Gallstones - How To Get Rid Of Them?
Diet and other lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise and high waist-hip ratio are seen to be the significant contributing factors of certain medical conditions, gallstones one among them. Gallstones have become a highly prevalent issue in India, with an increasing number of patients reporting abdominal pain and discomfort. And it is also seen to be more common in females than in males. If your doctor suspects this problem, then he would proceed with the diagnosis and treatment as applicable.
How are gallstones treated?
If gallstones are not leading to any signs or symptom, then in such cases the treatment is not required. However, if an individual suffers from any symptoms or a gallbladder attack, then the health care provider normally recommends undergoing surgery. This surgery is used for removing the gallbladder. Sometimes, the individual may not be in a condition to undergo surgery and, in such cases, conventional treatment may be used for curing the disorder.
The surgery for the removal of the gallbladder is known as the cholecystectomy and is one of the most common surgical interventions performed for people with gallstones. The gallbladder is not considered to be a significant organ in the human body. This means that an individual can easily survive without the gallbladder. As the gallbladder is removed, bile starts flowing out of the liver through common and hepatic bile ducts without creating any issues.
What are the surgical options required for removal of gallstones?
There are two types of surgeries used for removal of stones in the gallbladder. These are explained below.
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: In this surgery, the surgeon makes small incisions in the abdomen for the insertion of a laparoscope, which has a tiny camera attached to it. This camera enables a magnified image to be sent to the video monitor so that the surgeon can see the tissues and organs clearly. At the same time, the surgeon uses certain instruments for carefully separating the gallbladder from the liver, bile ducts and other organs. Then the gallbladder is carefully removed through one of the small incisions. This is the most suitable options for the removal of the gallbladder since it is performed on an outpatient basis, which means that the patient can go home the same day.
- Open cholecystectomy: This is done when the gallbladder has severe inflammation or infection or scars from different operations. This may also be performed at the time of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In such cases, the surgeon switches to open cholecystectomy as a safety means for the patient.
What to expect after the procedure?
A small percentage of the patients have softer and more frequent stools after the removal of the gallbladder. These changes in bowel habits are normally temporary, and they are required to be consulted with the expert.
Since the incidence of gallstones is found to be related to gallbladder cancer, it is essential to work with your doctor to avail proper treatment and avoid such dire complications.