Last Updated: Feb 27, 2024
Pilonidal sinus referred as the bulge or hole in the skin at the top of the buttocks close to the cleft. It only needs treatment when it is infected. Usually, when the infection is in its early stage then it is not considered a serious situation. But if the infection spreads then it should be definitely taken seriously. Pilonidal sinus infection can occur for a number of reasons. It may be a skin problem, friction, or hair growth around the buttocks.
Summary- Pilonidal sinus mentions the condition of infection near the cleft where the buttocks divide. Symptoms of Pilonidal sinus may start exhibiting after infection.
A pilonidal cyst may be inherited through the family. For instance, if your family has a hereditary history of rough body hair, you are prone to get pilonidal cyst disease.
Summary- Pilonidal sinus can be acquired by heredity.
Pilonidal cysts are not contagious. You are not likely to contract the disease from an infected person. There is a school of thought that associates pilonidal cyst disease with ingrown hair.
Summary- Pilonidal sinus is categorized under non-contagious disorder.
Your pilonidal cyst will usually throw up symptoms once it gets infected. Upon being infected, your cyst becomes a pilonidal abscess and starts showing symptoms.
Symptoms of Pilonidal Sinus include-
Summary- Foul smell, nausea, pain, swelling, etc. are some of the commonly experienced symptoms of pilonidal sinus.
One of the main causes of pilonidal sinus is ingrown hair. The growth of hair inside the skin instead of on the skin is referred to as ingrown hair. The human body defence mechanism system considers such ingrown hair as alien and triggers an immune-response reaction.Pilonidal cyst disease or pilonidal sinus is the outcome of such immune response.
Remaining seated over prolonged periods prevents the cleft between your buttocks and the area around the tailbone from breathing. This leads to skin friction, and accumulation of sweat and dust and is one of the causes of pilonidal sinus.
Hair follicles due to excessive skin hair penetrate into the skin, obstructing the natural processes of the skin cells. This paves the way for the development of pilonidal sinus.
Excessive sweating without passage for sweat escape induces formation of bacteria. Coupled with lack of hygiene this becomes an inevitable cause of pilonidal sinus.
Summary- Hair, sweating, longer periods of sitting, and bumpy rides are some of the possible causes of pilonidal sinus.
Here are some tips that may help prevent pilonidal sinus:
Prevention of pilonidal sinus is simple. You need to form a few easy habits to keep yourself safe from contacting a pilonidal cyst. These also help prevent the recurrence of the disease.
Summary- Pilonidal sinus can be prevented if we follow some steps vigilantly.
Summary- We should follow some activities to ease the prevention of pilonidal sinus.
Summary- We must avoid some activities as they hinder the prevention of pilonidal sinus.
An infected pilonidal cyst is visible to the naked eye. Pay a visit to your doctor once you see the visual manifestation or even when you start to feel pain in your buttock area while sitting.
Summary- A pilonidal sinus can be observed easily.
Diagnosis for pilonidal sinus begins with a complete physical examination, during which your physician will examine the crease of your buttocks looking for signs of one or more pilonidal cysts.
These red lumps are easily noticed by the naked eye. One or more small lumps between your buttocks will suggest onset of pilonidal abscess formation. On spotting such lumps, you are likely to be asked questions like:
In the absence of the symptoms, you may be advised to simply “wait and watch”, to ensure that you bathe and shower regularly and maintain hygiene and cleanliness in the area between your buttocks. You may be further advised to avoid shaving the affected area until instructed to do so.
Summary- Pilonidal sinus is diagnosed by applying some lab tests and observing the current symptoms of the patient.
Some diagnostic tests applied for a detailed diagnosis are-
Summary- In conclusion, these tests are required to completely rule out the patient's precise condition.
Pilonidal sinus may possess some common complications, such as-
Summary- Infections, chronic issues, or cancer in rare cases are some of the possible complications of pilonidal sinus.
Summary- Home remedies are not enough for treatment so we must not rely on them completely.
We must be aware of the diet that we should follow to treat pilonidal sinus. We must include moderate quantities of protein and large quantities of fiber and nutrients to constitute a healthy diet. Some good options include-
Summary- We must be careful about our diets while recovering from a disease and include healthy meals vigilantly.
Unhealthy foods and foods that aid weight gain are not to be had when infected with pilonidal sinus. The foods to be avoided include:-
Summary- These above-stated foods must be avoided to prevent complications.
