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Diet For Malaria Tips
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Mosquitoes are the most dangerous blood-sucking insects which can cause diseases such as malaria, West Nile virus, dengue, yellow fever, Zika virus and many more. In fact, mosquitoes are not only dangerous to humans but also to other creatures like birds and animals.
There are several methods that try to prevent or avoid mosquito bites. Apart from that, some natural mosquito repellents are also very effective. Let us look into some of the most effective natural mosquito repellents and s...more
There are several methods that try to prevent or avoid mosquito bites. Apart from that, some natural mosquito repellents are also very effective. Let us look into some of the most effective natural mosquito repellents and s...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS, more
General Physician•Roorkee
Monsoon is happily welcomed by one and all after a hot summer. But the immunity of the body is reduced in this season as it makes our body defenceless to a lot of diseases that are generally associated with the monsoon season. The temperature at a place goes down when it rains, but it brings along uninvited mosquitoes. Hence, our body immunity must be boosted so that it becomes resistant to any disease. The most prevalent diseases that occur due to a mosquito bite are dengue, malaria, brain feve...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Malaria is a disease that is caused by the bite of a certain mosquito or protozoan parasite. This can attack the red blood cells and is mainly found in tropical as well as subtropical areas. Until recently, there was little chance of recovering from this ailment. Yet, in today's day and age of great medical advancement, it has become possible to cure a patient suffering from this disease with the help of timely and proper diagnosis. This disease becomes even more complicated and problematic when...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
As monsoon approaches, the flood situation in Western and Southern parts of India continues to worsen, killing over 180 people and displacing thousands. Reportedly, the states that have been hit the worst are Karnataka, Kerala, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
Union Home Minister and BJP leader Amit Shah carried out an aerial survey of the areas that have suffered the most. 76 people have died and 58 are reportedly missing in Kerala since the recent flood outbreak on August 8. 17 fatalities we...more
Union Home Minister and BJP leader Amit Shah carried out an aerial survey of the areas that have suffered the most. 76 people have died and 58 are reportedly missing in Kerala since the recent flood outbreak on August 8. 17 fatalities we...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Mosquitoes might be tiny creatures, but are responsible for some of the most dreadful diseases, one of them is malaria. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted through mosquito bites directly or from mother to unborn baby and through blood transfusions. Very widely spread in the Asian and African continents, people travelling here are very cautious of this disease. In areas that are notorious for mosquito infestations, the local people also take preventive measures to ensure mosquito...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
In this rainy season, there are many mosquito breeding places around you.
1. Try to avoid water collection. Fresh or old.
2. Avoid dark, shady area and corners.
3. Use mosquito repellants whenever going out in day or night.
4. Get insecticides sprayed around your house or offices.
5. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
6. Watch for headache, joint pain, fever, yellow urine and talk to your doctor early treatment will save complications.
1. Try to avoid water collection. Fresh or old.
2. Avoid dark, shady area and corners.
3. Use mosquito repellants whenever going out in day or night.
4. Get insecticides sprayed around your house or offices.
5. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
6. Watch for headache, joint pain, fever, yellow urine and talk to your doctor early treatment will save complications.
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
The tiny mosquito can pose a lot of health issues. While malaria was the only dreaded disease until some time ago, the incidence of chikungunya is constantly on the rise. In fact, the nonspecific symptoms and absence of vaccination make it extremely difficult to prevent and diagnose this in the early stages.
Causes: First described in the African continent (Tanzania), the word chikungunya means to walk bent over in the Makonde or Kimakonde language. This appearance is because of the e...more
Causes: First described in the African continent (Tanzania), the word chikungunya means to walk bent over in the Makonde or Kimakonde language. This appearance is because of the e...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
The monsoons have arrived. And rains are a great delight especially after the scorching heat of summer. The cloudy sky, the downpour and lush greenery all around make the season a beautiful time to enjoy and get relief from the harsh and sweaty summers.
But monsoons also brings several diseases due to change of weather, food and water contamination, and breeding of mosquitoes in stagnated waters. Many people get sick during the monsoon as the damp and filthy conditions give the insects...more
But monsoons also brings several diseases due to change of weather, food and water contamination, and breeding of mosquitoes in stagnated waters. Many people get sick during the monsoon as the damp and filthy conditions give the insects...more
10 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more
Ayurvedic Doctor•Lakhimpur Kheri
मलेरिया प्रोटोजोआ पैरासाइट द्वारा फैलने वाली एक संक्रामक बीमारी है. मलेरिया के पैरासाइट का वाहक का नाम मादा एनोफि लेज मच्छर है. इसके काटने पर मलेरिया के पैरासाइट रेड ब्लड सेल्स में प्रवेश करके बढ़ने लगते हैं. इससे एनीमिया के लक्षण अनुभव होने लगता हैं, जिसमे चक्कर आना और सांस फूलना इत्यादि शामिल है. इसके अलावा, बुखार, जुखाम, उबकाई, और सर्दी आदि जैसे लक्षण भी अनुभव हो सकते हैं. गंभीर स्थिति में रोगी बेहोश भी हो सकता है. मलेरिया सबसे सामान्य संक्रामक रोगों में से एक है और एक गंभीर जन समस्या है. मले...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
General Physician•Pune
Mosquitoes might be tiny creatures but are responsible for some of the most dreadful diseases, one of them is malaria. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted through mosquito bites directly or from mother to unborn baby and through blood transfusions. Very widely spread in the Asian and African continents, people travelling here are very cautious of this disease. In areas that are notorious for mosquito infestations, the local people also take preventive measures to ensure mosquito ...more
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