Hyperthyroidism - Possible Health Problems It Can Cause!
Every organ of the human body has a set of functions that it does perfectly until the entire system is normal. And, when things are not normal, the disruption can be felt in several parts of the body.
The thyroid is a classic example, as you suffer from the condition, several body functions are affected. Hyperthyroidism is the thyroid disorder that occurs when the thyroid produces excessive hormones. Hormones produced by thyroid gland regulate the body’s metabolism; hence, it is quite obvious that hyperthyroidism will increase several metabolic functions of the body.
Following is an account that gives a brief overview of the systems and functions affected in the body due to underlying hyperthyroidism:
- Heart Health: The cardiovascular system reacts to even little disturbances, and in the case of an overactive thyroid, the person may experience increased heart rate, hand tremors, and palpitation. The increased heart rate may result in anxiety.
- Reproductive system: Women affected by hyperthyroidism may face fertility issues due to irregularity in the menstrual flow. You may have lighter or irregular periods and may have difficulty conceiving. The thyroid hormone plays a significant role in embryonic development, and hence a thyroid disorder can be the cause of a miscarriage. Also, an overactive thyroid can result in preterm delivery, pre-eclampsia, heart failure in the newborn, growth restriction, and stillbirth.
- Bone health: Hyperthyroidism or the low TSH levels can lead to a lifetime risk of bone fractures. This may not reverse even after the hyperthyroidism is cured.
- Cholesterol levels: While hypothyroidism elevates the cholesterol levels, hyperthyroidism has an exactly opposite effect. An overactive thyroid may decrease the cholesterol levels to alarmingly low level, thus taking medications to treat hyperthyroidism become crucial.
- Skin: A person with hyperthyroidism may experience several symptoms on the skin. Due to excessive metabolism the body heat increases which result in the skin becoming warm or hot to touch. Also, the skin can become thin and delicate, and gets excessively dry. The skin on some parts of the body can become hyperpigmented.
- Weight loss: Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating metabolism, and when they are over-produced, the body’s metabolism is accelerated thus resulting in significant weight loss. This is one of the classic symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Since hyperthyroidism also increases appetite, some people may end up gaining weight instead of losing it.
- Excessive sweating: When the body processes speed up, the person suffering from hyperthyroidism will experience excessive sweating as well.
- Anxiety and Insomnia: As an overactive thyroid activates the entire body processes higher than normal, the nervous system also becomes more active. An accelerated nervous system may cause anxiety and eventually lead to sleeplessness. In fact, anxiety and insomnia aggravate each other.
- Increased bowel movements: Again, an increased production of thyroid hormone may accelerate your bowel movements. Sometimes, this may result in diarrhea as well.
So, the ideal way to deal with the situation is to seek medical attention as soon as you notice the common symptoms such as fatigue, lack of tolerance to cold or unexplained weight gain to avoid the complications involved.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!