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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Natural Body Reflexes & Understanding How Diseases Are Interrelated!

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Dr. Amit PatelAyurvedic Doctor • 20 Years Exp.Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
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The basic principle of Ayurvedic medicine is based on a natural and preventative means of addressing and curing the root cause of diseases. It emphasizes, restoring the natural balance of the body. A specialized branch called the Swasthavritta is present in Ayurveda, which means the science for complete maintenance of health. The concept of ‘Vegadharan’ has been explained in the Swasthavritta. ‘Vega’ means natural urge and ‘dharan’ refers to suppression, hence vegadharan is defined as the suppression of natural urges. The two main types of natural urges are Dharniya, the ones that can be suppressed and adharniya, the ones that are not supposed to be suppressed. Expression of certain signals by the body are through the reflexes or urges.

The underlying cause of various diseases has been found to be a result of an excess of the Dharniya vegas. The most common dharniya vegas that affect the mind are ‘Manasika vegas’. These are certain natural or developed urges that are supposed to be suppressed by an individual.

They are as follows:

  1. Anger  (Krodha)
  2. Anguish (Vishada)
  3. Anxiety (Chittodvega)
  4. Arrogance (Mada)
  5. Ego (Ahankara)
  6. Envy (Irshya)
  7. Fear (Bhaya)
  8. Greediness (Lobha)
  9. Grief or (Shoka)
  10. Inferiority complex (Dainya)
  11. Jealousy (Abhyasuya)
  12. Lust (Kama)
  13. Pride (Maana)
  14. Shamelessness (Nirlajjata)

The suppression of natural urges that are adharniya vegas, can lead to cause ailments. There are 13 types of Udvarta rogas that correspond to the kind of suppression of the natural urges. Udvarta is the term that denotes upward or backward movement of the doshas that can cause diseases. The 13 natural urges that are related to cause diseases on suppression are as follows:

According to Ayurveda, various ailments are caused by suppression of natural urges, known as vega-vidharan. Acharya Sushruta, an ancient Indian Ayurvedic physician, who is considered the “Father of Plastic Surgery,” described 13 types of udavarta rogas, corresponding to the kinds of suppression of natural urges. Udavarta is a Sanskrit word that means upward, backward, or reverse movement of vata dosha and rogas(diseases).

These 13 natural urges are related to the following:

  1. Urine – Mutra vega – Can cause pain in the bladder region and urinary calculi
  2. Feces - Purish vega – Causes pain in calf muscles, headache
  3. Semen – Shukra vega – Causes swelling and pain of genitals, calculi, impotence
  4. Flatus – Vaata vega – Can cause abdominal pain, constipation
  5. Vomiting – Chardi vega- Causes rashes, herpes, skin diseases
  6. Sneezing – Kshavatu vega- Causes a headache, facial paralysis, neck stiffness.
  7. Eructation (belching) – Kasa vega – Can lead to loss of appetite
  8. Yawning – Jrumbha vega – Causes headache, facial paralysis, neck stiffness.
  9. Hunger – Kshudha vega – Causes pain in abdomen, emaciation.
  10. Thirst – Trushna vega – Causes generalized debility, delusion, emaciation.
  11. Tears – Ashru vega- Can cause running nose, pain in eyes and head.
  12. Sleep – Nidra vega – Can cause lethargy, pain in eyes and head, delusion.
  13. Rapid breathing from exertion – Shramshvas vega – Can lead to an abdominal tumor, heart diseases.

Suppression of these urges creates a defective and improper signaling in the autonomic nervous system and hence makes way for causing diseases. Natural urges or reflexes should neither be suppressed nor be initiated, as both can cause an imbalance and lead to diseases.


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