","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Pallavi Singh","medicalSpecialty":"Podiatrist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/1a4afe7e55e0524c559f1959ec6bbae0/Physiotherapy-PallaviSingh-Mumbai-38d51b.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/mumbai/doctor/dr-pallavi-singh-podiatrist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Causes and Symptoms of Dry Mouth","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"When the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva, the mouth gets dry and uncomfortable. Due to certain conditions, such a phenomenon can occur and this condition is known as dry mouth or xerostomia. Xerostomia or dry mouth can occur due to multiple reasons. Read on more to find all about the different causes and symptoms of dry mouth.
1. Side effects of certain medications: Dry mouth occurs due to the effect of certain prescription and nonprescription medications. Drugs used to treat depression, pain, allergies, anxiety, epilepsy, obesity, nausea and psychotic disorders can cause dry mouth condition as a side effect. Sedatives and muscle relaxers can also cause dry mouth.
2. Side effects of certain disease and infections: Certain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, mumps, diabetes, hypertension, cystic fibrosis, anemia and Parkinson's disease can also cause dry mouth or xerostomia.
3. Side effect of treatments: If the salivary glands are damaged due to certain reasons, then less saliva is secreted resulting in dry mouth. Certain treatments such as radiation treatments in the head and neck or chemotherapy sessions could indirectly cause dry mouth by damaging the salivary glands.
4. Nerve damage: Dry mouth can also be due to a person suffering from nerve damage caused due to accident or surgery.
5. Dehydration: Conditions like fever, excessive vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, which cause dehydration can also cause dry mouth.
6. Removal of salivary glands: Surgical removal of the salivary glands also causes dry mouth.
7. Lifestyle choices: Certain lifestyle preferences such as chewing tobacco or smoking can cause dry mouth.
Symptoms Dry mouth has several symptoms. If you have some or all of the symptoms mentioned below, then you are more than likely suffering from dry mouth.
1. A sticky and dry feeling in the mouth. 2. The frequent feeling of being thirsty. 3. A dry, parched feeling in the throat. 4. The tongue being dry, raw and red. 5. There is discomfort and problem while you are speaking or experiencing problems with chewing, tasting or swallowing food. 6. Experiencing dry nasal passages, a sore throat or hoarseness in the voice. 7. A tingling or slightly burning sensation in the mouth but particularly in the tongue. 8. Having a bad breath.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Rukmini Lalit Dhaygude","medicalSpecialty":"Dentist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/9310de438a0c9ec6894c62fd835e0ae0/Dentistry-RukminiLalitDhaygude-Navi-Mumbai-b84c35.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/navi-mumbai/doctor/dr-rukmini-lalit-dhaygude-dentist-1"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"I'm thinking to start keto diet for weight loss but I'm already taking sodium valproate for migraine\ncan I take l carnitine with it to increase the ketosis? And is it safe to take l carnitine with sodium valproate.","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Hello user\nno. Fancy diet keto, gm, paleo are not good for body. They are originated for different purposes. Fancy diet can lead to serious harm to body, even to coma. Other side effects caused due to these diet. Osteoporosis.kidney disease. Liver disease. Vitamins and minerals deficiency. Heart problems. Sexual problems\nand many more.\nBeing a dietician, we won't prescribe such kind of diet. We have another method of reducing weight by treating the cause of obesity from root, this treatment is 100%effective in reducing weight without any side effects. There are many reason of being overweight or obese. Improper liver functions. Endocrine imbalance (diabetes/ thyroid. Psychological problems. Physical inactive. Improper dietary diet. Vitamins and minerals deficiency\n.eating disorders. Improper sleep\n.stress. Medication\nmany more\nhow we treat over weight and obesity thru diet. Finding and curing the cause of overweight and obesity. Treating the deficiency, symptoms and disease cause due to obesity and overweight. Diet to get ideal weight why it important to reduce weight\nobesity result to many other disease. Diabetes.high bp or hypertension\n.heart disease. Kidney disease. Osteoporosis.vitamins and minerals deficiency\nand many more.\nBefore prescribing any thing ,we need some health information like\nvitals, health parameter, physical activity, family history, occupation, daily routine and any many. So ,if you want to contact ,please contact us thru Lybrate.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dt.Ankita Bhargava","medicalSpecialty":"Dietitian/Nutritionist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/c915a962e1bd4d78d468a77c34997b6c/Dietitian-Nutritionist-AnkitaBhargava-Bangalore-f77c41","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/bangalore/doctor/dr-ankita-bhargava-dietitian-nutritionist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"I want to know symptoms of pregnancy? I mean to say the symptoms that says she's pregnant? How many symptoms are there?","answerCount":2,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Hello Rohit,\n\nThere are a lot symptoms. the first sign is missed period. she may experience nausea, breast heaviness, fatique etc.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Rita Bakshi","medicalSpecialty":"Gynaecologist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/567f34359001c4811631ebebe86565f7/Gynaecology-RitaBakshi-Delhi-3b3787.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/delhi/doctor/dr-rita-bakshi-gynaecologist-1"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"What are the symptoms of cancer, how can we know those are cancer symptoms or any other disease symptoms.","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Dear mam, cancer arises from cells within out body. The cells become uncontrolled and autonomous and cause symptoms like lumps, bleeding, ulceration, abnormal weight loss, fever, altered bowel habits etc. These symptoms may be due to other diseases as well but only if they continue for a long period like over a month or so, seek medical advice.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Neetu Singhal","medicalSpecialty":"Oncologist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/ea1807d665de81801e09a094833cbb09/Oncology-NeetuSingh-Faridabad-8291e6.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/faridabad/doctor/dr-neetu-singhal-oncologist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Symptoms Of Leprosy!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"The symptoms of leprosy are hard to identify at the initial stages. It usually takes 3 5 years for the symptoms to appear on the body, after getting infected by the bacteria of leprosy. In some cases reported by the medical anthropologists, onset followed only after 20 years. Leprosy thus has a long incubation period which makes it difficult for the patient as well as the doctor to determine the exact time when the person got infected. According to the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the symptoms of leprosy can be mainly found on the skin, nerves, and mucous membranes.
