Last Updated: Oct 18, 2021
Pigmentation is the presence of excess melanin on skin causing an uneven skin tone which is the result of a genetic mix-up of both the individual’s biological parents’ genes. Skin pigmentation marks are characterized by the built up melanocytes, which are cells containing melanin. These typically occur under the skin and are referred to as age spots on face, hands and body area, and freckles. The most common misconception associated with discolored skin is that it will fade by itself, without undergoing any treatment whatsoever. Some pigments types, like the ones caused by acne, may lighten up over time. But, the majority of discolored skin need to be treated with in-office and high-powered active ingredient treatments to fully remove the skin spots on the surface.
There are 4 treatment methods available for pigmentation. These include microdermabrasion, chemical peel, intense pulsed light (IPL) and fractional laser resurfacing. The type of pigmentation determines the type of laser which s to be used for treatment. In case the pigmentation is in superficial lesions, the Alexandrite 755nm Laser Pigmentation Removal treatment will prove effective in the removal of pigmentation in about 1-3 treatments. The treatment also depends on other factors like the level of recovery period, the type of pigmentation, and the area being treated.
The treatment available for minimal darkness of your skin is microdermabrasion. This treatment involves the gentle removal of the upper layer of your skin to get rid of darkness, sunspots, and other types of minimal and superficial discoloration. There are other versions of microdermabrasion, for example DermaSweep, which offer a secondary step. This step is the infusion of specialized anti-pigment ingredients into the skin to brighten it further. Chemical peel treatment is used for stubborn spots. TCA chemical peels, glycolic acid, and salicyclic acid are often recommended for the banishment of discoloration. Chemicals peels are used for the purpose of removing deeper pigment or speeding up the results. Their potency is known to be manipulated according to the type or depth of the pigmentation. However, ever skin color or type is not suitable for the peel. In case you have a history of scarring, you may want to opt for some other method of treatment. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment is done for discoloration from the sun. IPL is a popular choice for targeting skin that is discolored from the sun. This treatment is associated with a light-based energy that is pulsed onto the skin, along with targeting blood vessels. The light eradicates the discoloration by seeking for it and lifting it up and out. The treated areas will initially turn dark and will eventually flake off in a few days.
An individual must be 18 years or older in order to receive the treatment for pigmentation. Moreover, any person with permanent dark spots which are different from the occurrence of temporary acne or freckles is eligible for the treatment.
A person who is younger than 18 years of age is not eligible for receiving the treatment. On the other hand, pregnant women are also not eligible for the laser resurfacing treatment as it will harm the baby. Lastly, a person affected with an underlying medical condition which is still untreated is precluded from receiving the treatment.
The possibility of side effects occurring is usually low, and if there are any, they are temporary and minimal. They include bacterial infection, scarring, or lighter or light or dark spots on skin.
Your doctor will strictly advise you to not go under direct sunlight and expose your skin after the laser treatment for a few weeks. If it is necessary for you to go out then make sure to wear or apply SPF skin lotion on your skin before heading out during daytime. On the other hand, your doctor will also suggest you to wear fully covered clothing, cover yourself up with a scarf or put a cap on your head while going out in the sun. A follow-up will be suggested by your doctor for a few weeks so that he is able to keep track of the improvement and also the side effects (if there are any).
The area covered in the first sitting of laser pigmentation treatment is around 80%. After the whole treatment is compete, it will take about 4 to 12 weeks for the skin to completely heal after the laser removal of dark or brown patches on the skin.
The price of laser resurfacing ranges between Rs. 65,000 to Rs. 1,20,000.
The results of the laser removal of pigmentation are permanent as it will directly target the dark spots on our skin and lift it up and out entirely. Once this treatment is done, there will be no recurrence of this condition.
As said, we are what we eat. A balanced diet is essential for overall skin health. As far as Pigmentation is concerned, diet can play a key role in its management. Some of the recommended foods are kale, sweet potatoes, lemon, pumpkins, berries, fatty fish, and legumes whose actions are based on the anti-inflammatory properties that promote new skin cell growth.
Diet has a proven effect on skin health. Hence, in the case of Pigmentation, its role can’t be denied. Lemon, due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties along with vitamin-c content, is considered to be an important ingredient for the treatment of Pigmentation. It acts as a bleaching agent and lightens the dark patches caused as a result of hyper Pigmentation.
Yoghurt is one of the most common ingredients that are a part of our home remedies when the treatment of Pigmentation worries us. Based on its Lactic acid content, it acts as a chemical peel for the skin. Applying it directly to the Pigmentation areas, the dark spots tend to lighten up gradually and hence it does help with Pigmentation.
Turmeric is the most popular ingredient of our home remedies best known for its medicinal properties. Being rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties, it plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of hyper Pigmentation. Whether applied directly or in the form of a medicinal ointment, it has a proven effect on it.
There are a number of natural treatment methods available for pigmentation. These include application of the juice of lime, lemon, and raw potato on your skin. Application of turmeric paste will also help reduce the dark spots and freckles to a great extent. Aloe vera gel provides a soothing and cool effect on the skin along with reducing the pigmentation.
Pigmentation is a disorder of the skin that leads to a change in the color of the skin. Based on the properties of skin lightening and being non-toxic, there are several home remedies recommended that play an important role in the treatment of Pigmentation. Some of them are apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, red onion, green tea extract, licorice extract, tomato paste, milk, orchid extracts, and red lentils.
Summary: Pigmentation is a disorder of the skin that leads to a change in the color of the skin. There are several home remedies recommended that play an important role in the treatment of Pigmentation. Those are apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, red onion, green tea extract, licorice extract, tomato paste, milk, orchid extracts, and red lentils. Some of the preferred food items in such conditions include lemon, pumpkins, berries, fatty fish, and legumes.
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