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Calf Strains Tips

Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
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Ayurvedic Doctor•Lakhimpur Kheri
पिंडली दर्द हमें कभी भी परेशान कर सकता है. जाहिर है शरीर में कहीं भी होने वाला दर्द हमारा सुख-चैन छीन ही लेता है. चलते-चलते पैरों में दर्द होना, रात को सोते समय पिंडलियों में ऐंठन होना आपके लिए बहुत दुखदायी होता है, कुछ बातों का खयाल रखकर इसके दर्द को दूर किया जा सकता है. आजकल की व्यस्त और भाग-दौड़ भरी दिनचर्या में मांसपेशियों में खिंचाव होना एक आम समस् या है, इसके कारण पैरों में और पिडंलियों में दर्द होता है. पैरों और पिंडलियों में दर्द की समस् या रात के वक् त अधिक होती है. यह समस् या उन लोगों ...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
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Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more

Ayurvedic Doctor•Jajpur

Edema, or swelling in the legs, can be a real pain quite literally. It hits you when there is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the interstitial spaces of your body, which are the tissues between your cells. This can happen for a variety of reasons, most often related to being pregnant, taking certain medications, being immobile for prolonged periods of time, or having certain health conditions such as congestive heart failure or liver disease.

There are mainly a ...more
181 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
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Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more

Ayurvedic Doctor•Delhi
Burning feet is a very common condition that your grandparents or your parents complain a lot about and you should not be ignorant about this condition of burning feet. A lot of people may think that this problem is completely harmless but you should be attentive towards this problem as its occurrence could be possible because of an underlying medical condition.

This syndrome of burning feet is also referred to as Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome and apart from this condition being a common pr...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
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Orthopedic Doctor•Delhi

Dr. Rakesh kumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-rakesh-kumar-orthopedist-2

Ms - orthopaedics, mbbs

22 years experience 500 - 650 at clinic 500 online


Dr. Rakesh kumar mbbs and m. Ch is an orthopedic doctor with 22 years of experience in the field. He has worked at anuraksha specialised orthopaedic clinic for the last 12 years and has been treating patients with knee pain, joint stiffness...more
373 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
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MBBS, MS - General Surgery

General Surgeon•

1. Dr. Rahul n. S

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-rahul-n-s-general-surgeon

Mbbs, Ms. - general surgery, mch - vascular surgery, f. V. E. S

Vascular surgeon, bangalore

19 years experience 500 - 900 at clinic


He is a well-known physician who has treated many patients with complicated arterial and venous diseases as a vascular surgeon as well as a foot and ankle surgeon who is also a specialist in vascul...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
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Orthopedic Doctor•

घुटना हमारे शरीर के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण जोड़ों में से एक है।इसमें तीन मुख्य हड्डियां जुड़ती हैं: फीमर, या जांघ की हड्डी; टिबिया, या पिंडली की हड्डी; और पटेला, या घुटने की कटोरी।एंटीरियर क्रूसिएट लिगामेंट (एसीएल) घुटने के केंद्र में होता है और पैर के रोटेशन और टिबिया के आगे की गति को सीमित करता है। एसीएल अक्सर अचानक पैर के मुड़ने से घायल हो जाता है। आप जिस दिशा में जा रहे हैं अगर तुरंत उसे बदलकर दूसरी दिशा में घूम जाते है तो आप अपने एसीएल को घायल कर सकते हैं। दौड़ते समय अचानक रुक ...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
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Orthopedic Doctor•Pune
घुटना शरीर के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण जोड़ों में से एक है। यह आपके शरीर का पूरा भार उठाता है। इसी के सहारे आपकी दिनभर की गतिविधियां जैसे बैठना, चलना, और दौड़ना संभव हो पाती है।इसीलिए जब आपका वज़न बढ़ता है तो घुटनों में दर्द की शिकायत भी बढ़ती है। पहले घुटनों के दर्द की समस्या अधेड़ उम्र में शुरु होती थी पर अब युवा और बच्चे भी इससे अछूते नहीं हैं। क्योंकि घुटनों के दर्द के पीछे अब कोई विशेष आयु नहीं बल्कि आपका अस्वस्थ्य लाइफस्टाइल भी ज़िम्मेदार है।आज हम आपको घुटनों की समस्या से उबरने और उन्हें मज़बूत कर...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
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B.P.T, M.P.T, Fellowship In Cardiac more

People have a common perception that most injuries, medical conditions only affect those who spend several hours working outdoors. But what if we tell you that people who stay indoors- such as homemakers - are also susceptible to numerous health problems?

There s a saying: Home is where the heart is. But for countless homemakers, home is the place where hurt is! Scores of Indian homemakers encounter various injuries every year while engaging in household chores like cleaning and wash...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
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MBBS, D (ORTHO), DNB (Orthopedics), MCH more

Orthopedic Doctor•Delhi
The shin is the frontal part of the lower leg and runs from slightly below the knee almost all the way to the foot. This area takes a lot of stress during movements such as walking and running and most forms of exercises of the lower body. Any other form of movement where the weight of the upper body has to be transferred to the feet also involves the shin. Thus repeated stresses may sometimes take their toll resulting in shin splints which can be quite painful.

What exactly are shin sp...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
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MS - General Surgery

Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon•Bathinda
Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged superficial veins that typically appear in the feet and legs.
For many people, the condition is simply a cosmetic concern while for others varicose veins include symptoms like swelling, discomfort and aching.

What Causes Varicose Veins?
Doctors believe that damaged or weak valves may cause varicose veins. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from your heart to other parts of the body and the veins send it back to your heart for recirculation. The ...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
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MBBS, Diploma in Orthopaedics, DNB - more

Orthopedic Doctor•Mumbai
Heel bone spur is a form of calcium deposit that causes a bony protrusion under the heel bone. An X-ray can reveal up to a half inch elongation under the hill. Without an image report, this condition is commonly known as heel spur syndrome. Heel spurs are mostly painless but reports of pain is not uncommon. They are often related to plantar fasciitis. The latter is an inflammation of the connective tissue that stretches through the foot bottom connecting the heel bone and the football.

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