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Deep Brain Stimulation Tips
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
One of the common ailments in elderly people is Parkinson s. A progressive disorder, when left untreated, results in worsening of the symptoms. Hence, it is essential to understand the treatment options available to manage the condition effectively. You may be suggested surgical therapies if medication is not effective enough to treat the symptoms.
Surgical treatment options can be beneficial for patients who are suffering from symptoms, but they do not help with treating the disease. I...more
Surgical treatment options can be beneficial for patients who are suffering from symptoms, but they do not help with treating the disease. I...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
Brain Surgery for treating Parkinson's diease is called Deep Brain Stimulation, or DBS.
If your symptoms are well controlled with medications, no doctor in their right mind would recommend you to have surgery. But in a few patients, medications no longer is pushed into a very particular part of the produce adequate improvement. Either the improvement lasts for a very short time, or the medication produces such dramatic dyskinesias that giving an adequate dose is impossible. Approximatel...more
If your symptoms are well controlled with medications, no doctor in their right mind would recommend you to have surgery. But in a few patients, medications no longer is pushed into a very particular part of the produce adequate improvement. Either the improvement lasts for a very short time, or the medication produces such dramatic dyskinesias that giving an adequate dose is impossible. Approximatel...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
शरीर में रक्त सभी कोशिकाओं को ऑक्सीजन पहुंचाता है। जब आप सांस लेते हैं और अपने फेफड़ों में ताजी ऑक्सीजन खींचते हैं, तो लाल रक्त कोशिकाएं ऑक्सीजन के साथ बंध जाती हैं और इसे रक्तप्रवाह में ले जाती हैं। कोरोना महामारी के बाद अब ज्यादातर लोग यह जान गए हैं कि अपने रक्त में ऑक्सीजन लेवल को स्वाभाविक रूप से बढ़ाया जा सकता है। इसके साथ ही आप अपने रक्त में ऑक्सीजन स्तर को बनाए रखने के लिए भी अपने डॉक्टर के साथ विभिन्न तरीकों पर चर्चा कर सकते हैं।
शरीर में ऑक्सीजन लेवल का बने रहना इसलिए जरुरी है ...more
शरीर में ऑक्सीजन लेवल का बने रहना इसलिए जरुरी है ...more
58 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
If you have been diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma or are in the" watch and wait" phase, it is very important for you to understand and know (in detail) about the treatment options available to you. Learning more about your condition (acoustic neuroma) and available treatment options will allow you to have more informed conversations with your doctor. These conversations will further help you play a more active role in your care, regardless of whether you and your doctor dec...more
1545 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
When there is pediatric streptococcal infection to children or adults, there is onset or aid in a neuropsychiatric disorder or condition called pandas (autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcus infections). Pans (pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome) is an umbrella under which pandas come as a subtype. Pans have many triggers and associated causes due to which different problems occur in the body. In pandas main symptoms are: ocd (obsessiv...more
673 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
1. Dr. Ashutosh sharma
Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-ashutosh-sharma-ayurveda ;
Bachelor of ayurveda, medicine and surgery (bams)
19 years experience 200 at clinic 350 online
He is a well respected physician having a number of patients treated with complex issues. He has earned his prestigious education and clinical expertise as an ayurvedic doctor. He has massive experience as an orthopedist. He has obtained b...more
204 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Top 10 doctors for varicose veins in hyderabad
1. Dr. Rajeshwar kamineni
Https://www. Lybrate. Com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-rajeshwar-kamineni-general-surgeon-1 ;
22 years experience free at clinic
He is a well-respected physician having a number of patients treated with complex cases. He has earned his prestigious education and clinical expertise. He obtained mbbs from sri siddhartha medical college in 2000.
He has wo...more
406 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Dr. Girish Gadre
MBBS, DM - Neurology
21 Years Experience 500 - 600 at clinic
As a neurologist and a general physician who specialises in medicine, he has made a name for himself via the work that he has done. He obtained his MBBS from Maulana Azad Medical College in 2001, and he received his DM in Neurology from NIMHANS Bangalore in 2007. Both degrees are in the field of medicine.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Girish Gadre has been practicing in the Malleswaram neighborhood of Bang...more
MBBS, DM - Neurology
21 Years Experience 500 - 600 at clinic
As a neurologist and a general physician who specialises in medicine, he has made a name for himself via the work that he has done. He obtained his MBBS from Maulana Azad Medical College in 2001, and he received his DM in Neurology from NIMHANS Bangalore in 2007. Both degrees are in the field of medicine.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Girish Gadre has been practicing in the Malleswaram neighborhood of Bang...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
मोटापे की समस्या को इन दिनो महामारी कहा जाय तो अतिशयोक्ति नहीं होगी। जीवनशैली में शारीरिक सक्रियता की कमी, खाने का अनियमित समय, दिन भर कुर्सी पर बैठ कर काम करना, असमय खाना पीना, अनियमित दिनचर्या और वर्किंग आवर्स ने मोटापे को महामारी का रुप दे दिया है। मोटापे से निजात पाने के लिए डाइट से लेकर जिम तक हर कोई कोशिश कर रहा है। लोग सफल भी हो रहे हैं। पर क्या हमने सोचा कि वजन घटाने की हमारी कोशिश से हमारे शरीर और दिमाग पर क्या असर होता है। आइए जानते हैं वजन घटाने पर हमारे शरीर और खासकर दिमाग पर क्या अस...more
1209 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Speech Therapist•Gurgaon
There are various neurodegenerative disorders and Huntington Disease is one of them. It is characterized by loss of thinking ability, chorea or uncontrolled writhing and jerking movements, and psychiatric difficulties.
Nerve cells in the brain are impaired in this disease. This leads to loss of coordination and involuntary movements. As the disease progresses, patients slowly fail to control their throat and mouth muscles and simple tasks like eating, swallowing, and speaking becomes c...more
Nerve cells in the brain are impaired in this disease. This leads to loss of coordination and involuntary movements. As the disease progresses, patients slowly fail to control their throat and mouth muscles and simple tasks like eating, swallowing, and speaking becomes c...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Fellowship in Special Education, more
Neurodevelopmental disorders refer to any impairment and disorder of the brain and nervous system growth and development. Disorder in the brain and nervous system can affect the emotional, physiological, psychological ability and overall timely development of a child. With advanced technology and continuous study in the medical field, one can now assess the neurodevelopment of his/her children. Neurodevelopmental Assessment concentrates on the overall growth and development of a child including ...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Study of the brain has fascinated specialists all over the globe since time immemorial. The brain being the most vital organ for survival and coordination is perhaps the most complex of them all too. This has led to a limited understanding of its working in spite of the available advanced technology. However, with the advent of techniques for diagnosis and treatment, therapeutic strategies are evolving. This is a major step towards rendering Neurosurgery safer than ever in the history of mankind...more
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