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Chickenpox Tips
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
General Physician•Bareilly
चिकनपॉक्स एक आम और अत्यधिक फैलने वाला वायरल संक्रमण है।भारत में इसे चेचक और माता के नाम भी जाना जाता है। हालांकि इस बीमारी को लेकर कई भ्रांतियां समाज में फैली हुई हैं पर समय के साथ लोग इस बीमारी से लड़ने के सही तरीके प्रयोग में ला रहे हैं। इस बीमारी में खुजली और फ्लू जैसे लक्षण नज़र आते हैं। बचपन में चिकन पॉक्स से लड़ने के लिए वैक्सीन ज़रूर दी जाती है पर बावजूद इसके कई बार ये संक्रमण उन्हें अपनी चपेट में ले ही लेता है। ऐसा नहीं कि ये सिर्फ बच्चों तक ही सीमित है, कई बार बड़े भ...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Chicken Pox is an extremely infectious viral disease that leads to itchy blister-like formations (rashes) on the skin. It can also be accompanied by mild fever and a general loss of appetite. The pathogen responsible for this disease is the Varicella-Zoster virus. It usually affects children under the age of 15, but it can affect an adult too and in such a case, the symptoms are usually more severe. Vaccination is generally recommended in order to prevent the occurrence of this disease.
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Virus, the bad ones, in particular, can have serious effects on the body, which a person would not like to have, in any case. This is surely true when the case of herpes zoster is being talked about. This form of herpes is commonly known as shingles. But what if there was a proper solution to this issue? When a person has blisters forming and causing a rash in a limited area, shingles is likely to be the cause of the same.
What is interesting to know too many people is the fact that the...more
What is interesting to know too many people is the fact that the...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Chicken Pox is an extremely infectious viral disease that leads to itchy blister-like formations (rashes) on the skin. It can also be accompanied by mild fever and a general loss of appetite. The pathogen responsible for this disease is the Varicella-Zoster virus. It usually affects children under the age of 15, but it can affect an adult too and in such a case, the symptoms are usually more severe. Vaccination is generally recommended in order to prevent the occurrence of this disease.
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
One of the most pervasively contagious diseases known to affect our lives, chickenpox affects almost every 9 out of 10 children. Even adults suffer from this disease occasionally. Caused by a special breed of the herpes virus, chickenpox manifests itself on the infected person in the form of reddish blisters all over the body. Moderate fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness are some of the most common symptoms of chickenpox. A general feeling of malaise prevails in the course of the disease....more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Exanthematous illness is a typical event in youth. Despite the fact that it will probably happen at a youthful age, it can still happen even in adulthood. These exanthematous issues like chicken pox create rashes that tingle and are regularly joined by fever. Chickenpox is additionally one such malady.
What is chickenpox?
Chickenpox is a viral disease that causes rash throughout the body. Chickenpox is extremely infectious. This implies it spreads quick starting with one individual ...more
What is chickenpox?
Chickenpox is a viral disease that causes rash throughout the body. Chickenpox is extremely infectious. This implies it spreads quick starting with one individual ...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
चिकन पॉक्स को चेचक या छोटी माता के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. यह एक वायरल बिमारी है जो एक व्यक्ति से दुसरे व्यक्ति में फैलता है. यह वरिसोला ज़ोस्टर नामक वायरस के इन्फेक्शन से होता है. यह रोग हवा के माध्यम से या लार, कफ और संक्रमित व्यक्ति के दानों से निकलने वाले फ्लूइड के संपर्क में आने से फैलता है. जब तक चेचक के दाने सूख नहीं जाते है तब तक संक्रमित व्यक्ति द्वारा इन्फेक्शन फ़ैल सकता है. आमतौर पर वायरस के काॅंटेक्ट में आने के बाद लक्षणों को विकसित होने में लगभग 10-21 दिन लगते हैं. चेचक के प्रमुख लक्...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Chickenpox or varicella is a type of viral infection that causes itchy rashes accompanied by tiny fluid-filled blisters. It is highly communicable to those who have not experienced this disease earlier or have not been immunized against it through vaccination.
The vaccine against chicken pox is a shot protecting anyone, who has already contracted the disease. It is known as the varicella vaccine since chicken pox is triggered by the virus called varicella-zoster. The vaccine is prepare...more
The vaccine against chicken pox is a shot protecting anyone, who has already contracted the disease. It is known as the varicella vaccine since chicken pox is triggered by the virus called varicella-zoster. The vaccine is prepare...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more
Ayurvedic Doctor•Lakhimpur Kheri
चिकेन पॉक्स एक समय में महामारी के रूप में जाना जाता था. लेकिन अब तो इसका शत-प्रतिशत इलाज उपलब्ध है. ये वेरिसेला-ज़ोस्टर वायरस के कारण होने वाली एक संक्रामक बीमारी है. इससे बीमारी से आपके त्वचा पर छाले या फफोले जैसे रैशेस, थकान, खुजली और बुखार होता है. यह रैशेज़ सबसे पहले पीठ, पेट और चेहरे पर पहले दिखाई देता है और फिर पूरे शरीर में फैल जाता है. चिकेन पॉक्स ज्यादातर बच्चों, वयस्कों और कमजोर प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली वाले लोगों में फैल सकता है. चिकेन पॉक्स से खुद को बचाने का सबसे बेहतर विकल्प चिकेन पॉक्स व...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
The cold days are here again, which means it is time to get those warm woollen clothes and jackets out of your closet. Winters are generally dry lack of moisture in the air allows various illness-causing bacteria and virus to thrive. And if your immune system is weak, your body becomes vulnerable.
Here are some of the most common ailments that follow in winter-
Cold and flu - A viral infection of the throat and nose
A sore throat - Pain and itchiness in the throat tha...more
Here are some of the most common ailments that follow in winter-
Cold and flu - A viral infection of the throat and nose
A sore throat - Pain and itchiness in the throat tha...more
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