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Phasmophobia (Fear Of Ghosts): Causes, Symptoms, Complications, And Treatment

Last Updated: Jun 30, 2024

What is Phasmophobia?

Phasmophobia is a specific type of phobia that refers to an intense and irrational fear of ghosts. The fear may be evoked by just mentioning or discussing some supernatural powers like ghosts, vampires, and witches. It is associated with anxiety or terror which is generated by imaginations or recollections of the scenarios related to the story of ghosts.

Sometimes horror TV shows or movies may also be responsible for such fear or imagination. Children are affected by this phobia at a younger age. While in some of them, this fear gets resolved on entering the adolescence age, some remain intact into this. The condition may even get serious and debilitating with time.

Phasmophobia is difficult to diagnose due to its uncertain features. In some cases, it is felt as overwhelming or life-limiting, while in other cases, it may be a sign of a serious thought disorder. It may be genetic in some people with a genetic predisposition to fear or anxiety.

Any trauma or stressful life event may also contribute towards its development. Feeling of being alone or autophobia can act as a predisposing factor for phasmophobia.

Summary: Phasmophobia is a specific phobia that is related to the fear of ghosts. An individual is affected mainly in his/her childhood phase and the condition gets serious and debilitating with time gradually. Proper diagnosis and treatment are necessary.

What are the symptoms of Phasmophobia?

Phasmophobia is a persistent fear of ghosts. It may be considered as a psychological disorder, accompanied by recollections or imaginations related to ghosts. Important symptoms which are shown in people suffering from Phasmophobia include the following:

  • Panic attacks
  • Difficulty in sleeping, especially when sleeping alone
  • Severe anxiety
  • Afraid of going to the bathroom alone at night
  • Afraid of being alone
  • Lack of sleeping leads to drowsiness or decreased productivity
  • Abnormally rapid heartbeats or palpitations
  • Tremors and breathlessness
  • Migraine and insomnia
  • Disorientation
Summary: Phasmophobia is accompanied by a persistent fear of ghosts. It is related to an abnormal psychological state of mind and shows symptoms like anxiety and panic attacks.

What causes Phasmophobia?

Phasmophobia is a specific kind of phobia the cause of which may be related to genetic inheritance or trauma. Some of the important factors responsible for it include:

  1. Family history: In case, there is a family history of phobias or anxiety-related disorders, the risks of developing Phasmophobia are more obvious. The genes act as a predisposing factor for its occurrence.
  2. Diathesis-stress relationship: There is always a genetic tendency to develop Phasmophobia on exposure to any triggering agents like anxiety or fear of ghosts. Family history of the phobia is again important in this case.
  3. A traumatic experience in childhood: If anyone has a past experience in childhood, related to ghosts, he/she might develop Phasmophobia. Such experiences may include encountering ghosts and adhering to their fear since the time.
  4. Deep emotional trauma: In cases, anyone who has lost his beloved may face hallucinations of their presence. This can cause anxiety and ultimately lead to Phasmophobia.
  5. Watching horror TV shows and movies: This might be a reason for some people who perceive the fear being shown as real.
  6. Contribution of other phobias: Autophobia i.e fear of being alone may lead to the gradual development of Phasmophobia.
Summary: The causes of Phasmophobia may be related to genetic causes as well as acquired causes. These may include family history related to phasmophobia or the contribution of other factors like autophobia and emotional trauma.

How is Phasmophobia diagnosed?

Phasmophobia is serious and symptoms related to it should not be ignored. Deep persistent fear causing anxiety at an extreme level and leading to isolation is one of the concerning symptoms. The affected individual must undergo consultation with a specialist for a proper diagnosis. Important steps involved in the same are:

  • Physical examination: This involves deeply examining the physical as well as the mental status of an individual by the doctor. Detailed information regarding the onset of the symptoms as well as their duration and severity is asked.
  • Medical history: The patient is asked about his/her medical history in detail.
  • Family history: This is important as any genetic history related to the fear of ghosts might be a factor. The patient is asked to give a detailed explanation about his/her family history.
  • Investigations: This includes performing some lab tests to check for physical or mental abnormalities.
Summary: Diagnosis is an important step in the case of phasmophobia. A proper diagnosis under the supervision of a specialist is important for the right treatment plan and better prognosis.

How to prevent Phasmophobia?

The prevention of Phasmophobia mainly involves the elimination of the causative factors. Some of the preventive steps include the following:

  • Avoiding excessive watching of horror TV shows - One should avoid too much watching of horror tv serials and shows, especially during the childhood phase.
  • Moral support to the affected individual - Autophobia i.e fear of being alone is one of the reasons responsible for inducing Phasmophobia. Hence, the person suffering from this psychological disorder should not be left alone. They should be provided with the required mental and moral support.
  • Avoiding ghost-related stories - Children should be prevented from hearing stories related to ghosts. This causes the fear to settle down in their mind, leading to the development of the psychological disorder.
Summary: The prevention of Phasmophobia is quite possible in some ways. This mainly involves the elimination of causative factors which are responsible for developing such conditions. Watching horror tv shows and serials should be avoided.

