Menopause Advice: Treatment, Procedure, Cost and Side Effects
Last Updated: Jan 20, 2025
What is the treatment?
Menopause is a condition in which a woman faces the absence of menstrual periods for a period of 12 months. Menopause is a rather slow process and does not happen overnight. It is the time for a woman when the functions of the ovaries stop. Every woman has to go through this horrendous period of premenopause. The normal age of occurrence is 51 years, however it may also take place before schedule as in someone in their 30s or even 60s. There is still no solid lab test to foresee or examine the occurrence of menopause in a woman. The time of menopause onset isn’t associated with the age of a woman at which her menstrual periods begin. Menopause side effects include hot flashes, mood swings and unusual vaginal bleeding. Osteopoross and coronary diseases are the complications which occur after menopause. There are medications which are customized for every menopausal woman. Treatments are mostly indicated towards mitigating troubling or uncomfortable symptoms.
Hormone therapy (HT) which is also known as postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT) and hormone replacement therapy (HRT), is comprised of estrogens, a combination of different estrogens or projesterone (projestine). Hormone therapy’s sole purpose is to keep the menopausal symptoms in control, which is mostly identified with low estrogen levels, for example hot flashes and vaginal dryness. In today’s date, hormonal therapy is the best possible approach to treat the side effects of menopause. Sporadic vaginal bleeding in a woman with menopause is treated by yet another type of hormonal therapy by oral prophylactic (contraceptive) pills.
How is the treatment done?
The application of lotions or creams for the vagina such as KY Liquibeads Vaginal Lotion or K-Y Silk-E Vaginal Lotion is proven to beneficial for menopausal women. In addition, the usage of lubricants during sexual intercourse is a kind of non-hormonal alternatives as a solution for vaginal dryness. The application of Betadine on the external area of the vagina and soaking in a warm bathtub will be helpful for easing the vaginal pain and burning symptoms after intercourse. Specialists recommend a diverse timetable for taking hormonal therapy. In light of the specific circumstance of a woman, a hormonal therapy is individualized and set accordingly.
The end goal has to be kept in mind, which is to keep a strategic distance of vaginal bleeding monthly. There are a few women who take very little measurements of progesterone and estrogen together consistently. This is called the daily constant treatment. Every hour of every day, constant treatment may lead to some unpredictable vaginal discharge for a little while initially, especially in young women entering the stage of menopause. In these women, there is a blend of estrogen and progesterone for the initial 12 days of the month. Hormonal therapy is usually given by mouth (oral estrogen), certain vaginal estrogen rings, or by placing a patch on the skin to relieve hot flashes. These include micronized progesterone (100 mg daily or 200 mg for 10 to 12 days per month) and medroxyprogesterone (2,5 mg daily or 5 mg for 10 to 12 days per month).
Who is eligible for the treatment? (When is the treatment done?)
Women who have had their uterus surgically removed (hysterectomy) are eligible for the treatment.
Who is not eligible for the treatment?
Women who are expecting a family in mere future and have not had their uterus surgically removed are eligible for the hormonal therapy.
Are there any side effects?
Side effects include increased risk for stroke, heart attack, and breast cancer, dementia, osteoporosis and many more. Estrogen treatment alone, however, is related with an increased danger of developing endometrial malignancy (cancer of the uterus lining) in postmenopausal ladies who haven’t had their uterus removed surgically.
What are the post-treatment guidelines?
The women who do not wish to use estrogen for controlling her severe symptoms, it is necessary that she embraces a few lifestyle changes. In case there is a need of pharmacologic therapy, the most effective agent is antidepressants. A healthful and reasonable solution is a diet comprising of soy protein. Patients must be monitored for symptoms of carbolic state or malnutrition. If indicated, parenteral or eternal electrolytes, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, and amino acids should be supplemented. A proper diet that includes a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits is recommended by the doctor. The quantity of salt intake should be decreased. A follow up routine check with your doctor once a while is recommended. The patients are asked to stop smoking.
How long does it take to recover?
It may take one to two months for an effective result through this treatment method.
What is the price of the treatment in India?
The price of the treatment ranges from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 10,000.
Are the results of the treatment permanent?
The results of the treatment are temporary as menopause is a natural phase of your life and has to be dealt with when occurred. A woman might not need assistance to deal with it for the rest of her life.
What are the alternatives to the treatment?
Isoflavones, found in soy and different plants that are phytoestrogens, or plant-inferred estrogens are chemical compounds. They have a compound structure that is like the estrogens normally created by the body, yet their adequacy as an estrogen has been assessed to be much lower than the real estrogens. Their estrogen power has been evaluated to be just 1/1000 to 1/100,000 of that of estradiol, a characteristic estrogen. Two sorts of isoflavones, daidzein, and genistein are found in soy beans, lentils and chick peas, and are considered as the strongest estrogens of the phytoestrogens. Studies have demonstrated that these mixes may help diminish hot flashes and different side effects of menopause.
- Menopause- Medline Plus, Health Topics, NIH, U.S. National Library of Medicine [Internet]. 2019 [Cited 13 August 2019]. Available from:
- Menopause: Medicines to Help You- FDA [Internet]. 2018 [Cited 13 August 2019]. Available from:
- Menopause- Hormone Health Network [Internet]. 2016 [Cited 13 August 2019]. Available from:
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