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Allergy Treatment: Procedure, Cost and Side Effects

Last Updated: Jan 20, 2025

What is the treatment?


How is the treatment done?

Allergies are basically a form of reaction to any foreign antibodies that might be present in your body. You might develop allergies even in the simplest of ways such as coming in contact of an affected person and your immune system fails to fight against these foreign antibodies. An allergic reaction is a result of an allergen that causes various symptoms of diseases. The common symptoms of allergies are rashes, itchiness, running nose etc. Many allergic reactions can occur through many foods as well. Some people might face difficulties in adjusting to the metabolism of that food which might also cause them allergic reactions. You may face allergic reactions from prawns, eggs etc. Some people are also allergic to domestic animals such as cats and dogs. Chronic allergic reactions might lead you to go into a shock and if not treated with anti allergic shots then you might even face death. Most allergies are inherited, a genetic impact is one of the main causes of allergic reactions that you might face. There are many forms of allergies such as skin allergy, nasal allergy (caused by dust mites), animal dander and many others. One of the most common forms of allergy is skin allergy which are caused due to various factors.

Who is eligible for the treatment? (When is the treatment done?)

Irritated skin are caused mainly due to immune disorders and some adverse reactions to various medications and infections as well. In this condition, an allergen triggers an immune system response which leads to an allergic reaction of the skin. Atopic dermatitis (Eczema) is one of the most common forms of skin allergies, this causes skin irritation, redness and are associated with asthma, hay fever etc. Sometimes coming in contact with the allergens can also cause you to develop skin allergies. If you come in contact with certain plants that have an oily coating, then it might cause you to develop an allergic reaction. Hives are also a form of skin allergy where parts of your skin get swollen, it can last for a long time if left untreated for a long time but they are not contagious. In order to pursue with the treatment first the medical expert goes through a range of tests such as skin prick tests, patch tests, blood tests etc. Through this test the allergens that are causing trouble are identified and the diagnosis procedure is then looked into. Common forms of treatment include anti allergy medications that help you to eliminate the symptoms that you face for allergic reactions. If you have an allergic reaction via food or animals then you might have a seizure which are prevented by injecting anti allergen shots that improve the immune system in your body and fights the allergens.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

If you face redness, itchiness and irritation on your skin and also have the feeling of scratching all over the affected areas then you are eligible for this treatment.


Are there any side effects?

Certain allergies can be developed as a side effect for some medications. For this scenario you might not be eligible for this course of treatment. However, there are no specific condition that an individual is not eligible for this course of treatment and you should consult with your medical expert before obtaining treatment to be on the safe side.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

The side effects for treating allergies are very rare. Some people who are prone to immune disorders then they might face certain side effects from the medications that they take. The doctor conducts tests to ensure that you also do not face any reactions via the course of the treatment. There is a fifty fifty chance whether you will face allergic reactions to the medications itself or not. If you face problems even after obtaining medication, then you should consult your medical expert now.

How long does it take to recover?

The allergic reactions last for a short period of time and the post treatment guidelines suggests that you should stay away from the things that cause you to have allergic reactions. It may be objects, foods, animals etc. You can be prone to many form of allergies by certain exposure such as dust allergies. In this case you should stay away from areas that cause you to have allergic reactions.

What is the price of the treatment in India?

The allergic reactions are very short in nature and can be cured within a short period of time with various ointments, anti allergic medications and anti allergic injections. You will be fit within a week if the allergic reactions that you face are taken into medical attention immediately.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

The medications for the allergic reactions range from Rs. 300 to Rs. 1,500 depending upon the severity of your condition. The medical anti allergic shots or injections range from Rs. 400 to Rs. 1,000.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?

The results of the treatment are subjective as for the time being the symptoms of the allergic reactions may have been eliminated but you might face problems if you are in contact with the object, animal, food that causes you the allergy.


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Written ByDr. Akhilesh Singh Post Graduate Course In Diabetology,CCEBDM(DIABETOLOGY) & CCMH ( CARDIOLOGY)General Physician
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Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician
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