Diabetes - Ayurvedic Treatment For It!
Diabetes is often called the silent killer. This is because you would not even know when it sneaks up on you. It may not have any symptoms initially but once you have it, you would need lifelong administration of drugs. Diabetes or diabetes mellitus, is a metabolic disease in which sugar does not get metabolized properly in the body. This means that the blood sugar levels continue to be high, threatening the normal functioning of the body.
Types of Diabetes
There are three types of diabetes. These are:
Type 1 Diabetes: this is a condition in which in which the body does not produce insulin at all. Patients suffering from this condition may need to take insulin supplements for the rest of their life, in order to properly metabolize sugar in the body. This is a very rare, genetic condition.
Type 2 Diabetes: this is a condition in which the insulin product is impaired and there is not enough insulin in the body for metabolizing sugars properly. This leads to high blood sugar and eventually, the symptoms of diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes: This is an affliction of pregnant women. Some women’s bodies may not be able to produce enough insulin at the time of pregnancy and therefore they have excess sugar in their blood stream. Gestational diabetes may be harmful for both the mother and the baby.
Diabetes Treatment in Ayurveda
For Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes, the first step is usually dietary planning and lifestyle change. Adopting a more active lifestyle, and a healthy, balanced diet low on sugars and starches, is a must. You must begin by avoiding sugars in all forms. This means you will have to get rid of rice, potatoes, white bread, sugar coated cereals, bananas, colocasia and much more. Add a lot of green leafy vegetables to your diet to improve your nutritional status and metabolism. In addition to these, also add some herbs to your diet. Ayurvedic herbs that act as natural medicine for diabetes include turmeric, bitter gourd, gurmar leaves, bael, fenugreek and many more.
Apart from diabetes Ayurvedic treatment, you could also practice yoga, which can help you improve your health. Several yogic asanas help massage your internal organs so that they are healthier and can function much better. Some of the asanas are especially beneficial for the pancreas, which produce insulin. You may have to make some changes to your lifestyle as well. For starters, you will have to maintain a more active lifestyle. You will also have to avoid sleeping in the daytime. Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol and take extra care of your feet.
Here are a few home remedies that may help cure diabetes naturally:
1. Juice of Bitter Gourd:
You may consume 30ml of fresh juice of Karela/ bitter melon every day early in the morning. You can also mix it with other things to make simple recipes and consume it.
How to prepare:
Separate the seeds and mix the fruit in the mixer. Add a little bit of water and mix it in the blender. Use a sieve to obtain the juice.
Small and thin pieces of the bitter gourd are cut. Fry them with some mustard oil and the required quantity of salt. Add green chillies and onions to the pan and heat the mixture for 10-15 minutes.
2. Aloe Vera and Ground bay leaf:
The mixture of aloe vera gel (1 tbsp), ground bay leaf (1/2 tsp), and turmeric (1/2 tsp) is recommended to be taken twice a day before lunch and dinner for effective hyperglycaemic control.
3. Methi Seeds:
Methi seeds, also known as Fenugreek seeds, when taken by itself or in combination with other Ayurvedic herbs, can act as an effective remedy to lower the symptoms of diabetes.
How to prepare:
Grind a few Methi seeds and turmeric together and take it with a glass of milk at least twice a day.
Soak fenugreek seeds in warm water overnight followed by chewing it in the morning.
Soak 4tbsp of fenugreek seeds in about 300ml of water overnight and chew it the following morning.
Prepare chapattis with fenugreek seed powder
4. Jamun Seeds:
The powdered seeds of Eugenia jambolana (about 1 tsp) should be taken twice a day with lukewarm water. Jamun has the beneficial property of not allowing the starch in food to get converted into sugar.
5. Amla:
Amla juice (Embelica officinalis) (20 ml) two times a day is beneficial for a diabetic patient. You may also use powdered ‘Amla’ powder and consume it twice a day.
6. Banyan Tree Bark:
A decoction of the bark of banyan tree is taken (50 ml) twice a day.
Preparation method: 20 gm of the banyan tree bark is boiled in 4 glasses of water. Evaporate the water until only about one glass of the decoction is remaining and drink it when it is warm.
7. Cinnamon Powder:
Cinnamon powder is probably considered as one of the most important home remedies.
How to prepare: Add 3-4 Tbsp of cinnamon powder and add to one litre of water and boil the same for about 20 minutes. Strain this mixture and cool the same. It is recommended to consume it every day.