Of a million sperms released in one ejaculation, a single sperm manages to fertilize the egg, which grows into an embryo and then a baby. Due to various reasons, when this does not happen, it is termed as infertility and is currently on the rise.
With IVF, couples sometimes go through multiple sessions to ensure fertilization. ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection improved this chance of fertilization. It is where a single sperm is used to fertilize an egg in an artificially controlled environment and then injected into the uterus where it grows further.
The next step in this technique is IMSI, where the chances of a successful pregnancy are further enhanced and also promises improved quality of the embryo. IMSI, as it stands for, has “morphologically selected” which means under a highly powerful microscope, the best sperms are selected and then used to fertilize the egg. Morphology stands for shape, and the shape of the sperm is a direct indicator of the sperm quality. This not just ensures good success rate but also ensures the sperm which is used produces a high-quality embryo.
What to expect?
Both partners are prepared both physically and mentally prior to IMSI.
Before the procedure - men:
Before the procedure – women:
During the IMSI procedure:
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