Hye. Thanks for the query. The Zika virus disease can cause fever, rash, joint pain, and redness in the whites of the eye. But most people won’t know they have it. Though some people have no symptoms at all. The virus rarely causes major complications, but in rare cases, Zika has been associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disorder that can cause partial or complete paralysis, usually starting in the legs, most often temporary. Zika, dengue fever, chikungunya, or West Nile vi...more
thrcsign symptoms of zika virus is samevas flu like fever,cough,cold,running of nose headeche bodyache fatigue etc the virus strain is same but the victornis different.
There are four ways of spreading hiv through unprotected sex with an infected partner through contaminated blood transfusion from infected syringes and from infected mother yo child in the womb to protect yourself you have yo take precautions for sexual relationship ask the doctors and nurses to check the blood if transfusion is required ask the nurses to use new packed disposable sterlized syringes.
Swine flu is caused by H1N1 virus and is more serious than normal seasonal flu.it is an air borne infection and spreads through the sneezing and coughing of infected individual)- Normal flu- byInfluenza/H4N2 virus
It is caused due to the bite of a mosquitos and see to it that there is no stagnation of water in your house and nearby locality for more than seven days because these are the breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
If CD4 count is with in normal limits than the person is asymptomatic and if the level is low than there can be lymphadenopathy and secondary infections which have their own symptoms
BASM, MD, MS (Counseling & Psychotherapy...read more
They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood.
MBBS, DDV, FCPS, APEX, Diplomat American...read more
HIV Specialist•Mumbai
By a test. Please take HIV HBsAg and VDRL tests after 90 days of exposure. For HIV there is treatment. For Hbv prevention vaccine is available, for hcv there is cure. Please take private Consult with audio video chat and then I can guide you properly.
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