Can Phasmophobia go away on its own?

Phasmophobia is a specific phobia related to an abnormal psychological state of mind. It develops due to the influence of unproven supernatural powers, hence cannot resolve by conventional methods. A proper diagnosis, followed by an adequate treatment plan is necessary for such conditions under the supervision of a mental health specialist.

The related symptoms of Phasmophobia cannot resolve on their own, hence the treatment should not be delayed hoping that the symptoms will disappear in a period of time.

How is Phasmophobia treated?

Proper treatment of Phasmophobia is necessary so as to overcome such an abnormal psychological state of mind. Psychotherapy is the most preferred method for treatment which include the following therapies:

  • Exposure therapy: This includes exposure of the affected individual to the fear source. While doing this, relaxation responses are practiced by them. This should be done for a long time and gradually the response will decrease.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This involves enabling the affected individual to understand his/her root cause for the fear. The person is made to learn the ways to avoid or change the fear-causing thoughts or beliefs.
  • Religious counseling: This is important as in many cases, such fears are related to religious beliefs. This should be done carefully.
  • Coping skills: This includes the management of fears by adopting some breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and guided visualization. People should learn these ways to help themselves manage this condition.

In addition to psychotherapy, certain medications may be helpful to overcome the symptoms related to Phasmophobia. This includes the application of anti-anxiety medicines and antidepressants to provide relief from anxiety and depression. These can be used independently or in combination with other therapies to give maximum effects.

Summary: The treatment of Phasmophobia is quite possible in certain ways involving psychotherapy and medications. Psychotherapy includes exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and proper counseling of the patient.

What to do when Phasmophobia?

Phasmophobia is a psychological disorder that should not be ignored in any condition. On encountering any of the symptoms related to it, the first thing to be done is to consult a specialist regarding the problems. Since the condition is related to unproven supernatural powers, it cannot be treated or cured by means of conventional methods. Proper diagnosis under the supervision of a doctor, followed by a proper treatment plan is important for a better prognosis.

Summary: On encountering any of the symptoms related to Phasmophobia, the first thing to do is to consult a well-specialized psychiatrist. A proper, followed by a proper treatment plan should be done.

What to eat in Phasmophobia?

Phasmophobia is related to the psychological state of the mind. It has no direct relationship with dietary intake. However, a well-balanced and nutritional diet is important for the overall recovery of the individual suffering from physical as well as mental disorders. Some of the food items to be preferred in such conditions include:

  • Sources of essential vitamins and minerals - Foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals are important to be consumed in such conditions. These may include Dried fruits like almonds, walnuts, anjeer, etc.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables - These include fresh fruits such as oranges, pomegranate, pineapple, kiwi, apples, etc. which provide us with the required nutrients. Vegetables, especially green and leafy vegetables including broccoli, spinach, cabbage are also good for fulfilling the requirements for a better recovery.
  • Low fat-containing foods - These include dairy products such as low-fat milk or cheese.
  • Foods rich in low sugar content - These include avoiding sugary beverages and eatables.
Summary: A well-balanced and nutritious diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals is important for an individual suffering from Phasmophobia. This includes the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, etc.

What not to eat in Phasmophobia?

Although diet has no direct relation with Phasmophobia, yet there are some food items that act as aggravating factors in such conditions. Some of those unhealthy foods that need to be avoided in people suffering from Phasmophobia include:

  • Foods rich in high-fat content - These include dairy products like fatty milk or cheese.
  • Food items rich in high sugar content - Such food items are sugary beverages like carbonated drinks, soft drinks, sweetened tea, etc.
  • Packaged foods - These include fried as well as deep-fried foods like chips, pizza, etc.
  • Ready-made eatables - Examples of such food items are candies, pastries, crackers, pasta, toffees, etc.
  • Sources of low-density lipids.
Summary: One should take care of certain food items which can aggravate or trigger conditions like Phasmophobia. Those food items mainly include high fat and high sugar-rich diet as well as packaged and ready-made foods.

What are side-effects of Phasmophobia treatments?

Treatment methods of Phasmophobia are associated with certain side effects. Those include the following:

  • Nausea
  • Feeling sick
  • A severe form of headaches
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Hallucinations
Summary: The treatment methods of phasmophobia is associated with certain side effects including nausea, headache, anxiety disorders, hallucinations, etc. One should consult a specialist regarding this.

Should I go to urgent care for Phasmophobia?

