Diabetes And Its Treatment
I am Dr. Swapnil Chaudhari, Ayurveda, Swapnadeep Ayurveda. We do special care for diabetes. We need to know the background of diabetes. Before, this problem was considered as urinary tract disease. We took blood sugar to diagnose diabetes. It is a metabolic disorder which is caused by lifestyle disorders. It happens because of wrong food habits and unhealthy lifestyle. If you can live a healthy life then diabetes will not come into your life. And if it comes then it is a slow poison.
Follow a good and healthy lifestyle. In ayurvedic treatment, we tell the patient that what he has to do from the beginning of the day. Early sleep is very important. If you will follow the healthy lifestyle than no disease will affect you. Follow your healthy routine. We monitor you by doing certain tests at our clinic. We have a good number of patients. Since 15 years we are maintaining the health of the patients. We are specialised in panchakarma treatment. For neuropathy and retinopathy we give the treatment. We use the reversal kind of treatment. Stress is the biggest factor for any disease. We help the patient to do yoga and meditation. So, be a part of diabetes free world.
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