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Erythropoietin: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Cost

Last Updated: Jul 04, 2023

What is Erythropoietin therapy?

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Erythropoietin therapy, also known as EPO therapy, is a type of medical treatment that uses a man-made form of erythropoietin (EPO) to increase red blood cell production and treat anemia.

It is typically used for patients with kidney failure or chronic kidney disease, but can also be used in other situations.

What are the types of Erythropoietin therapy?

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There are two main types of EPO therapies: recombinant erythropoietin (rEPO) and darbepoetin alfa (DA).

  • Recombinant erythropoietin (rEPO): rEPO is made from genetically engineered cells and is identical to the natural form of EPO found in the body.
  • Darbepoetin alfa (DA): DA is similar to rEPO but has been modified so it lasts longer in the body.

Both are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in treating anemia.

What are the benefits of Erythropoietin therapy?

The primary benefit of EPO therapy is that it helps to increase red blood cell production, which can reduce symptoms associated with anemia such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath.

It can also reduce the need for blood transfusions in some patients with chronic kidney disease or cancer.

Additionally, it may improve quality of life by reducing fatigue and increasing energy levels.

Why is Erythropoietin therapy performed?

EPO therapy is typically used to treat anemia caused by chronic kidney disease or cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

It may also be used for people who have had surgery or those who have had significant blood loss due to injury or illness.

Additionally, it may be prescribed for people with certain genetic disorders that cause low red blood cell production such as thalassemia or sickle cell anemia.


What are the risks of doing Erythropoietin Therapy?

As with any medical treatment there are potential risks associated with EPO therapy including high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, fluid retention and bone pain/weakness due to increased bone marrow activity.

Additionally there may be increased risk for developing certain types of cancers such as leukemia if used over long periods of time at high doses.

How do you prepare for Erythropoietin Therapy?

Before starting EPO Therapy your doctor will likely run tests to check your red blood cell count and hemoglobin levels along with other laboratory tests such as a complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes panel, liver function test etc.

Your doctor will also likely ask about any medications you’re taking including vitamins/supplements so they can adjust your dose accordingly if needed.

What is the procedure for Erythropoietin Therapy?

The procedure itself involves injecting a man-made form of EPO into your bloodstream either intravenously (IV) through a vein or subcutaneously (SC) under your skin on a regular basis depending on your doctor’s recommendation .

Prior to each injection you will likely get laboratory tests done again just to make sure everything looks good before proceeding .

What are steps before Erythropoetin Therapy ?

Before starting EPO Therapy it’s important that you discuss all possible risks/benefits with your doctor so that you understand what this treatment entails .

You should also make sure that all necessary laboratory tests have been completed prior to beginning treatment .

Additionally , you should review any medication/supplement list you have so that your doctor can adjust dosages if needed .

Finally , make sure you understand how often injections should be done based on your individual needs .

What are steps during Erythopoeitn Therapy ?

During each injection session , make sure all necessary safety measures have been taken including proper sanitation techniques .

You should also monitor yourself closely after each injection session looking out for any signs/symptoms related to side effects from this treatment .

Additionally , keep track of how often injections need to be done based on what was discussed prior with your doctor during consultation sessions .

Finally , make sure you follow up regularly with lab work just in case anything changes over time while on this treatment regimen .

What are steps after Erythropoetin Therapy ?

After each injection session it’s important to rest and relax for a few hours .

Additionally, you should drink plenty of fluids and eat a balanced diet that is high in iron and other vitamins/minerals .

Make sure to follow up regularly with your doctor for any necessary lab work or other tests that may need to be done .

Finally , if you experience any side effects from this treatment make sure to contact your doctor immediately .

What is the cost of Erythropoetin Therapy in India?

The cost of EPO therapy in India can vary depending on the type of EPO being used, the dosage, and the frequency of injections. Generally speaking, the cost can range anywhere from Rs. 10,000-20,000 per month.

What to do after Erythropoetin Therapy ?

After completing a course of EPO therapy it’s important to continue monitoring your red blood cell count and hemoglobin levels regularly.

Additionally, you should continue eating a balanced diet high in iron as well as taking any medications prescribed by your doctor.

It’s also important to stay active and get regular exercise as this will help keep your body strong.

What to eat after Erythropoetin Therapy?

After completing a course of EPO therapy it’s important to maintain a healthy diet that is high in iron such as lean meats, dark leafy greens, beans/legumes, whole grains, nuts/seeds etc..

Additionally adding foods rich in Vitamin C such as citrus fruits or bell peppers can help increase absorption of iron into the body.

Lastly make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Is Erythropoetin Therapy safe?

Generally speaking EPO therapy is considered safe when used under medical supervision however there are some risks associated with this treatment including increased risk for developing certain types of cancers such as leukemia if used over long periods at high doses.

Therefore it’s important that all potential risks/benefits are discussed prior with your doctor before beginning treatment so that an informed decision can be made regarding whether this treatment is right for you or not.

Is Erythropoetin Therapy painful?

Generally speaking EPO injections do not cause pain however there may be some discomfort associated with them depending on where they are injected (IV vs SC).

If injected subcutaneously then there may be some mild soreness at the injection site which typically resolves within 24 hours but if pain persists then contact your doctor immediately.

How long does recovery after Erythropoetin take?

Recovery time after starting EPO therapy will vary depending on individual factors such as age and overall health status but typically patients start feeling better within 1-2 weeks once their red blood cell count has been restored back to normal levels.

What are side effects of Erythropoetin Therapy?

Common side effects associated with EPO therapy include headaches, dizziness , nausea , vomiting , diarrhea , joint pain , muscle aches , rash etc.

More serious side effects include increased risk for stroke/heart attack due to fluid retention or increased risk for certain types of cancers due to long term use at high doses .

If any serious symptoms occur contact your doctor immediately .

What is Erythopoeitn Therapy Aftercare ?

Aftercare following an EPO injection session includes resting for several hours afterwards plus drinking plenty fluids and eating a balanced diet rich in iron along with taking necessary medications prescribed by your doctor .

Additionally monitor yourself closely looking out for any signs/symptoms related to side effects from this treatment regimen and follow up regularly with lab work just in case anything changes over time while on this medication .

Finally make sure you understand how often injections need be done based on what was discussed prior with your physician during consultation sessions .

What is the conclusion about Erythropoietin Therapy ?

The conclusion about Epo therapy is that it can be an effective way to treat anemia caused by chronic kidney disease or cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy when used under medical supervision but there are potential risks associated with its use including increased risk for stroke/heart attack due to fluid retention or increased risk for certain types of cancers due to long term use at high doses so all potential risks/benefits must be discussed prior with one's physician before beginning treatment so an informed decision can be made regarding whether this treatment is right for them or not.

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Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
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Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician

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