1. Do saline gargles daily (preferably twice). 2. Whenever possible do steam inhalation also. 3. Cover your nose and mouth with hanky for at least 30 sec when you go in dusty areas also when you go in and out of ac. As our nose is the most sensitive part of our body, when there is temperature difference between two rooms or inside n outside, then if we not protect our nose, it gets affected. 4. Drink hot liquids --hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, prevent dehydration, and soothe ...more
Hello. Any medicine or supplements should be taken only under your medical professional's direction. Try - to do exercise n yoga to make your lungs stronger regularly -eat food rich in antioxidants -improve indoor air quality.
Yes it is normal to have slight stiffness in winters but it can be relieved by yoga… multivitamin are essentially post 40 years but too much is also bad.
LRTI is a lower respiratory tract infection, term often used as a pneumonia but can also be applied to other types of infection including lung abscess and bronchitis.. symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, fever, weakness and coughing.. Homoeopathy medicines are very effective in RTI.. it gives very fast relief in coughing and any other symptoms...
Yoga (fish pose and bow pose and cobra pose is very effective. And you do also breathing exercise (20 time /1 min). And mudra (sun mudra and wind mudra).
What r other symptoms that she is experiencing like breathlessness or burning or heaviness etc? By doing what like walking, exertion, eating or empty stomach- it increases or decreases in intensity. For how much time it remains? Is there stiffness also? How is her appetite?Is she constipated or having loose stools? Any problem in urine?I need details of the case. In the meanwhile follow this 1. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. U should eat whatever your mother or gra...more
BHMS, Training In Emergency care, Certif...read more
Homeopathy Doctor•Delhi
I would like you to get some tests done and send me their images to be able to help you get diagnosed. Once you know the cause you are able to get the right treatment. Complete hemogram, x ray chest, total ige reach me with these reports.
You should avoid cold food and cooling things ,if feels breath difficulty mean that time you take one dose of carbo. Veg 200 ,that enough ,you will feels better with in 10 mints.