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Missing Teeth -Procedures, Side effects, Recovery time, Costs and alternatives

Last Updated: Oct 10, 2024

What is the treatment of Missing Teeth ?

Some of the treatment for missing teeth are: -

Artificial teeth- Artificial teeth are the replacement for missing teeth and its ‎surrounding tissues which are removable. There are two types of dentures ‎are available. One is complete dentures and another one is partial dentures. ‎Complete dentures are used when the patient has lost all his/ her teeth. ‎Complete dentures can either be immediate or conventional. These dentures ‎are made only after the rotten or damaged teeth have been completely ‎removed and the gum tissue has started to heal properly. Healing happens ‎after a period of 8-12 weeks after the removal of teeth. Immediate ‎dentures are different from that of conventional dentures. These dentures ‎are already made in advance and are positioned immediately after the ‎removal of teeth. As the result, the patient has to wear the dentures and does ‎not have to be without teeth during the healing period. ‎

Removable Partial Denture- It appears very embarrassing when someone ‎is missing front teeth. A removable partial denture, which can be worn ‎during the day, can replace one or many missing teeth.Sometimes a partial ‎denture needs metal clasps to help it to stay in the mouth.Unfortunately, ‎these metal clasps are visible whenever someone is speaking or smiling.‎Another disadvantage of a partial denture is that it can move a little from its ‎place while speaking or eating, which can be uncomfortable.Therefore, it is ‎recommended to take them out at night and soak them in a cleaning solution.‎This is most economical option as with a partial denture there is no need to ‎file down any teeth.A full complete denture can replace all missing teeth.‎

Temporary Denture- This is a short term solution for a missing tooth or ‎some teeth. It is called as flipper because it flips in and out easily.This ‎denture is used when the tooth will be restored in the future with a bridge or ‎an implant, but the site to be healed is to be waited.These are much like a ‎removable partial denture, but usually less bulky, less sturdy and less ‎expensive. Surrounding teeth are not altered when a flipper is made.‎

Bridge- When there are teeth on either side of the missing tooth bridge is an ‎option. A bridge is a fixed solution as it stays cemented in the mouth and does ‎not come out easily. It involves cutting down teeth either side of the missing ‎tooth to be able to connect them together.Floss threaders are recommended, ‎which slide under the bridge, to keep it clean.The disadvantages of bridges ‎are that cutting down of teeth that might be perfectly healthy, and sometimes ‎bridges in the lower jaw do not last as long since the jaw flexes and the ‎unbendable bridge can cause a leak on one side or another that may allow ‎decay or bacteria to seep in.Sometimes the teeth next to the gap need a filling ‎or a crown and this method can solve two problems; filling the gap and fixing ‎the adjacent tooth at the same time.A bridge can easily replace one or two ‎missing teeth, and sometimes more if there is enough support.‎

Dental Implant- Dental implant is also a great way to replace a missing tooth. ‎This feels and acts the most like a natural teeth when brushing, chewing or ‎smiling.The dental implant replaces the actual root of the missing teeth and ‎heals in the bone for several months.An abutment is placed then, to which a ‎crown will be cemented.A major advantage is there is no need to alter any ‎other teeth when placing an implant.For a single missing tooth an implant is ‎a great solution, and even more implants can replace many missing teeth.‎There is no way to tell the difference between an implant and a natural tooth ‎when smiling or talking.‎

How is the treatment done?

During the first visit to the dentist for getting a dental bridge, the abutment ‎teeth are prepared. It involves recontouring these abutment teeth by ‎removing a portion of enamel to allow room for a crown to be placed over ‎them. Next, impressions of the teeth are made and these impressions serve as ‎a model from which the bridge and crowns will be made by a dental lab. The ‎dentist will make a temporary bridge to wear.

