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Angiography Tips
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
A brain computed tomography angiography (CTA) is a specialized neurologic CT scan, and it involves fast CT imaging while simultaneously injecting IV contrast into a vein in the arm. This procedure allows visualization of the specific vascular anatomy of the organs in the body. It can also be used to evaluate vessels or plan a surgery. Mostly it is used to identify a small aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation (abnormal communications between blood vessels) inside the brain.
A patient c...more
A patient c...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Age-related macular degeneration, also known in brief as AMD or ARMD is one of the most common age-related causes for vision loss. It causes blind spots in vision, causing difficulty in activities requiring central vision like reading, sewing, driving, watching TV, computer usage, etc.
How it happens?
The centre portion of the eye is known as retina which has a screen in the posterior portion. For proper vision, light falls on this screen and is then processed to enable visi...more
How it happens?
The centre portion of the eye is known as retina which has a screen in the posterior portion. For proper vision, light falls on this screen and is then processed to enable visi...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
What is Radial Angioplasty?
Angioplasty is a medical procedure done when you have coronary artery disease. A sticky deposit due to high cholesterol blocks the arteries so the blood flow is compromised. Angioplasty restores the blood flow in your heart.
How is it done?
A long, thin tube called a catheter is inserted into the vein or artery in the wrist and into the heart
You will be given anaesthesia around the punctured site so you would not feel a thing
Angioplasty is a medical procedure done when you have coronary artery disease. A sticky deposit due to high cholesterol blocks the arteries so the blood flow is compromised. Angioplasty restores the blood flow in your heart.
How is it done?
A long, thin tube called a catheter is inserted into the vein or artery in the wrist and into the heart
You will be given anaesthesia around the punctured site so you would not feel a thing
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more
Ayurvedic Doctor•Lakhimpur Kheri
एंजियोग्राफी, जिसे एंजियोग्राम के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, एक एक्स-रे परीक्षण है जो एक नस या धमनी के अंदर रक्त परिसंचरण की स्पष्ट तस्वीरें लेने के लिए एक कैमरे के साथ-साथ डाई का उपयोग करता है। यह प्रक्रिया छाती, पीठ, हाथ, सिर, पेट और पैरों की नसों या धमनियों के लिए की जा सकती है।
एंजियोग्राम में सबसे सामान्य पल्मोनरी एंजियोग्राम (छाती का), कोरोनरी एंजियोग्राम (दिल का), सेरेब्रल एंजियोग्राम (मस्तिष्क का), कैरोटिड एंजियोग्राम (गर्दन और सिर का), परिफेरल एंजियोग्राम (हाथ और पैरों का) और महा...more
एंजियोग्राम में सबसे सामान्य पल्मोनरी एंजियोग्राम (छाती का), कोरोनरी एंजियोग्राम (दिल का), सेरेब्रल एंजियोग्राम (मस्तिष्क का), कैरोटिड एंजियोग्राम (गर्दन और सिर का), परिफेरल एंजियोग्राम (हाथ और पैरों का) और महा...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more
Ayurvedic Doctor•Lakhimpur Kheri
Heart problems can be very dangerous and can even lead to death in some cases. Best cardiologist in Gurgaon are someone who specialises in diagnosing, preventing and treating any kind of heart problems or disorders. Cardiologist are specialised in subspecialties and can be classified as clinical cardiologists or cardiac surgeons. Clinical cardiologists can perform minimally invasive surgeries like pacemaker implantation and few others for effective management of heart problems. Few of the best c...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Cardiac problems are very scary and what is more scary is choosing the top cardiologist in Delhi. There are so many cardiologist in Delhi and there are so many type of cardiologist depending on their area of specialization. Clinical cardiologists, adult cardiologist, paediatric cardiologist.
There are few cardiologist who specialize in procedures like electrophysiology, echocardiography, and interventional procedures such as stent placement and balloon angioplasty. Cardiologist are spec...more
There are few cardiologist who specialize in procedures like electrophysiology, echocardiography, and interventional procedures such as stent placement and balloon angioplasty. Cardiologist are spec...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
Kidneys play an important metabolic role and are essential for balancing salt, minerals and water in the body. They also play a significant role in removing waste products from the body. They make urine, which contains all the waste materials that are eliminated from the body. They also play an important role in blood pressure regulation and in maintaining the balance of various minerals in the body. Any suspected kidney damage should be confirmed by a kidney biopsy, which will reveal the exact ...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
Sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food habits result in many lifestyle diseases, coronary heart diseases being one among them. One of the top 10 leading causes of death, heart attack might scare you, and it is necessary to know the facts to avoid risk factors and seek the best treatment.
The coronary arteries supply blood to your heart muscle. But at times, they can become blocked owing to the buildup of cholesterol and other substances known as plaque. It can reduce the flow of blood t...more
The coronary arteries supply blood to your heart muscle. But at times, they can become blocked owing to the buildup of cholesterol and other substances known as plaque. It can reduce the flow of blood t...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
PhD, Human Energy Fields, Diploma in more
Non-Invasive Conservative Cardiac Care Specialist•Pune
When a person suffers from the typical symptoms of heart weakness that includes breathlessness, weakness, sudden sweating, discomfort while doing minor exertions, chest pain, pain radiating along the arms, back, neck and shoulders and other symptoms, the Doctor will ask for investigations to study the heart.
The Heart is a muscular organ in the chest and like any other muscle in the body, it has its own unique blood vessel network that does the function of supplying nutrition to the hea...more
The Heart is a muscular organ in the chest and like any other muscle in the body, it has its own unique blood vessel network that does the function of supplying nutrition to the hea...more
Last Updated: 8 years ago• Featured Tip
The word Acute coronary syndrome refers to a group of symptoms that are caused by blockage of the blood flow to the heart muscles. The most common result of this is myocardial infarction or heart attack as it is popularly called. Reduced blood flow leads to death of some portion of the heart muscle wall. While the word heart attack sounds almost fatal, it need not be the case. Knowing how to identify an attack and being aware of some simple measures can help save lives.
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