Since many days same symptoms is there means. You should undergo detailed evaluation of your conditions do spirometry, basic blood test like cbc with aec, s. Ige and chest xray if needed do sputum tests and ct scan chest.
MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS, DNB ( more
If you're child has asthma don't deprive him of any respules or mdi pump infact he/ she should be given duolin respules twice or thrice a day with budecort respules twice a day once chest is better can shift to mdi / pump formoflo / budamate child one with lesser dose with spacer can be started.
Diploma in Nutrition and Health more
Dear lybrate-user, clonazepam is habit forming and over time it starts to lose its efficacy. Meaning, in the beginning, a 0.25 mg dose would put you to sleep, over a period of time, you will find difficulty sleeping at same dose. Now that you have completed 3 years with clonazepam, I would suggest you to try to find an alternative before stopping it. There are several herbal medicines available that help in sleep management. You may consult me for that. As for clonazepam + escitalopram combi...more
DM - Pulmonary Med. & Critical Care more
Hello lybrate-user! salbair and asthalin have similar action and both are used as needed in bronchial asthma. While asthalin contains salbutamol, salbair contains levosalbutamol. Levosalbutamol is a isomer of salbutamol with comparatively lesser side effect potential. Recent international guidelines don't support the preferred use of either salbutamol or levosalbutamol for asthma. Ideally a inhaled corticosteroid with a long acting bronchodilator combination should be used as...more
MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS, DNB ( more
You can't stop inhalers for adult or child if they have breathlessness asthma allergy etc. Do absolute eosinophil count do total serum ige and inform then continue nebulisers and mdi inhaler any doctor who says your child just has allergy or just bronchitis is doing a crime of not recognising your child's problems and diagnosis as asthma treat with mdi and continue for at least 5 years. Sometimes childhood asthma withers / goes away by 12 years of age and may come back in 40's.
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more
Ayurvedic Doctor•Zirakpur
You must introduce our herbal breathe care kit besides your usual med. Once the effects come in few weeks, you ll withdraw drugs (your doctor will/ may withdraw) but herbs will continue. See betterment in few months. Pl talk by booking call so that category of asthma may be decided.
MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS, DNB ( more
The technique of using mdi or pump is not correct probably you can use a spacer with mdi inhaler foracort twice mrng puffs and twice night puffs followed by gargles asthalin pump can be used 2-2-2 or sos when required nebulisation can be done with lupi neb kit which prevents wastage of nebs / medication any other doubts contact via Lybrate call for further assistance.
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