This bridge will protect the ‎exposed teeth and gums while the bridge is being made.‎

During the second visit the patient’s temporary bridge will be removed and ‎the new porcelain or metal bridge will be checked and adjusted to achieve a ‎proper fit. Multiple visits may be advised to check the fit of the metal ‎framework and bite. This depends on each individual's case. If the dental ‎bridge is a fixed bridge, the dentist may temporarily cement it in place for a ‎couple of weeks to make sure it is properly fitting. After some weeks, the ‎bridge is cemented into place. ‎

The process of denture development takes approximately 3 to 6 weeks and a ‎number of appointments. As soon as the prosthodontist the dentist who ‎specializes in the replacement and restoration of teeth or dentist determines ‎the type of appliance that is best suited for the patient, the first step is to ‎make various impressions of the patient’s jaw, so as to take measurements of ‎the relation and space in between his/ her jaws. The next step is to create wax ‎forms, plastic patterns and models in the precise shape and location of the ‎denture to be prepared. The patient will have to try out this model multiple ‎times and then there will be an assessment of the denture for shape, fit and ‎colour before the casting of the final denture. When the whole assessment ‎part is done and the denture is finally made then it needs to be casted in the ‎patient’s mouth. Lastly, some adjustments will be made, only if necessary. A ‎fixed bridge replaces one or more teeth by positioning the crowns on the ‎teeth on one side of the space and joining the artificial teeth to the other side. ‎The bridge is cemented into place after that. Artificial teeth not only fill the ‎spaces of the missing teeth, it also prevents the teeth from changing its ‎position too.‎

Who is eligible for the treatment? (When is the treatment done?)

A person who had his/her teeth missing or taken out is eligible for the ‎treatment of artificial teeth or dental implants or dental bridge.‎

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

Persons with difficulty in the adjustment of temporary dentures is precluded ‎from the usage of dentures. For example, if a person with loose fitting of ‎artificial dentures which keep falling out and a person whose jaw hurts ‎constantly on inserting the dentures in his/her mouth are not eligible for the ‎treatment.‎


Are there any side effect s?

Some of the possible side effects are: Bite Irregularities,Difficulty Chewing, Facial Aesthetics, Speech Issues, etc. Some medication may cause nausea, headaches, etc. In case any of these side effects persists or there any other health issues arising during or after treatment, it is advised to kindly consult the health specialist immediately.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

Some of the post treatment guidelines are- It is necessary to keep remaining ‎teeth healthy and strong as the success of the bridge depends on the solid ‎foundation offered by the surrounding teeth. Twice a day brushing and ‎flossing should be done and using an antiseptic mouthwash daily will help ‎prevent tooth decay and gum disease that can lead to tooth loss. The dentist ‎or dental hygienist will demonstrate how to properly brush and floss teeth. ‎To diagnose problems at an early stage regular cleaning should be scheduled. ‎It is also important for selecting a balanced diet for proper nutrition.‎

After the new dentures are installed, it will be uncomfortable for the patient ‎to eat for a few weeks. A little practice will make adjust the new eating habits ‎with dentures. In order to get used to the denture, the patient must start with ‎soft food items which are cut into small pieces. Food should be chewed softly ‎and both sides of mouth should be used while chewing. While getting used to ‎the new denture more food items can be added to the diet chart until ‎returning back to the normal diet.

Consumption of extremely sticky foods ‎should be avoided. Avoid chewing gum while wearing dentures. Also, ‎toothpicks should not be used while wearing artificial teeth. The patient ‎should practice pronouncing loud words as he/ she may have difficulty in ‎pronouncing specific words while wearing dentures. Adhesives should be ‎used in case the patient want full satisfaction of a perfectly constructed ‎artificial teeth.‎

How long doesit take to recover?

The recovery time for the patient varies from patient to patient based on his or her health condition. For the dentures the recovery time it takes about a month or more in order to ‎adjust properly in the mouth.‎

What is the treatment price in India?

The average cost of conventional complete dentures ranges from Rs.10000 to ‎Rs.25000. The cost of immediate dentures ranges from Rs.12000 to ‎Rs.30000. Lastly, the cost of partial dentures ranges from Rs.7000 to ‎Rs.16500.‎

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

The result of the treatment depends on the treatment and lasts only as long ‎as the patient continue to wear artificial teeth. As soon as it is taken out, they ‎will be of no use as they will no longer be able to act as a replacement to the ‎missing teeth. Dentures can be useful only when whole teeth are replaced.‎

What are the alternatives to the treatment?

The alternative to artificial teeth and dentures is dental implants. To give a ‎feeling much closer to real teeth, dental implants are used for supporting ‎cemented bridges. Should consult a dentist for a proper advice before moving ‎towards a plan.‎

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Written ByDr. Vikram Singh AtwalPCAD,MCID Implant,BDS,Advanced AestheticsDentistry
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