Yes you can go for adhesive dentures if you have two or 4 teeth remaining in your each jaws only it's possible otherwise go for removable full dentures.
BDS, Non-Resident J.R. in Dept. of more
It's completely understandable to be worried about this situation. Leaving cotton in for 5 days after a tooth extraction can increase the risk of complications, so it's important to address it right away. Here's what you need to do: 1. Contact your dentist as soon as possible: this is the most important step. Don't try to remove the cotton yourself, as this could further irritate the extraction site. Your dentist will be able to remove it safely and assess the condition of the wound. more
Hi this is normal. It takes upto a week for the extraction site to show primary healing. Ensure that you follow the precautions that your doctor suggested.
We need more investigations with clinical examination to decide upon treatment. You may need Coronoplasty (smoothen teeth edges) along with Multivitamin cap, for five days in the morning after meals & antiseptic ointment or gel
M.D. Toxicology & MJ, Certified more
Ayurvedic Doctor•Rajkot
Hello dear as per your condition the the ulceration inside mouth indicates the acidity in your blood as well as in your saliva, create a such type of deformities inside the buccal cavity you needs a proper guidance to subside all these things. As per the ayurveda the vitiated pitta is the reason behind this. This is a common problem nowadays. Abnormal lifestyle and food habits are the basic reason behind this. Also the prolonged use of antibiotic other medicines and also the antacids cre...more
Complete healing in case of wisdom tooth removal is expected between 3-4 weeks. So wait and send me pics of your case than only I could help you better.