Infertility And Its Remedies
I am Dr. Divya Wadhawan, Gynaecologist. Today I will talk about infertility and its remedies. How would studies were done on 19000 women where they say the reduction is required only in animal fat and the carbs improve your fertility rate by increasing your ovulation. So, what can you do in your diet is to increase a lot of fruits and vegetables. Especially watermelon. This increases the glutathione in your diet. Anything from vegetable juices is very healthy. They are a rich source of phytochemicals. What about fats. Plant-based fat is a big yes but animal base fat a big No. Anything from plant-like nuts, olive oil, grape seed oil decrease the inflammation in the body. Whatever is processed fat, like in pre-cooked food, french fries are a big no.
Complex carbs are a big yes But processed carbs like cake, cookies, white bread, what they do is they increase the glucose in the diet. It also increases the insulin which causes a decrease in ovulation. It also causes hormonal imbalance. So, processed carbs always do the opposite of complex carbs. You have to decrease your white rice content and also your pasta. Include a lot of bajra, jawar and millet in your diet. Again a big yes to plant protein. It can be lentils, beans, tofu, paneer. Infertility is being detected by animal protein. A big No to red meat. A fish you can have. They also improve sperm quality. A less and the non-low fat diet is a big no. The one with the full fat has a better result for your fertility. Processed sugar affect both. Insulin metabolism and hormonal imbalances.
So, a big no to the sugars. You can include honey and maple in your diet. Less than 200mg caffeine is allowed. It has 2 negative effects. It affects the musculature for the fallopian tubes. It has also a negative effect on cervical fluid because it causes dehydration. Soya protein is a good source only if it is taken into the natural form. But if it is taken in the processed form, it affects the estrogen. And hence converts the estrogen in testosterone. Seafood is a very good source of zinc, vitamin B12, Oyster, Brazillian nuts, sunflower seeds keeping up the testosterone level. But a high intake of dairy products affects the estrogen. Other then diet, sleep is also very important. 8 hours of sleep is important Vitamin D3 helps in estrogen and progesterone levels to be at a high.
Exercise has a huge role. 5% reduction in the weight loss keeps the estrogen levels at the normal level. Especially PCOS patients must be advised for exercises. They should be advised to eat a gluten-free diet because that also affects the inflammatory process by increasing the CRPs. Intercourse 2-3 times a week keeps the good sperm motility. You should avoid the intake of alcohol, tea, coffee, and smoke. No to painkillers because they affect the hormones because, in turn, they affect the ovulation. No to laptop especially to men. It is also seen that cold water bath improves the sperm motility and drink a lot of water. Keep the smile on. 15-20% of patients improve by just a lifestyle modification. If you have any query, you can consult me through Lybrate.
Thank You.