Phasmophobia is a specific phobia related to an abnormal psychological state of mind. Since it develops due to the influence of unproven supernatural powers, it cannot resolve by conventional methods. The condition requires urgent medical care and attention. A proper diagnosis, followed by an adequate treatment plan is necessary under the supervision of a mental health specialist.

Summary: Urgent medical care and attention is needed in cases of Phasmophobia. The symptoms related to this psychological illness cannot be resolved on their own, hence a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

How long does it take to recover from Phasmophobia?

The symptoms of Phasmophobia are persistent throughout life. However, proper attention and treatment can minimize the severity of the symptoms. It may take months or years to recover from such psychological disorders. The affected individuals can overcome the fear but recurrence is quite possible in such cases. The moral support of the family, friends, and peers is important for a better prognosis.

Summary: Complete recovery is usually not possible in cases of Phasmophobia. However, treatment should be done to minimize the effects of the symptoms. It may take a long time to recover from this and recurrence can occur even after recovery.

What is the price of Phasmophobia treatments in India?

The methods of treatment for phasmophobia include certain medications like antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicines. Cognitive-behavioral and exposure therapies, followed by proper counseling are also a part of the treatment. The cost of the overall treatment mainly includes consultation fees of the Psychiatrist and expenses related to medications. Hence, it is quite affordable for a person to undergo proper treatment in such cases.

Summary: The cost of the treatment for conditions like Phasmophobia is quite affordable in India. It mainly involves antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicines. Psychotherapy is also preferred.

What are the physical exercises for the people suffering from Phasmophobia?

Physical exercises are important for maintaining the overall health of an individual. They are also important for mental and psychological well-being, thus playing a key role in recovering from phobias like Phasmophobia. Some of the preferred exercises include:

  • Yoga: Stress is one of the causes of any health issues and doing Yoga is the best way to reduce stress. It also improves blood circulation throughout the body.
  • Meditation: Meditation relaxes our minds and helps to release stress and anxiety. It provides mental as well as physical strength to cope up with the symptoms.
  • Regular physical activities: These are important to maintaining the proper functioning of the body’s vital system. They also keep us physically active.
  • Mild exercises and stretching: These should be performed in order to maintain a healthy state of mind. These are also important for healthy well-being.
Summary: Physical exercises are important for the physical as well as mental well-being of an individual. Hence, one should implement regular exercises, yoga, and meditation when suffering from Phasmophobia.

Which is the best medicine for Phasmphobia?

The best medicines for Phasmophobia includes:

  • Anti-anxiety medicines
  • Antidepressants
Summary: The application of certain medications is considered one of the preferred methods to treat Phasmophobia. These medicines mainly include antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicines.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

The results of the treatment of Phasmophobia are not permanent in all cases. The chances of recurrence are quite there. It is important for the affected person to always follow the basic guidelines. These guidelines include eliminating the cause for the phobias and implementing yogas and meditation in his daily routine. The moral support of friends and family is also important in such cases.

Summary: The results of the treatment are not permanent in the case of Phasmophobia. The condition has certain chances of recurrence, hence one should follow the preventive guidelines throughout his/her life.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?

There are no alternatives to the treatment. Since Phasmophobia develops due to the influence of unproven supernatural powers, it cannot resolve by conventional methods. Thus proper treatment under the supervision of a well-specialized psychiatrist is necessary.

Summary: Treatment is the only way for the people suffering from phasmophobia as it cannot be resolved itself or by conventional methods. Consultation with a specialist is necessary, followed by proper treatment.

Who is eligible for the treatment?

Any individual suffering from Phasmophobia is eligible for the treatment. This condition cannot be resolved on its own. It cannot be treated by conventional methods too. Hence, treatment under the supervision of a specialist is the only way to recover from such conditions.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

Every individual who is suffering from phobias like Phasmophobia is eligible for the treatment. This psychological disorder cannot be resolved on its own. It cannot be treated by conventional methods too as it develops under the influence of supernatural powers. Hence, the affected individual must undergo treatment under the guidance of a psychiatrist.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

Phasmophobia has the chances of recurrence on exposure to any triggering or aggravating factors. Hence, it is important to follow some basic guidelines after recovery. Those include:

  • Avoid causative factors such as watching horror tv shows and serials.
  • Implementation of yoga and meditations in daily routine.
  • Doing regular physical activities and exercises.
  • Mental as well as moral support of family and friends.
Summary: Phasmophobia is a specific phobia characterized by an intense fear of ghosts or other paranormal activities. Being associated with terror or anxiety, it may be evoked due to any traumatic childhood experience or family history. Religious beliefs related to the concept of life after death is also a predisposing factor. Mental health counseling and cognitive behavioural therapy are some of the psychotherapeutic methods preferred for their treatment.

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Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
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Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician
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