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Insomnia Treatment Tips
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Staying up late at night intentionally is not insomnia. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, or cannot sleep soundly for long, then it is indeed a case of insomnia. The inability to sleep can have terrible repercussions on your physical and psychological health.
A number of reasons could cause insomnia. Understanding the causes could help you identify your sleeplessness as insomnia and seek treatment right away.
What Health Issues cause Insomnia?
Here are some heal...more
A number of reasons could cause insomnia. Understanding the causes could help you identify your sleeplessness as insomnia and seek treatment right away.
What Health Issues cause Insomnia?
Here are some heal...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
After a hard day the only relief one has is to get a good night s rest and drift off to the world of sweet sleep. You might find yourself wide awake at night, even when your body is extremely tired. This difficulty to fall asleep naturally is called insomnia. If this inability to sleep continues for a long time, it becomes a sleep disorder and can cause many physical and health issues.
Reasons behind Insomnia
The lifestyle of the twenty-first century can be very demanding. A ...more
Reasons behind Insomnia
The lifestyle of the twenty-first century can be very demanding. A ...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Blessed are the people who can effortlessly fall asleep, especially at night. For some people, sleep appears like a distant dream that haunts them for days. Medically known as Insomnia, the disorder can take a toll on the physical and mental health of the individual affecting their personal as well as professional life to a great extent. The sleeping disorder may be temporary (Transient Insomnia) or long-lasting (Chronic that may persist for months).
Some individuals may suffer from ins...more
Some individuals may suffer from ins...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
In today s stressful environment, more and more people are being diagnosed with psychological disorders such as insomnia and depression. Neither of the two are things which people feel lucky to possess. However, it is interesting to note that there is a link between the two conditions. Also, the problems are a lot more common than a person is likely to first think; 80% of depressed people suffer from chronic insomnia!
For a long time until recently, many people were of the opinion that ...more
For a long time until recently, many people were of the opinion that ...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
Insomnia is the condition of acute sleeplessness, and it takes a heavy toll on your mood, your energy levels, and your ability to concentrate and work during the day. Some of the most common symptoms of the condition are:
You find it difficult to fall asleep even if you are tired
Once you wake up in the middle of the night, you cannot get back to sleep
You cannot work or concentrate on anything during the day
You stay mostly fatigued, or irritated throughout the day
You ...more
You find it difficult to fall asleep even if you are tired
Once you wake up in the middle of the night, you cannot get back to sleep
You cannot work or concentrate on anything during the day
You stay mostly fatigued, or irritated throughout the day
You ...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
Insomnia is a sleeping disorder, where an affected person suffers from sleeplessness and is unable to fall asleep or remain asleep for a long time which is required to stay healthy. Insomnia affects the functioning of the body and increases pain sensitivity of the body.
Insomnia has many cures and treatment options. Homeopathy is considered to be an important and very efficient form of medication, which treats insomnia and related sleeping disorders. Homeopathy eliminates the cause of i...more
Insomnia has many cures and treatment options. Homeopathy is considered to be an important and very efficient form of medication, which treats insomnia and related sleeping disorders. Homeopathy eliminates the cause of i...more
Last Updated: 8 years ago• Featured Tip
Are you suffering from stress and sleep disorders (Insomnia)? Are you looking for Ayurvedic remedies for improving your sleep? The principles of Ayurveda state that sufficient sleep along with a proper diet, and wise utilization of energy are important for maintaining good health.
Ayurvedic Consideration:
According to ayurveda, the vitiation of the three doshas either taken all together or individually may result in to insomnia. All factors, that are responsible for aggravatio...more
Ayurvedic Consideration:
According to ayurveda, the vitiation of the three doshas either taken all together or individually may result in to insomnia. All factors, that are responsible for aggravatio...more
Last Updated: 1 year ago• Featured Tip
The importance of mental health in maintaining overall well-being is often underestimated. Our mental state has a profound impact on our emotions, thoughts, and actions. When our mental health is compromised, it can result in a range of negative outcomes, such as anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental illnesses.
Someone who has good mental health is able to demonstrate resilience, feel and communicate a wide variety of emotions, both positive and n...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterised by pauses in breathing during sleep. These pauses, called apneic events, usually last between 10 to 20 seconds and occur when the muscles of the throat relax too much and make it difficult for air to pass through.
