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Last Updated: May 11, 2023

Is Buttermilk Good For You?

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Dr. Vaishali GuptaDietitian/Nutritionist • 8 Years Exp.PG Diploma In Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
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Buttermilk is a type of dairy drink which is fermented. Buttermilk is taken out from the liquid left behind after churning butter out of the cultured cream. It is mostly common in warm climates where unrefrigerated milk sours quickly. It is also used in cooking. One cup of buttermilk is made by adding one tablespoon of the white vinegar and one cup of milk. It can also be made by adding one tablespoon of the lemon juice and one cup of milk. Buttermilk is also regarded as aid for the digestive system. Lactic acid and healthy bacteria is also present in buttermilk which helps in improving the metabolism and also helps in the digestion. It is considered very fruitful in curing the disorder of Irritable bowel movement.

Buttermilk is considered good for you. Buttermilk is also considered good for your health. The following are the benefits of drinking buttermilk. They are as follows:

  1. Boosts energy:-  Riboflavin, a type of B vitamin that is present in the buttermilk, is considered as an essential element for the production of the energy in the body. It helps in giving energy to the body and also helps in keeping active full day. It also helps in regulating the amino acid of the body which helps in making the proteins of the body. So, you can drink buttermilk to boost up your energy. 
  2. Preventing Dehydration:- Buttermilk is made from the water and curd. It contains 90% of the electrolyte and water. It is considered as effective in keeping the water balance in the body. It  also helps in preventing dehydration and keeping the body hydrated. So, for keeping the body hydrated, you can drink buttermilk.
  3. Helps in reducing the cholesterol level:- Buttermilk helps in bringing down the level of cholesterol. If you drink buttermilk regularly then it can lower the triglycerides and also helps in reducing the cholesterol level. Buttermilk also helps in maintaining cardiovascular health. So, if you have a higher level of cholesterol then you can drink the buttermilk.
  4. Helps in reducing the weight:- Buttermilk helps in reducing the weight. Buttermilk is rich in vitamins, proteins and also several minerals. It contains less calories and fats. It helps in providing energy to the body and also helps in keeping the body hydrated. Thus, buttermilk helps in reducing the consumption of junk food. Less consumption of junk food automatically helps in reducing weight. So, if you have the problem of excess weight, you can drink buttermilk in order to reduce the weight.
  5. Boosts immunity:- If you drink buttermilk on a daily basis, then it helps in boosting the immune system. Buttermilk also helps in protecting the body from the various types of infections. So, if you are suffering from various infections, you can drink buttermilk to boost your immunity.
  6. Natural coolant of the body:- Buttermilk is regarded as a natural coolant of the body. It helps in cooling the body immediately. If you drink buttermilk layered using mint, cumin seeds and salt, then automatically you will start feeling refreshed. Your thirst will be immediately put out. It is consumed mostly in the summer season from April - August to keep the body cool. It can also be used as a substitute for the cold drinks, made using the chemicals, which are consumed mostly in the summer season. Buttermilk also works as a aid for the post - menopausal women who suffer from the hot flashes. So, in order to keep your body cool, especially in the summer season, you can drink buttermilk.
  7. Helpful for teeth and bones:- Buttermilk is made using the products of milk which are very rich in calcium. Calcium is also considered as an important element for building a healthy skeletal system. Calcium also assists in keeping the bones and teeth strong. Whenever there is muscle contraction, clotting of blood, beating of the heart etc., calcium is required. So, in order to make the teeth and bones strong, you can drink buttermilk.
  8. Enriched with vitamins:-  Vitamins are considered very essential for our body. Buttermilk is enriched with vitamins. It is mostly enriched with vitamin D and B complex vitamins. So, if you're having a deficiency of vitamins, you can drink buttermilk.
  9. Good for the skin:- Buttermilk is also regarded as good for the skin. The microorganisms, probiotics, are present in the buttermilk which helps in proper functioning of the digestive system. Due to the proper functioning of the digestive system toxins are reduced from the body. The lactic acid which is present in the buttermilk is also considered good for the skin. If you drink buttermilk, a glow comes to the skin. It is also regarded as an effective toner along with the skin cleanser. It also reduces acne spots, reduces the tan and also the blemishes. Buttermilk also brightens and moisturizes the skin. So, if you're having skin problems, you can drink buttermilk. 
  10. Cures acidity:-  Buttermilk helps in curing the acidity. Acidity happens due to oftenly eating spicy and oily foods. So, if you drink the buttermilk mixed with the coriander and black pepper then it starts providing relief to the problem of acidity. It can also provide relief to the acidity in another way. There is a lactic acid present in the buttermilk. It helps in curing the problem of acidity. So, if you are having acidity problems, you can drink buttermilk.


Thankyou for spending your precious time reading this health tip. I hope you got relevant and proper information after reading this. Buttermilk is a type of dairy drink which is fermented. It is mostly consumed in the summer season. Buttermilk is considered good for your health. It is enriched with vitamins. Drinking buttermilk helps in curing the acidity, boosts immunity, keeps the body hydrated etc. If you have a problem with high blood pressure, you can drink buttermilk. It helps in minimizing blood pressure. It is also considered good for the skin.

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