महोदय, जो स्तिथि अपने बताई है उससे यही ज्ञात होता है कि आपके घुटने की लचक तथा पैर पर पूरी तरह से वज़न न ले पाने का कारण मूलतः पैर और घुटने की मांसपेशियों की कमजोरी की वजह से है। ये कमज़ोरी पैर और घुटने की की कुछ कमजोर मांसपेशियों जिनकी वजह से आपकी दिक्कत हो रही है उनकी कसरत (एक्सरसाइज) से पूर्णतः ठीक हो जाती है। सही और सटीक इलाज के लिए आप एक अच्छे भौतिक विशेषज्ञ (फिजियोथैरेपिस्ट) से सलाह ले सकते हैं। आपकी इस तकलीफ के लिए मुझसे परामर्श लेने पर मैं ठीक से आपको बता पाऊंगा की किस तरह...more
Dear gaurav it's nice of you and all such young lads like you joining the forces bt what you need to understand is these forces have set medical std which cannot be changed bt there are certain exercises which you can try bt if a sure shot case of surgery is needed you cannot avoid that hope your doubt is being cleared don't lose hope everybody has one or the other special talent which one can hone if one is not working try other things n have a great future ahead !
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery...read more
Ayurvedic Doctor•Faridabad
Sir, it seems that you have vaat (air) imbalance in your body. With the help of ayurvedic herbs/medication vaat can be pacified. You should avoid the food items that may result in gas formation. Avoid junk food or alcohol, if any.
Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physica...read more
Muscular dystrophy is a group of rare inherited muscle disease in which muscle fibers are unusually susceptible to damage. Muscles, primarily voluntary muscle ,become progressively weaker. In the late stage of muscular dystrophy ,fat and connective tissue often replace muscle fibers. In some type of muscular dystrophy, heart muscle, other involuntary muscles, and other organs are affected. Although there's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy, treatment for some forms of the di...more
Follow these dos and donâts to help your knees feel their best. 1. Donât rest too much. Too much rest can weaken your muscles, which can worsen joint pain. Find an exercise program that is safe for your knees and stick with it. If you're not sure which motions are safe or how much you can do, talk with your doctor or a physical therapist. 2. Do exercise. Cardio exercises strengthen the muscles that support your knee and increase flexibility. Weight training and stretching do, too. Fo...more
Hiii. If the dislocation happened to your shoulder is too high. Then you have to keep the bandage for several months. But if it's just a ligament tear or small dislocation. U can remove the bandage, once you feel there is no pain, swelling in your shoulder joint or else if you don't feeel any sort of difficulty in moving your joints .u can remove your bandage. Take care. Get well soon.
Hi, dislocations cannot be corrected by any medicine. Invention is required. If there is pain or any other discomfort, this can be easily taken care of with homeopathic medicines. Whenever you feel comfortable you may visit the the ortho for correction of dislocation then.
mitesh you have never injured as well as muscle injury, due to dislocated it may possible that time ulnar , radial nerve , so go with simple MRI RT SHOULDER AND CERVICAL SPINE , AVOID ANY WAIT BEARING IN EFFECT SIDE . you take homeopathy medicine some off according advise other doctor as well. if need complete resolve consult with us online through librate
MBBS, Basic Life Support (B.L.S), Advanc...read more
General Physician•Delhi
I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. The length of time phn lasts also varies. Many patients report symptoms lasting from one to three months, but some patints may experience symptoms up to a year or longer. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
Hope your plasma treatment is helping. Other two medications you r taking is mainly pain killers. You can gradually stop those and see how effective is plasma treatment. As itâs new modality, itâs still under trails. No significant good results to everyone. If it doesnât work, probably needs knee replacement surgery. Best wishes.
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