(A) Symptoms found on the skin are:
Nodules on the skin Dark patch on the skin or sometimes multiple dark patches on the skin area. Thick, faded, stiff, and dry skin area Painless ulcers on the soles of the feet on the face and on the earlobes, usually painless in natureSwelling Loss of eyelashes and eyebrows (B) Symptoms related to nerve damage are:
Numbness in the affected areas Weak muscles Paralysis (mostly in the feet and hands) Enlarged nerves Eye problems which may lead to glaucoma and blindness Infertility in males (C) Symptoms related to the mucous membranes are:
Bleeding of the nose A stuffy nose When leprosy affects the nerves, a loss of sensation can be noticed. Due to the loss of sensation, injuries such as burns cannot be sensed by the affected person. In the absence of proper muscle coordination, the skin and bones of the body of patient tend to take the full weight of the patient s body, that s why feet are extremely vulnerable. If it is left untreated, the following signs and symptoms may be noticed:
The crippling of hands and feet Shortening of fingers and toes due to reabsorption Paralysis Blindness Chronic ulcers on the sole of the feet Permanent loss of eyelashes and eyebrows Disfigurement of the nose. Some other complications which may occur in rare cases are:
Painful nerves Pain and redness all over or in the affected area Burning sensation on the skin According to Talhari et al. (2015), the secondary infections (caused by bacterial and viral infections through injuries unnoticed) can cause tissue loss and shortage of the feet and toes due to cartilage absorption in the body. Around 30% of the people affected with leprosy experiencing nerve damage can be treated in the early stages, but, if treatment is delayed, this may become permanent, causing various body abnormalities","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Singh","medicalSpecialty":"Ayurvedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/bd61ff467f23e7052f5c15d0b1aa2af9/Ayurveda-SanjeevKumarSingh-Lakhimpur-Kheri-f5c6dd","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/lakhimpur-kheri/doctor/dr-sanjeev-kumar-singh-ayurveda"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Causes And Symptoms Of Androphobia!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Androphobia can be described as the unfounded and often overstressed fear of men. This phobia can affect both the genders, though younger females are more known to suffer from this kind of phobia.
Causes and origin: Many psychoanalysts are of the opinion that women who had been victims of sexual assault or any kind of male aggression are more prone to androphobia. An unsympathetic and rude father figure can trigger this phobia in both the sexes. Many young girls are taught by their parents or caregiver to stay away from the opposite sex this can also instil a sense of fear for men in the young mind.
Symptoms: Intense and irrational fear of men is one of the commonest manifestations of this phobia. In many cases, the individual might experience disturbing thoughts about being assailed by men. In spite of realizing that the fear is unfounded, they still avoid any kind of association with men. In some cases, the person is extremely panicky and alert in presence of men. Extreme cases of androphobia are characterized by panic accompanied with tremors, increased heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, stomach ache and chest ache.
Androphobia and sex life: Androphobia can gravely affect the personal life of an individual particularly his/her sex life. Androphobic women intentionally keep away from male company which definitely has a negative impact on their sex life. Even mildly androphobic women are known to feel uncomfortable while talking to men. The androphobics are generally depressed individuals who prefer to keep to themselves. In spite of having feelings for a man or having the urge to have sex, an androphobic woman will hardly be able to convey her feeling because of her intense fear of manliness. The loneliness and alienation which is associated with this kind of phobia often prompts a woman to contemplate suicide.
