Essential Hypertension - Everything You Need to Know
As you know, high blood pressure is a chronic condition, wherein the force of your blood against the walls of your arteries is too high. In cases where no reason for high blood pressure is found, it is then termed as essential hypertension. Essential hypertension is also commonly known as primary hypertension.
What most of you might not know is that maximum number of high blood pressure cases fall under essential hypertension.
What are the risk factors of essential hypertension?
There are certain factors that put you at a greater risk of suffering from essential hypertension which include:
No physical activity
Being overweight or obese
Alcohol consumption
Taking too much stress
Age (It is more common among the middle age group)
How to treat essential hypertension?
One of the most recommended ways for treating essential hypertension is by following a healthy lifestyle. You can include lifestyle changes such as:
Involving yourself in some kind of physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes everyday
Maintaining a healthy weight, if you are obese
Quitting smoking and avoiding intake of alcohol
Staying calm and avoiding unwanted stress
Limiting the salt intake in your daily diet
Eating a diet that is good for your heart
Also, there are certain complications that have been linked with essential hypertension. Since high blood pressure forces your heart to work harder. As a result of this, sufficient amount of blood is not delivered to other parts of your body, which can cause:
Damage to the eyes
Kidney related problems
Nerve damage
Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries
So, prevent your blood pressure from rising by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking medications as suggested by your doctor. This way you can avoid various complications associated with essential hypertension.