A lack of oxygen can then enter into the bloodstream as a result. The breathing can eventually restart but these episodes can cause disruption to one's sleep at night, leading to excessive d...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
गर्भावस्था एक मां के लिए बेहद सुखद अहसास होता है। लेकिन ये भी सच है कि इस दौरान एक गर्भवती स्त्री को कई तरह की समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है । इनमें एसिडिटी, कब्ज़,शरीर में सूजन, जी मिचलाना और नींद ना आना शामिल हैं।
आज हम बात करेंगे गर्भावस्था के दौरान नींद आने में होने वाली कठिनाई की। यहां हम आपको बताएंगे एक गर्भवती महिला को लगातार लगने वाली थकान ,बेचैनी और नींद की गड़बड़ी को कम करने के लिए रणनीतियों के बारे में।
गर्भावस्था आपके शरीर पर भारी पड़ सकती है। लेकिन गर्भावस्था के ...more
आज हम बात करेंगे गर्भावस्था के दौरान नींद आने में होने वाली कठिनाई की। यहां हम आपको बताएंगे एक गर्भवती महिला को लगातार लगने वाली थकान ,बेचैनी और नींद की गड़बड़ी को कम करने के लिए रणनीतियों के बारे में।
गर्भावस्था आपके शरीर पर भारी पड़ सकती है। लेकिन गर्भावस्था के ...more
103 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Being pregnant can be the best news for any female who is wishing for motherhood. While it is a bliss, it brings so many changes not just to your body but also to your mood and lifestyle. You may crave for certain food at a certain time, or may wish to sleep in a very particular way, not ready to compromise on your comfort as it can give you sleepless nights or may worsen your pregnancy symptoms of nausea, and heartburns. ;
It is perfectly fine for a pregn...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Short sleeper syndrome is a type of sleeping disorder in which a person does not sleep more than four to five hours in a day and even less than that. Eight hours of sleep is considered necessary for a healthy body and mind and a normal human being sleeps on an average for 7 to 8 hours in a day. The people with this syndrome, despite sleeping for such a short period of time, do not feel the urge to sleep or take a nap at any time in the day.
They function normally like other hu...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
If a person wants to have a healthy life he should eat healthy, work out daily and the most important factor to this is to take adequate and proper amounts of sleep regularly. Sleep helps in the proper regulation and functioning of the brain and the body and having a great and adequate sleep at the time of night you will feel that your memory, learning, creativity and your decision making has improved a lot. If you are unable to rest or sleep properly you will become prone to...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Adderall is a medicine which is prescribed by a doctor for people having mental disorders and this medicine is known for the stimulation of the brain. The most common mental illness for which this medicine is prescribed or consumed is for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd).
There are various natural supplements and medications available which can help a person to reduce the severity of the symptoms of this ailment. These natu...more
184 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
दिमाग और शरीर को ठीक से काम करने के लिए नींद की जरूरत होती है। इस कारण से, नींद विशेषज्ञ सलाह देते हैं कि किसी भी व्यक्ति को हर रात सात घंटे से कम नहीं सोना चाहिए। कम से कम इतनी अधिक नींद के बिना, दिन के दौरान घबराहट होना और बिगड़ा हुआ मानसिक प्रदर्शन होना सामान्य है।
लेकिन, कुछ लोग ऐसे भी होते हैं जो हर यात रात छह घंटे या उससे कम सोकर भी तरोताजा और ऊर्जावान रहते हैं। उन्हें उठने पर किसी तरह की कोई दिक्कत नहीं होती है। ऐसे लोगों को प्राकृतिक शॉर्ट स्लीपर या ट्रू शॉर्ट स्लीपर कहा जाता ह...more
लेकिन, कुछ लोग ऐसे भी होते हैं जो हर यात रात छह घंटे या उससे कम सोकर भी तरोताजा और ऊर्जावान रहते हैं। उन्हें उठने पर किसी तरह की कोई दिक्कत नहीं होती है। ऐसे लोगों को प्राकृतिक शॉर्ट स्लीपर या ट्रू शॉर्ट स्लीपर कहा जाता ह...more
1001 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
एड्डेराल क्या है
एड्डेराल एटेंशन डेफिसिट हायपर एक्टिविटी डिसआर्डर (एडीएचडी) के इलाज के लिए दी जाने वाली एक प्रभावी दवा है। हालांकि, हाल के वर्षों में, इसका दुरुपयोग छात्रों द्वारा किया जाने लगा है। यह लोगों को लंबे समय तक सतर्क और प्रेरित रखने के इस्तेमाल होने वाली दवा बन गयी है जिससे छात्र लंबे समय तक जागते रहने के लिए इसका दुरुपयोग कर रहे हैं।
एड्डेराल एटेंशन डेफिसिट हायपर एक्टिविटी डिसआर्डर (एडीएचडी) के लक्षणों को कम करने में बहुत प्रभावी हो सकते हैं, लेकिन केवल तभी जब कोई चिकित...more
एड्डेराल एटेंशन डेफिसिट हायपर एक्टिविटी डिसआर्डर (एडीएचडी) के इलाज के लिए दी जाने वाली एक प्रभावी दवा है। हालांकि, हाल के वर्षों में, इसका दुरुपयोग छात्रों द्वारा किया जाने लगा है। यह लोगों को लंबे समय तक सतर्क और प्रेरित रखने के इस्तेमाल होने वाली दवा बन गयी है जिससे छात्र लंबे समय तक जागते रहने के लिए इसका दुरुपयोग कर रहे हैं।
एड्डेराल एटेंशन डेफिसिट हायपर एक्टिविटी डिसआर्डर (एडीएचडी) के लक्षणों को कम करने में बहुत प्रभावी हो सकते हैं, लेकिन केवल तभी जब कोई चिकित...more
1634 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
General Physician•Jammu
It is perfectly normal and quite common for people to feel drowsy after meals. However, it can be very embarrassing when you are at work. Isn t it?
It's likely that you also find yourself yawning at your desk after a satisfying lunch with your coworkers. On the other hand, you have an important assignment to finish within a limited time and submit it to your immediate boss or senior. It becomes an awkward situation. That said, we can tell you how to deal with it. So,...more
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