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Humidifier: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Cost

Last Updated: Jul 04, 2023

What is a Humidifier?

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A humidifier is a device that infuses moisture to the air, which can enhance air quality and help relieve the symptoms of some respiratory illnesses. Humidifiers come in a variety of sizes and types, from small personal units to large whole-house systems. They can be used in homes, offices, hospitals or other areas where humidity levels need to be regulated.

Types of Humidifier:

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  • Ultrasonic Humidifier: This kind of humidifier creates a mist in the air by using high-frequency sound vibrations. It is relatively quiet and uses less energy than other types of humidifiers.
  • Evaporative Humidifier: This type of humidifier uses a fan to blow air through a wet wick filter, which then evaporates into the air and adds moisture to it. It is usually louder than an ultrasonic humidifier but can be more effective in larger rooms.
  • Impeller Humidifier: This kind of humidifier utilises a rotating disc to deliver a fine mist into the air. Typically, it is quieter than evaporative humidifiers, although it may not be as effective in bigger spaces.
  • Central Humidifiers: This type of humidifier is installed directly into your home’s HVAC system and helps maintain humidity throughout your entire home or office building. While this type of system requires professional installation, it can help keep humidity levels consistent throughout your entire space with minimal effort from you!

Benefits of Humidifier:

  • Improves Indoor Air Quality: Humidifiers help to maintain a healthy level of humidity in the air, which can reduce dust and other allergens in the air. This may aid in enhancing indoor air quality and reducing allergy symptoms like sneezing and coughing.
  • Reduces Static Electricity: High levels of humidity can also reduce static electricity in the home, which can be a nuisance when it comes to electronics and other items with sensitive components.
  • Soothes Dry Skin: Humidifiers can help to soothe dry skin caused by low humidity levels, which is especially beneficial during the winter months when indoor heating systems are running constantly.
  • Reduces Snoring: Dry air has been linked to snoring, as it causes nasal passages to become dry and irritated, making it difficult for air to pass through them easily while sleeping. Using a humidifier can help to moisten these passages, reducing snoring throughout the night.

Why is Humidifier used?

Humidifiers are used to increase the humidity in a room or home. Increasing the humidity in a space can have many benefits, including improving air quality, reducing static electricity, and providing relief from dry skin and stuffy noses. Additionally, humidifiers prevent wood furniture and floors from cracking and warping caused by low humidity levels.


What are the risks of using Humidifier?

Using a humidifier can be beneficial in many ways, however there are certain risks associated with it. These include:

  • Mold and Bacteria: Humidifiers may provide the ideal setting for the growth of mould and bacteria, which can subsequently cause respiratory illnesses when discharged into the air.
  • Allergies: Humidifiers may increase the number of dust mites in the air, which can provoke asthma and allergy problems.
  • Skin Irritation: High levels of humidity can cause skin irritation such as dryness, itching and rashes.
  • Electrical Shock: If not used properly, humidifiers may cause electrical shocks or fires due to faulty wiring or wet surfaces near electrical outlets.
  • Over-Humidification: Too much humidity in a room may cause condensation on walls and windows, leading to water damage or structural damage to your home over time.

How do I prepare to use a Humidifier?

Using a humidifier can be beneficial in many ways, but it is important to properly prepare for using one. To ensure that you get the most out of your humidifier, here are some tips on how to prepare for using it:

  • Read the instructions that come with your humidifier to make sure you understand how to use and maintain it properly.
  • Constantly clean the humidifier in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. This will help ensure that your air quality stays healthy and free from bacteria and other contaminants that can be released into the air when using a humidifier.
  • Make sure you have enough water for your humidifier before turning it on - otherwise, it could overheat or cause damage to itself or other items in your home.
  • Check the humidity levels of your home before turning on the humidifier - if it is too high, then there’s no need to turn on your device as this could cause condensation and mold growth in certain areas of your home.
  • Put the humidifier away from sources of heat like heaters or direct sunlight, as this could influence how well it works and make it less effective.

How to use a Humidifier?

  • Start by filling the humidifier with clean, cold water. Depending on the type of humidifier you have, you may need to fill it with distilled water so as to avoid any mineral deposits that can cause damage to the machine.
  • Check that all parts of your humidifier are securely attached and in good condition before plugging it in. Make sure that any filters or cartridges are properly installed and are free from dirt and debris.
  • Place the humidifier in a suitable location, such as a bedroom or living room, away from direct sunlight and drafts. Ample space must be provided around the device to prevent any obstruction of air passage.
  • Plug your humidifier into an electrical outlet and turn it on using the power switch or button provided on the machine's control panel or remote control (if applicable).
  • Adjust the humidity level according to your preference using either manual settings or an automated program (if available). Most modern models will have both manual and automated settings available at different levels of humidity output, allowing you to choose what works best for your particular environment and needs.
  • Monitor your indoor humidity level regularly using a hygrometer (a device used for measuring relative humidity) to ensure optimal comfort levels in your home throughout the year, especially during winter months when indoor air tends to be drier than usual due to lack of natural moisture sources outside like rain or snowfall.
  • Finally, remember to clean and maintain your humidifier regularly according to manufacturer instructions in order for it to work effectively over time without developing any problems due to mineral deposits or other buildup caused by neglecting regular maintenance tasks such as emptying out old water from its reservoir after each use and changing filters when necessary.

How much does a Humidifier cost in India?

The cost of a humidifier in India depends on the type, size, and features of the humidifier. Generally, basic table-top humidifiers can range from ₹1,000 to ₹5,000 while larger room humidifiers may cost anywhere between ₹3,000 to ₹20,000.

Is using a Humidifier safe?

Yes, a humidifier is generally safe to use. However, it is important to make sure that the humidifier is kept clean and regularly maintained.

What are the side effects of using Humidifier?

Most of the time, these are the most common side effects:

  • Increased allergy symptoms: Humidifiers can increase the amount of dust and other allergens in the air, which can aggravate existing allergies or asthma.
  • Mold and mildew growth: If you don't clean and operate your humidifier correctly, it can cause mould and mildew to grow in your home.
  • Bacterial growth: If you don't clean them often, humidifiers that use standing water may become a place for bacteria to grow.
  • Dry skin and eyes: Too much humidity in your home can leave you feeling uncomfortable due to dry skin and eyes, as well as cause irritation to your respiratory system.

Humidifier Aftercare:

After using a humidifier, it's important for the patient to follow these steps:

  • Disconnect the humidifier from electricity.
  • Remove any residual water from the humidifier.
  • Follow the humidifier's cleaning recommendations.
  • Monitor the humidity level in the room using a hygrometer to ensure it is within a comfortable range.
  • If symptoms continue or worsen, see your doctor.
  • Keep the humidifier far from combustible items and out of access of children and pets.
  • If the patient is using a humidifier to alleviate symptoms of a respiratory condition, it is important to follow the doctor's instructions and not to self medicate.
  • Store the humidifier in a dry place.
  • It's also important for patients with pre-existing respiratory conditions or allergies to consult with their doctor before using a humidifier and to monitor their symptoms closely while using the humidifier.


Humidifiers are an excellent option for improving indoor air quality and maintain a comfortable environment. They are easy to use, relatively inexpensive, and can provide many health benefits. With regular maintenance, a humidifier can help reduce allergies, asthma attacks, and dry skin while also helping to prevent the spread of germs.

Whether you choose an evaporative or ultrasonic humidifier, it is important to keep your unit clean and properly maintained in order to get the most out of it. By taking the time to understand how a humidifier works and how to care for it properly, you can enjoy all the benefits that come with having one in your home.

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Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
Reviewed By
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Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician

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