Non-Interventional Therapy For Fistula Through Homeopathy!
The basic principles on which homeopathy is practiced believes in not only treating the symptoms and the condition of a disease, but also in reaching the root cause of the ailment and attempt to cure it. In most cases, it is successful in doing so. Fistula is a condition that can be treated through homeopathy.
Fistula is described as an abnormal joining of two organs within different locations in the body, causing pain unless the connection is removed. It can occur in the intestine or on the vaginal tract or in the anal region. The most common one is the anal fistula, which is discussed in detail here along with its treatment options under homeopathy.
Anal Fistula is an infection that blocks the passage...
The blocking of one or two glands that drain into the anal canal, which results in the area getting infected and formation of an abscess, is medically referred to as Fistula. There are many underlying causes for the occurrence of Fistula. Many times, it can crop up on its own as well. The condition can be quite painful and needs to be treated without any delay. Allopathic practice may advise surgery as the remedy. In homeopathy, however, there are medications that can not only treat fistula, but cure it as well.
Treatment Under Homeopathy
The homeopathic practitioner takes a close look at the condition to determine the precise type and seriousness of the fistula before starting the treatment. The treatment is done through oral medication and there are many formulations the practitioner can choose from. The most frequently used are Berberis Vulgaris, Causticum and Silicea. The choice of the medicine is based on the symptoms. For example, if there is an itching, pain or pus formation, the homeopathy practitioner will prescribe the appropriate medicine out of the above for the patient.
Special Ways of Administration of Medicines
Within homeopathy, there are a number of guidelines for administering medicines for all types of conditions, whether it is a simple fever being treated or Fistula. Some of these guidelines include the recommendation to keep it simple and not prescribe too many drugs all at once. If a particular dosage is strong, then the practitioner will recommend its correct intake and leave sufficient interval before the next dose is taken. Similarly, there will be a holistic view taken to combine the medication and the food intake. Certain food items may have to be avoided while consuming homeopathic medicines. In the case of Fistula also, the doctor may advise the patient to avoid spicy food and other items that can cause constipation. It helps in achieving the treatment objectives faster and better curing of the condition.
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