Ayurvedic View Of Hemanta And Sisira Rtus (Winter)!
Hemanta And Sisira Rtus (Winter)
Nature of the season - Sita, snigdha, agneya.
Hemanta And Sisira Rtus (Winter)
1)Healthy people will be more healthy.
2)The digestive power will be strong.
3)The nights are long. So, the person will get appetite in early morning.
4)Eat sweet. sour, oily foods, meat, wheat, milk, ghee, black gram, etc.,
5)Do oil massage and massage with powders.
6)Do strong exercise and use cosmetic pastes made of musk and saffron, HONEY KWSHAR CREAM, ALMOND CREAM.
7) Induce perspiration with warm cloths and live in warm place. '
8)Exposure to sun light is good. Sexual contact is advised.
9)Avoid excess sleep.
10) DO Ayurvedic DHUPAN in home.
Common DISEASES in this season
1)Cold, allergies
2)Respiratory problems like asthma, fever
4)Skin diseases
5)Feeling of heaviness