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Melasma Treatment Health Feed

Asked for male, 54 years old from Kolkata
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MD - Dermatology, MBBS

Sunprotection by sunscreen
gel beneria at night over black spot
adequate green and leafy vegetable and fresh fruit
plenty of water intake
if problem persist consult with us.
271 people found this helpful
Asked for female, 24 years old from Lucknow
Asked for male, 21 years old from Hyderabad
Yes, positive changes may reverse. You can apply aloe vera juice/gel from its leaf (fresh), not from ready made gels available in market. Remove skin of an aloe vera leaf. Take /scoop out gel. Apply this gel to your face skin. Wash with plain water after an hour. Stop using soap on face. Instead take a spoon of milk, add a pinch of turmeric (haldi). Mix n apply on face with the help of cotton. Leave for a few minutes then wash off. Apply moisturizer like coconut oil.
Use some sunblock with s...more
148 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
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BHMS, PG Diploma In Clinical more

Cosmetic Physician•Navi Mumbai
A common skin condition, which causes the discoloration of your skin in patches across the face, melasma is more of a social embarrassment and cause for distress rather than being a serious condition. Although it affects men as well, studies have shown that over 90 percent of patients are women. It is also known as the mask of pregnancy as many pregnant women develop this skin condition.

Causes of Melasma:

Primary causes of melasma have been attributed to various hormonal chang...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
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MBBS, Diploma In Dermatology And more

Melasma is a skin condition resulting in discoloured and dark patches on the skin. It also goes by the name of chloasma. It is frequently observed in pregnant women. As per the report of the American Academy of Dermatology, it is found that 90 percent of the overall cases of Melasma are found among women.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptom of this skin condition is discolouration patches that are darker than the skin colour. Mostly visible in the face, Melasma occurs in a ...more
Asked for female, 25 years old from Chennai
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MD - Homeopathy, BHMS

All such cream have same side effects.
The day you will stop using them the skin becomes more dark and damaged.
Avoid it.
Work for healthy skin instead of fair skin.
4 people found this helpful
Health Query
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Diabetes and knee replacement: diabetes can increase the risk of complications during surgery, including knee replacement surgery. However, many people with well-controlled diabetes can undergo knee replacement surgery safely. It's essential for your mother to discuss her diabetes management with her healthcare provider and the orthopedic surgeon who will perform the knee replacement. They will assess her overall health and determine if she is a suitable candidate for surgery. Close monitoring o...more
Asked for male, 43 years old from Bangalore
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Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted more

Resisted terminal knee extension: make a loop with a piece of elastic tubing by tying a knot in both ends. Close the knot in a door at knee height. Step into the loop with your injured leg so the tubing is around the back of your knee. Lift the other foot off the ground and hold onto a chair for balance, if needed. Bend the knee with tubing about 45 degrees. Slowly straighten your leg, keeping your thigh muscle tight as you do this. Repeat 15 times. Do 2 sets of 15. If you need an easier way to ...more
68 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 1 year ago • Featured Quiz
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General Physician•
1035 people found this helpful
Health Query

Re: constant tension in joints (female, 25) I am writing this in the hopes that someone will be able to recommend treatments I can pursue or the type of professionals I should see. My problem is that I experience tension in my joints (most commonly shoulders and elbows, sometimes ankles and wrists) at almost all times of the day. The only times I feel relief are when I am doing something I enjoy which is very distracting or when receiving physical touch like a massage. I have been experiencing these feelings since 2015 (my last year of high school). I have had long periods of relief or no symptoms in the past, but for the last year it has been a problem almost every single day. I have been to an ot and a physio for treatment in the past, but neither has had significant effects. I was recently diagnosed with gout and have been taking process for over a month now, but the problem is still there. I also have hypermobility in my joints. My other daily medications are: glucophage, fluanxol, epitech, camcolit, indoblok (as needed) and stream (as needed). I do suspect that the tension is psychosomatic to some degree, because of the fact that I don't experience it when I am doing something fun. But the second I do start to feel it, I fixate on the feeling and it only gets worse (fixating and ruminating are common for me because of my anxiety). If you have any idea what treatments/avenues I should pursue, please advise me. I feel that my quality of life is being affected and am desperate to resolve this issue. Thank you for your time and help.

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Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted more

Gouty arthritis problem
since I am a physiotherapist I cannot suggest medicine but I suggest you to hotwater fermentations that would help you to get relieved from joint pains. I also suggest you to go for good ayurvedic body massage which would help you to get relieved from joint pain and also swimming activity is advisable. But food precautions, it is better to avoid tamarind in the food rather to add lime or mango.
25 people found this helpful
Health Query

Question regarding my bradycardia i’m 20, I haven’t been diagnosed with any chronic disease nor took any medication regarding cardiovascular diseases or other chronic diseases, I used to be very active 2 years ago but since 2 years I haven’t been active, only a bit of walking, smoker, most of the time recently i’m under high stress and i’m not sleeping well, I did a liver function, wbc count wd, lipids and other blood components tests as well as urinalysis, but everything seems just fine, so i’m wondering if this bradycardia is normal or not, a year after I stopped doing physical activities my hr was 60-70. Im not moving frequently and my diet is not very good, I mostly eat from outside, half of the time it’s fast food, I don’t drink or consume any substances, I used to smoke a lot and consume large quantities of nicotine as much as a heavy smoker but I quit only 10 days ago, took 2 shots of pfizer vac yin 2020, heart rate 48-52, but goes up if I walk fast or climb stairs, or start walking suddenly, I take vitamins supplements, I don’t consume caffeine usually but I do now because of my phys and become finals, bet those were’t the best memories I hope this is just a medical student syndrome, and I can’t thank you enough if you’ve read through all of this.

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MBBS, Fellowship in Emergency Medicine ( more

General Physician•Kolkata
Hyperkalemia can cause junctional rhythm and brady. Other causes are symptomatic rbbb, lbbb and/or bifascicular block.
In certain persons brady is normal and not a cause of concern.
Beta antagonists also lower heart rate. Hypothyroidism and congenital heart disease are other causes.
Cardiac evaluation, holter monitoring, serum electrolytes and drug history are required.
17 people found this helpful
Asked for male, 30 years old from Imphal
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Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted more

Neck pain
cervical spondylosis– chronic condition with radiating pain
this is cervical pain (neck pain) and that's the reason the pain radiates until the shoulder blades. If you keep ice that would help and along side you can do hot water fermentation. You shall use cervical collar which would help you to reduce the radiating pain ie. Due to the nerve compression.
You have to go for traction and also you can do ift. Please consult the near bytherapist for quick relief. Use collar wil...more
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Asked for female, 47 years old from Delhi
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Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted more

Kindly apply ice over the painful area and you can take x-ray to confirm whether there is a sign of fracture.
Asked for female, 47 years old from Tirupati
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Homeopathy Doctor•Noida
I need details of the the meanwhile follow this 1. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. U should eat whatever your mother or grandparent eat in bfast. I mean to say whatever is your traditional food. If punjabi eat paratha, if belongs to south then take idli/ dosa etc.
2. Don't overeat3. Don't take tea empty stomach. Eat something like a banana (if you are not diabetic) or any seasonal fruit or soaked almonds and a glass of plain water first thing in the morning (preferably ...more
218 people found this helpful
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