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Bruise Tips
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Boil, also known as a skin abscess, is a painful and unsightly condition that affects people of all ages. It is caused by a bacterial infection in a hair follicle or oil gland, leading to the formation of a painful, red bump filled with pus. Boils can be especially debilitating, as they can cause intense pain and discomfort, making it difficult to carry out everyday activities.
People with weakened immune systems, poor hygiene, and those who live in crowd...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
When there is swelling of one or two kidneys in the body. Inside kidney urine gets collected due to blockage of tubes. Urine stores inside when urine tubes block due to anatomical defect or stones get stuck inside. This can cause infection inside the kidney. The filtered water from the kidney is stopped by it and this whole swelling of the kidney is called hydronephrosis.
At any age this swelling called hydronephrosis can happen. Hydronephrosis is diagnosed when a ch...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
General Physician•Sonipat
When there is freezing of skin due to the environment, there is injury, due to freezing, of the skin and the underlying tissues is called frostbite. There are stages of frostbite. Earliest stage is known as frostnip in which there is no permanent damage to tissue and layers of skin. ;
There are few symptoms like cold skin and itching feeling. After sometime symptoms are followed by numbness to inflammation and discoloration of skin. At late stage of frostbite the sym...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
What are eyelid problems?
Eyelid problems are a group of disorders that affect any part of the eyelid, such as the lid itself, the tear ducts, the lashes or the eyebrows. These problems can range from minor irritations to serious medical conditions.
Blepharitis: it is one of the most common eyelid problems. It occurs when bacteria on the eyelid causes inflammation and irritation. ;
Other common eyelid problems include ptosis (droopy lids), entropion (inversi...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
गर्भावस्था शुरू होने के साथ ही महिलाओं के शरीर में कई तरह के परिवर्तन होने शुरू हो जाते हैं जो बच्चे के जन्म के बाद तक जारी रहते हैं। इस दौरान महिलाओं को कई तरह की समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। ऐसी ही एक समस्या है ब्रेस्ट इंगोर्जमेंट, जिसका सामना महिलाओं को बच्चे के जन्म के बाद करना पड़ता है। तो चलिए आज हम महिलाओं की इस समस्या पर विस्तार के चर्चा करते हैं। साथ ही इसके होने के कारण और बचाव के बारे में भी बताएंगे। इसके इसके पहले यह जान लेने हैं कि ब्रेस्ट इंगोर्जमेंट है क्या।
क्या है ब्र...more
क्या है ब्र...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Breast engorgement is a common yet painful condition among breastfeeding mothers, characterized by swollen, hard and tender breasts due to an excessive amount of milk. ;
It can occur at any point during breastfeeding, and if left untreated, can lead to various complications such as clogged ducts and infections. In this article, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, and effective ways of managing and preventing breast engorgement.
The milk rush:...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Edema, or swelling in the legs, can be a real pain quite literally. It hits you when there is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the interstitial spaces of your body, which are the tissues between your cells. This can happen for a variety of reasons, most often related to being pregnant, taking certain medications, being immobile for prolonged periods of time, or having certain health conditions such as congestive heart failure or liver disease.
There are mainly a ...more
181 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Heavy bleeding or menorrhagia is a condition that is characterized by an abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding that requires a woman to change her sanitary pads every one to two hours during her menstruation cycle. Due to the condition a woman can lose a lot of blood in the form of huge blood clots, resulting in anemia, fatigue, weakness, breathlessness, mood swing and other health problems if continued for a longer period of time. ;
Menorrhagia can be a ...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Burning feet is a very common condition that your grandparents or your parents complain a lot about and you should not be ignorant about this condition of burning feet. A lot of people may think that this problem is completely harmless but you should be attentive towards this problem as its occurrence could be possible because of an underlying medical condition.
This syndrome of burning feet is also referred to as Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome and apart from this condition being a common pr...more
This syndrome of burning feet is also referred to as Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome and apart from this condition being a common pr...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
There is a virus, human papillomavirus (hpv), that infect humans which causes a type of skin infection called warts. This infection to skin causes it to form skin-color bumps which may be hard and rough. This infection can be transferred by touching the person who has it because it is contagious. Feet, hands, thigh, genitals, neck are the places of occurrence of these warts. These warts are non cancerous but grow like cancerous mass of skin. A cut or break in skin can be the ...more
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