How Ayurveda Not Just Treats the Physical Ailments, But Mental Ailments Too?
Ayurveda can offer a psychological system of treatment quite like it can aid in physical treatment. The scope of its practice incorporates both mental as well as physical healing. Thus, you won’t be able to comprehend Ayurveda in its fullest sense without having a look at its influence on the human mind and its consciousness.
The evaluation of the mind is as complicated as that of the physical body. It is not simply a sidelight which can be looked at an instance. Ayurvedic application of treating psychological imbalances has its own expertise and application quite like any other therapeutic procedure.
Ayurveda and mental imbalance
Conventional Ayurvedic treatments have recognised three primary causes of mental illnesses:
Imbalances caused by various Doshas which can be either through external reasons or constitutional issues.
An excess of tamas as well as rajas in the mind.
Factors of Karma or outcomes of previous actions.
All these three factors are interrelated to some degree though the imbalances of the Doshas are the most predominant. It mainly rests upon excessive of tamas and rajas, which eventually mirror the deeper disharmonies resting on all the actions.
Ayurveda and psychological problems
Ayurvedic treatments offer a threefold solution for combating all these imbalances that lead to psychological problems.
1. Rational therapies are known for encountering all the Doshas that can be achieved with the help of proper diet, herbs, clinical treatments and other therapies that are directed in opposite directions of the Doshic disharmonies.
2. Sattvic therapies along with Yoga are believed to counter the rajas along with tamas with the use of pranayama, asana, mantra as well as meditation.
3. Spiritual methods for reducing Karma can help in the proper applications of mantras, and rituals that help in purifying the soul.
These three methods of treatment normally cross each other and can be applied to the same individual alternately. The mind as a factor with emotional issues can be availed in each of these stages.
Ayurveda for counselling
Along with these psychological considerations, Ayurveda is largely used for counselling a person who is going through mental imbalance. Much of the work comprises of educating the individual on how he or she would be able to alter their lifestyle for the prevention of diseases and optimising the health conditions along with treating mental imbalances. While this may be centred on herbal and dietary recommendations, it is generally based on the individual clinical condition of the patient. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!