Treatment: As with most other phobias, androphobia is also a curable condition. Your psychiatrist can suggest various medications and psychotherapies to cure your condition. The exposure therapy in which the phobic is slowly exposed to the much feared subject is known to work well in many cases. The CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is another treatment for androphobia where counselling sessions are conducted so that the phobic can express and share her nature of phobia. During the sessions, the counsellor suggests ways of dealing with the phobia and keeping it under control. The objective of the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is to recognize the pessimistic images related to men and turn them into positive ones. When none of these therapies work, the psychiatrist usually suggests anti-anxiety and anti depressant medications which improve the temperament of the androphobic.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Vikas Deshmukh","medicalSpecialty":"Sexologist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/6aa620ede3cf49897c8a660bc015c36e/Sexology-VikasDeshmukh-Navi-Mumbai-b2916b","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/navi-mumbai/doctor/dr-vikas-deshmukh-psychiatrist-1"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Symptoms of Anxiety","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Rumination of thoughts about future Motor restlessness like unable to sit in a place, fidgeting etc, Headache, neck pain. Constant worries and always having the feeling of stand in edge. Palpitations, tremor, sweating frequently. Difficulty in sleep. Unknown fear. Fear of -something bad will happen.
","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Gunaseelan","medicalSpecialty":"Psychiatrist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/null","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/kollam/doctor/dr-gunaseelan-psychiatrist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Symptoms Of Cataract!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Symptoms Of Cataract","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Shweta Jain","medicalSpecialty":"Ophthalmologist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/d384ecb56a389e31886db629dbc172e5/Ophthalmology-ShwetaJain-Delhi-432d71","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/delhi/doctor/dr-shweta-jain-ophthalmologist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Piles And Its Symptoms!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Piles or hemorrhoids are blood vessel swellings that develop around or inside the anus and rectum. Symptoms of this condition can range from mild to severe and include itching, pain, and bleeding discomfort.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Pallavi K Kanade","medicalSpecialty":"Ayurveda","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/d18fa0b701eaaf7b54e55e391b092106/Ayurveda-PallaviKKanade-sohani-pune-4637be.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/nashik/doctor/dr-pallavi-k-kanade-ayurveda"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}}]
Ketosis Symptoms - Articles & Health Tips, Questions & Answers, Advice From Top Doctors, Health Experts | Lybrate
It is necessary for the patient to identify the pain areas in their foot. Here is a quick guide to listen to the symptoms of your foot and if there has been any pain in these areas of the foot, notify it to the doctors
When the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva, the mouth gets dry and uncomfortable. Due to certain conditions, such a phenomenon can occur and this condition is known as dry mouth or xerostomia. Xerostomia or dry mouth can occur due to multiple reasons. Read on more to find all about the different causes and symptoms of dry mouth.
1. Side effects of certain medications: Dry mouth occurs due to the effect of certain prescription and nonprescription medications. D...more
Masters In Clinical Nutrition & Dietitic...read more
Hello user no. Fancy diet keto, gm, paleo are not good for body. They are originated for different purposes. Fancy diet can lead to serious harm to body, even to coma. Other side effects caused due to these diet. Osteoporosis.kidney disease. Liver disease. Vitamins and minerals deficiency. Heart problems. Sexual problems and many more. Being a dietician, we won't prescribe such kind of diet. We have another method of reducing weight by treating the cause of obesity from root, this tr...more
Dear mam, cancer arises from cells within out body. The cells become uncontrolled and autonomous and cause symptoms like lumps, bleeding, ulceration, abnormal weight loss, fever, altered bowel habits etc. These symptoms may be due to other diseases as well but only if they continue for a long period like over a month or so, seek medical advice.
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surge...read more
Ayurvedic Doctor•Lakhimpur Kheri
The symptoms of leprosy are hard to identify at the initial stages. It usually takes 3 5 years for the symptoms to appear on the body, after getting infected by the bacteria of leprosy. In some cases reported by the medical anthropologists, onset followed only after 20 years. Leprosy thus has a long incubation period which makes it difficult for the patient as well as the doctor to determine the exact time when the person got infected. According to the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and...more
MBBS, M.D Psychiatry , Diploma In Psycho...read more
Sexologist•Navi Mumbai
Androphobia can be described as the unfounded and often overstressed fear of men. This phobia can affect both the genders, though younger females are more known to suffer from this kind of phobia.
Causes and origin: Many psychoanalysts are of the opinion that women who had been victims of sexual assault or any kind of male aggression are more prone to androphobia. An unsympathetic and rude father figure can trigger this phobia in both the sexes. Many young girls are taught by their ...more
Rumination of thoughts about future Motor restlessness like unable to sit in a place, fidgeting etc, Headache, neck pain. Constant worries and always having the feeling of stand in edge. Palpitations, tremor, sweating frequently. Difficulty in sleep. Unknown fear. Fear of -something bad will happen.
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surge...read more
Piles or hemorrhoids are blood vessel swellings that develop around or inside the anus and rectum. Symptoms of this condition can range from mild to severe and include itching, pain, and bleeding discomfort.