the disease. Even if the symptoms seem similar, it is recommended that you get checked out by the doctor immediately.

Are there any side effects?

Since painkillers are one of the main form of treatment for acute pancreatitis, patients need to be aware for side effects. Some common effects include nausea, rash, liver damage, stomach ulcers and even heartburn. In rare cases, the pain medications may also cause an allergic reaction.

Furthermore, after the surgery for AP, immense pain may be caused. This pain may subside after a few days, but if it does not, patients are required to visit their doctors and seek treatment for the same.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

Post the treatment, patients will need to manage the pain using medication prescribed by doctors. Apart from this, a proper diet is necessary to maintain proper health. Patients need to stay hydrated at all times. Electrolyte drinks are recommended at such a stage. Along with this, patients should completely stop drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. If these changes are not followed, AP may recur at a later point of time.

How should I sleep with pancreatitis pain?

The pain associated with pancreatitis may be severe and sometimes difficult to control. It may be of different nature such as abdominal or neuropathic. It becomes difficult to manage the pain during sleep. Various sleeping positions may help such as lying down in a foetal position and using V-shaped pillows or bed wedges for sleeping. Hot water bottles, heat pads, and hot water baths also aid in relieving the pain. Painkillers can also be taken under the consultation of doctors.

How long does it take to recover?

Recovery depends on the intensity of the symptoms and the kind of treatment used. For instance, in case of a non-surgical treatment, recovery may be speedier, but if the treatment involves a surgery, recovery rate will be much slower.

How long does it take for Acute Pancreatitis to go away?

Acute Pancreatitis is an abdominal disorder caused by the blockage of the pancreatic opening due to gallstones. It causes severe pain in the abdomen and usually takes a time of 1 to 2 weeks to get cured. Proper medications such as painkillers and adequate fluids are administered in the body by the means of IV infusion, followed by a relief in the pain and other symptoms. Intake of solid foods is to be avoided in this condition.

What is the price of the treatment in India?

Price of treatment may be anywhere between Rs. 500 and Rs. 10,000 in India. However, this rate may differ depending on other complications related to the treatment.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

Treatment effect is temporary and a person who has suffered from acute pancreatitis has a higher risk of undergoing the same disease in the future. If the patient does not follow the strict diet and lifestyle regulations, the condition may recur in the future as well. Drinking alcohol and smoking also increases the chances of a recurrence.

What foods should be avoided with pancreatitis?

Diet modification is an important part of the management of symptoms of pancreatitis. The foods that are preferred to eat in this condition should be protein-rich, low in fat content, and rich in antioxidants. Hence, the foods to be avoided include red meat, organ meats, fried food items, dairy products rich in fat, mayonnaise, butter, and products with added sugar such as beverages, pastries, etc.

Will drinking lots of water help pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is an abdominal disorder that may be acute or chronic. It can be cured by medications, but following some home remedies may also help in reducing the symptoms. The condition is favored by taking more and more fluids and avoiding solid foods so as to minimize the stress on the pancreas. Dehydration is also an important symptom that needs to be managed, hence drinking water helps a lot.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?

Acute pancreatitis can sometimes be controlled with the help of a healthy and balanced diet. Green vegetables, lean meat and certain fruits make up a diet that is both balanced and beneficial for the body of a person suffering from AP. Patients can also follow a 3 day liquid diet option, during which they should not consume any solid food material. Sugary items and foods rich with protein and fat should also be avoided for the duration of the 72 hours.

Can you treat Acute Pancreatitis at home?

The management of Acute Pancreatitis depends on the cause and severity of the disease. The basic treatment is to minimize the symptoms that can be possibly done at home. The first step is the elimination of causative factors such as drinking alcohol and the consumption of medicines responsible for the inflammation. Analgesics can be taken to relieve the pain. Diet modification plays a key role which involves intake of a low-fat diet and sufficient fluids. Foods in solid form should be avoided and fluids should be preferred.

Summary: Acute Pancreatitis is an abdominal disorder caused by the blockage of the pancreatic opening due to gallstones. It may be acute or chronic depending upon the symptoms shown. The treatment involves the elimination of causative factors such as drinking alcohol and the consumption of medicines responsible for the inflammation. Analgesics are preferred for pain. Diet modification plays a key role which involves intake of a low-fat diet and sufficient fluids. Foods in solid form should be avoided and fluids should be preferred.


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Written ByDr. Goma Bali Bajaj Diploma in geriatric,MBBS,MEM,Diploma In GeriatricGeneral Physician
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Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician
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