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Exercise Therapy Tips
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Calisthenics is, by and large, a kind of physical training that involves the use of your own body weight to improve strength and build muscles. This type of workout often involves activities that allow multiple large muscle groups to work together, like standing, grasping, and pushing. Apart from all of that, you don't need much equipment to do calisthenics, which makes it a great workout option for people who want to stay fit without going to the gym.
Calisthenics e...more
1132 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
खुद को एक्टिव और मजबूत रखने के लिए व्यायाम काफी महत्वपूर्ण होता है। इसी व्यायाम की वजह शरीर के सभी अंग तो मजबूत होते ही हैं, साथ ही मानसिक तनाव भी कम होता है। हालांकि आज की युवा पीढ़ी में कुछ पुरुष फिल्मों के कलाकारों से प्रेरित होकर भी व्यायाम की ओर आकर्षित हो रहे हैं। कई पुरुष सलमान खान, शाहरुख खान, जॉन अब्राहिम और टाइगर श्रॉफ जैसी छाती बनाना चाहते हैं।
चलिए आज हम आपको इन कलाकारों के सीने की तरह ही मजबूत, आकर्षक और चौड़ी छाती बनाने के लिए सहायक व्यायाम के बारे में बताते हैं, जिनको नियमि...more
चलिए आज हम आपको इन कलाकारों के सीने की तरह ही मजबूत, आकर्षक और चौड़ी छाती बनाने के लिए सहायक व्यायाम के बारे में बताते हैं, जिनको नियमि...more
207 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
General Physician•Agra
खुद को फिट रखने की चाहत हम सबकी होती है पर कई बार हम जिम जाने का समय नहीं निकाल पाते। पर जिम जाए बिना भी अगर आप खुद को फिट रख पाएं तो इससे अच्छा और क्या हो सकता है। अगर आप भी उन लोगों में से एख हैं जिनको जिम जाने या दूसरे व्यायाम करने के समय नहीं मिल पाता तो रस्सी कूदना आपके काम आ सकता है। ये एक सुविधाजनक, आसान और प्रभावी घरेलू व्यायामों में से एक है।रस्सी कूदना आपके लिए एक बेहतरीन कार्डियो, एरोबिक एक् सरसाइज है। रस्सी कूदने से ना सिर्फ आपके पैरों की मांसपेशियां मज़बूत होती ह...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Runner s knee is a very common problem with athletes. It is definitely not something one needs to worry about. In fact, with certain exercises, it can be prevented and if you do develop a runner s knee, it can be treated with some exercises as well.
There are special sports medical practitioners who prescribe not only regular physiotherapy, but also specific exercises to deal with specific sports injuries. To fight with runner s knee pain, there are a few exercises.
But the fou...more
There are special sports medical practitioners who prescribe not only regular physiotherapy, but also specific exercises to deal with specific sports injuries. To fight with runner s knee pain, there are a few exercises.
But the fou...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Sciatica is a very common neuropathic pain that is caused by damage to the sciatic nerve, a large nerve that runs from the lower back region down the end of each leg. It is the largest single nerve in the body.
This condition affects around 4 out of 10 people at some point of their lives. The nature of the pain varies from a mild ache to a sharp stinging sensation and may cause feelings of numbness and extreme weakness.
The causes for the onset of sciatica are numerous. Some of them...more
This condition affects around 4 out of 10 people at some point of their lives. The nature of the pain varies from a mild ache to a sharp stinging sensation and may cause feelings of numbness and extreme weakness.
The causes for the onset of sciatica are numerous. Some of them...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Homeopathic Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Acupuncture & Acupressure Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Psychotherapy Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Conventional / Allopathic Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Surgical Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Dietary & Herbal Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Other Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
What is Cystic fibrosis
Symptoms of Cystic fibrosis
Causes of Cystic fibrosis
Risk factors of Cystic fibrosis
Homeopathic Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Acupuncture & Acupressure Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Psychotherapy Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Conventional / Allopathic Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Surgical Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Dietary & Herbal Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
Other Treatment of Cystic fibrosis
What is Cystic fibrosis
Symptoms of Cystic fibrosis
Causes of Cystic fibrosis
Risk factors of Cystic fibrosis
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Facial paralysis can happen due to many factors. Sometimes inflammation develops around the facial nerve as it passes through the skull from the brain. This presses on the nerve and makes it stop functioning. As the nerve stops functioning, so does the muscle it controls. This is what happens in Bell s palsy, the most common cause of facial paralysis.
Bell s palsy can happen to anyone and its cause is, hold your breath, a viral infection. Herpes zoster, Varicella zoster and HIV viruses ...more
Bell s palsy can happen to anyone and its cause is, hold your breath, a viral infection. Herpes zoster, Varicella zoster and HIV viruses ...more
Last Updated: 8 years ago• Featured Tip
Did you know that in addition to your diet, exercise is one of the best ways to make sure that you never lie on a hospital bed with a surgeon treating you for a bone disorder? Medical expertise has constantly pointed out to the fact that regular exercise makes your bones less likely to suffer from wear and tear during old age.
As you exercise, your muscles become stronger, your bone density increases and your balance improves. Of course, it goes without saying that you need to follow ce...more
As you exercise, your muscles become stronger, your bone density increases and your balance improves. Of course, it goes without saying that you need to follow ce...more
Last Updated: 8 years ago• Featured Tip
Lower back pain is fast becoming an epidemic not just among elderly, but across all age groups. Primary causes of back pain are quite a few including lumbar hernia, disc degenerative disease (DDD), spondylosis etc., but the symptoms are usually the same excruciating pain in the lower region of the spine, followed by stiffness. Since back pain is caused due to a number of spinal problems, it manifests differently in different patients. The pain may be dull, burning or sharp. It could also be felt...more
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