Here are type,symptoms,cause and treatments of Diabetes
Hi Lybtateres, this Ravi Kumar Muppidi (Endocrinologist). Today I am enlightning you about diabetes.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes means high blood sugar above normal blood sugar. Right now 7 crores people are suffering with diabetes and another 7 crores will become diabetic in a few months or few years. Diabetes are of two varieties Type 1, type 2 and other varieties. Type 1 is when body is fully deficient of insulin and need daily insulin injections to control their blood sugars. So Type 2 is the common variety, most people will suffer with type 2 diabetes. Why this type 2 diabetes is very high in India because of their lifestyle. We have to focus on this lifestyle. We have to keep moving and maintain an ideal weight. The thing is if you maintain an ideal weight for your height then this diabetes wont occurs as common. Daily ten thousands steps you have to walk otherwise your heart rate should be above 130 per minute for 20 minutes a day then that is called exercise so daily exercise and maintaining weight through diet is important so you need to concentrate on diet restrictions, whatever necessary the amount you have to eat. You got diabetes don’t worry you need to maintain diet, exercise and medication. Medication also very important once you have got diagnose with diabetes you have to take tablets. Type 2 diabetic’s patients they need to be aware of diabetes and their blood sugar levels; they need to monitors their blood sugar levels weekly once at least. The blood sugar should below 130 before food and below 180 after food ok.
How to know if you are diabetic?
If you feel thirsty and if you are drinking lot of water then check your blood sugars, So other complaints of a diabetic are not only excess thirst also excessive urine one or two times in the night, three or four times in the night and excess appetite. You eat a lot of food and still you will be hungry ok. You your weight is overweight and your age is above 30, it’s the right time to check blood sugars. So the next thing is complications. This high blood sugar can affect your eyes causing retinopathy and even nerves causing diabetic neuropathy and kidney causing nephropathy and these heart problems are very common in diabetic people, strokes and other are common in diabetic people. Infections are also more common in diabetic people. So these are the complications of diabetes. Coming to prevention, how can we prevent has tony before lifestyle. So you have to walk at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. Then you have maintain ideal weight, so if your height is 160 cms you should not be more than 60 kgs, if you height is 170 cms you should not be more than 70 kgs. So like this you have maintain your ideal weight and if you got diabetes’s you need to start medicines along with lifestyle modifications.
If you got diabetes you have consult your doctor either endocrinologist or physician or diabetologist. You can contact me through Lybrate.