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Ovarian Cancer Health Feed
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
हर इंसान स्वस्थ जीवन जीने की चाहत रखता है। हालांकि, खानपान, रहन-सहन और पर्यावरणीय परिवर्तन की वजह से कई तरह की पनप जाती है। कई बार ये बीमारियां गंभीर रूप ले लेती हैं, जिससे इंसान की मौत तक हो जाती है, ऐसी ही एक बीमारी कैंसर भी है, जिसे खतरनाक बीमारियों में गिना जाता है। कई प्रकार के होते हैं। या यूं समझे कि मानव शरीर के इस अंग में कैंसर पनपता है, उसे उसी के नाम से जाना जाता है। ऐसा ही एक कैंसर है डिम्बग्रंथि कैंसर जिसे ओवेरियन कैंसर भी कहा जाता है।
आज अपने इस लेख के माध्यम से हम डिम्...more
आज अपने इस लेख के माध्यम से हम डिम्...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
कैंसर एक खतरनाक बीमारी है जिससे इंसान की मौत तक हो सकती है। हालांकि अगर इंसान पहले से ही अपने स्वास्थ्य के प्रति सचेत रहता है, तो वह कैंसर जैसी भयावह बीमारी से बच सकता है। कैंसर कई तरह के होते है। इसे हम यूं समझ सकते हैं कि शरीर के जिस अंग में कैंसर होता है, उसे उसी के नाम से जाना जाता है। इसी क्रम में आज हम आपको गर्भाशय कैंसर के विषय में विस्तार से बताएंगे। साथ ही इसके कारण, लक्षण और बचने के तरीकों के विषय के बारे में भी जानकारी देंगे। सबसे पहले जानते हैं कि यह गर्भाशय कैंसर होता क्या है।
38 people found this helpful
Health Query
Homeopathy Doctor•Bellary
Its not possible to completely cure the case. Only the most bothering symptoms can be made better. Otherwise complete cure is not possible. If anyone claims complete cure, its just false promise.
Health Query
the chances are low, but there are tumour markers which can be done to find out the same and also imaging modalities.
the chances are low, but there are tumour markers which can be done to find out the same and also imaging modalities.
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Asked for female, 25 years old from Patna
I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you.
High amounts of ca-125 in the blood (generally more than 35 units per ml) could be a sign of ovarian cancer. If someone has symptoms related to ovarian cancer, such as bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, the test can be one of the first steps to check for the disease.
Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
High amounts of ca-125 in the blood (generally more than 35 units per ml) could be a sign of ovarian cancer. If someone has symptoms related to ovarian cancer, such as bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, the test can be one of the first steps to check for the disease.
Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
5 people found this helpful
Health Query
U have to take it as your doctor have advised, yes there are some side effects but you have to take it.
Health Query
It may depends upon your medical condition. But we have to look into the details of the problem. Let's have a detailed discussion for better advice and healthy lifestyle.
3 people found this helpful
Health Query
Hi lybrate-user. Your girlfriend should undergo some tests to ascertain the diagnosis like ct scan of abdomen, thyroid function tests, sex hormonal profile.
119 people found this helpful
Asked for male, 17 years old from Ambala
I am sorry to hear about your concern, but I will be happy to assist you.
Ovarian cancer is rare in women younger than 40. The percentage of ovarian cancer-related deaths in the same age group was less than 1 percent. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
Ovarian cancer is rare in women younger than 40. The percentage of ovarian cancer-related deaths in the same age group was less than 1 percent. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
6 people found this helpful
Asked for female, 35 years old from Greater Noida
Removing the ovaries increases the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. Let's have a detailed discussion for better advice and healthy lifestyle.
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