Last Updated: Nov 12, 2022
According to medical statistics about 25% of the population of the world suffer from the condition of bad breath or oral halitosis. Bad breath can be a cause of distress and embarrassment to many as it can gravely hamper their personal or sexual life. Bad breath is commonly caused due to unhygienic oral conditions. Other factors that give rise to bad breath are smoking, dryness of mouth, taking drugs, alcohol consumption and drinking too much caffeine. Children often suffer from halitosis due incorrect and almost no brushing and food particles that continue to remain stuck within the nasal cavity.
Other not so common yet highly plausible reasons for bad breath are crash diets that lead to the build-up of ketones, obstruction with the bowel movement, ketoacidosis and aspiration pneumonia. Aside from tooth decay and gum disease, bad breath is the third reason why more and more people feel the need to visit a dentist. It has been found that about one out of every four people suffer from bad breath every day. Very simple home remedies to rectify the problem of bad breath are regular brushing, drinking sufficient quantity of fluids and flossing. Certain lifestyle tweaking such as quitting smoking also eliminate the problem of bad breath to a great extent.
Sometimes bad breath can be a side effect of another disease such as cancer or liver or kidney disorders, or because of nasal, mouth and throat issues. The most common sign of halitosis is a foul stench originating from the mouth which refuses to go away.
When you first visit the dentist, as a first step towards your treatment, the dentist will try to rate the extent of your condition on a scale of six-point intensity. In order to do this, he/she will scrape the back of the tongue and analyse the scrapings in order to assess the seriousness of the situation. There are a few detectors that can rate the intensity of the odour. These include halimeter, Beta-galactosidase test, BANA test and gas chromatography.
The doctor will likely prescribe you to visit the dentist at least two times in a year. He or she will also ask you to switch to a toothpaste or mouthwash that is imbued with antibacterial properties, if you haven’t already.
In case of presence of gum disorder such as an infection it might be better to seek the help of your dentist in order to remove the build-up of bacterial growth in the region between the gums and your teeth.
if the supervising dentist diagnoses a gum infection, then you may be asked to visit a periodontist or gum specialist. A gum disease will cause your gums to move away from the teeth. This will cause deep pockets to form in the mouth which will get filled with bacteria instead. These bacteria cause gum odour resultantly.
Anyone who is suffering from extreme bad breath or tooth decay or gum diseases or any other disease that may be causing the bad breath as a side effect is eligible for the treatment.
The post-treatment guidelines of bad breath include using a toothpaste or mouthwash enriched with anti-bacterial properties, brushing regularly, at least twice a day; after waking up in the morning and before going to bed. Also, follow up your condition by making it a point to visit your dentist at least twice a year. Also, change your toothbrush every two to three months. When you change your brush, ensure to buy ones with a soft bristle as the other kinds may cause gum bleeding in case of harsh brushing. Prevent your mouth from becoming dry by keeping yourself hydrated and in taking lots of fluids throughout the day. In case you do not have access to water, chew a gum or suck on a sweet in order to stimulate the saliva manufacture.
The cost of antibacterial toothpastes can range from rupees forty to rupees seven hundred. The cost of anti-bacterial mouthwash ranges from about rupees forty to two-fifty. And the cost of good quality brushes can range from about eighty to about five hundred. Also, there are some electronic toothbrushes in the market that can cost as high as seven thousand rupees.
If the post-treatment guidelines are strictly adhered to, then the results of the treatment could prove to be permanent in the long run.
Other alternatives to the treatment include lifestyle and home remedies brushing after every meal (if possible), flossing, cleaning the dentures is a must, brush the tongue because often the food particles and dead cells ted to gather and accumulate on the topmost layer of the tongue. In this case using a tongue scraper greatly helps.
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