Pilonidal sinus treatment varies depending on several factors. These factors are-
Pilonidal sinus treatment is usually almost tailor-made i.e. your plan of treatment will be such that best suits your individual case history. To arrive at such a plan, you may have to undergo some detailed questioning to reveal whether:
The decision whether you require surgery or not for the cure of your pilonidal cyst will depend on the severity of your symptoms.
In the interim period between consultation and treatment to commence, you manage and mitigate your pain through the use of a warm compress on the affected area. This not only soothes your skin but also helps drain fluid and pus from the sinus.
Some relief from the pain is also obtained through the use of an inflatable seat or mattress.
The option for surgery is exercised in cases of chronic pilonidal cyst, or, a worsening pilonidal cyst that has turned worse and formed into a sinus cavity under your skin.
In some instances, it so happens that pilonidal cysts heal by draining and disappearing on their own. In cases of chronic pilonidal cysts, symptoms arrive and go over time.
Summary- Treatment of pilonidal sinus depends on several factors and includes different procedures too.
Your first appointment would be your physician. You may thereafter be referred to a dermatologist or a surgeon by the physician. At Pristyn Care, you will be able to consult some of the most premier surgeons who will walk you through the treatment plan and guide you every step of the way.
Summary- A specialized and highly experienced dermatologist should be consulted to treat the pilonidal sinus.
Apart from surgery, there are a few other treatments available for pilonidal sinus. They may not be as effective and quick as surgery, but can help you subside the symptoms to a good extent. Have a look:
Summary- Non-surgical methods like laser therapy, injections, and cleaning the cyst are also available out there.
Medication does not heal pilonidal sinus. It merely treats the infection that has infected the sinus and caused the abscess. Antibiotics are the preferred choice for treating the infection and prevention of further infection.
A variety of bacteria are usually found in a pilonidal wound. Doctors therefore prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics that are effective against multiple types of bacteria. Some of the popular antibiotics in the treatment of pilonidal sinus infection are:-
Some of these belong to the penicillin group and are not prescribed for patients with penicillin allergy.
Summary- Flucloxacillin, Metronidazole, Clarithromycin, etc. are some of the best medicines often prescribed to the patient.
Chronic or recurrent infections and instances where a pilonidal cyst has worsened and formed into a cavity or tunnel under the skin are advised for treatment through surgery. There are several types of surgery that are used.
Procedures sometimes work by removing the affected tissue from the body while some procedures restructure the tract to prevent any debris from being collected therein.
Pilonidal Sinus surgery has to be done under good supervision of specialists. Pristyn Care has a big team of highly experienced surgeons who can help you get rid of the pilonidal sinus in no time.
Summary- Surgery is regarded as the permanent solution for chronic and recurring pilonidal issues.
Surgery is performed to drain and remove pilonidal cysts that refuse to heal. It is usually advised in cases where the pain is of high degree and the abscess unresponsive to other treatment. While the surgery is not urgent in terms of fatality, it is a way to faster relief for a patient.
Summary- Although, surgery is not considered urgent but requires proper treatment.
There are three primary types of pilonidal sinus surgery in vogue.
A procedure adopted for large or repeated infection of the sinus where the sinus is cut out and some skin surrounding the cut is removed. The surgical wound is left open and heals naturally. Characterised by
Summary- Open wound surgery allows the wound to heal naturally but it includes some adverse effects too.
A procedure also adopted for large or repeated infection of the sinus. Incision is made and the wound is closed after the sinus is removed. In between, an oval-shaped flap of skin is cut on either side. The two sides are then stitched together. The groove between the buttocks is flattened. The pros and cons of this procedure are:
Summary- Closed wound surgery is one of the treatment procedures for pilonidal sinus with various pros and cons.
This procedure inserts a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the end i.e. an endoscope, to obtain a clear view of the affected area. The visual aid guides complete removal of hair and infected tissue. The sinus is cleaned using a special solution and heat applied to seal the sinus. The considerations for this surgical process are:-
Summary- Cleaning of the sinus is mandatory and is carried out by following some specified procedures.
In comparison to other anorectal surgeries pilonidal sinus surgery is not painful. There is some amount of pain that is taken care of by anaesthesia during the procedure and medication thereafter.
Summary- Surgery of the pilonidal sinus includes the insertion of anesthesia to combat the pain.
Post surgery, you are generally able to resume regular work in about two weeks. Complete healing time varies from about a month to 12 weeks depending on the type of procedure.
Summary- It may take 1-3 months to recover completely from pilonidal issues.
As per available information, the approximate cost for pilonidal sinus surgery varies between Rs. 40,000/- to Rs. 55,000/-. The actual cost will be let known to you by your treating surgeon.
Summary- The pilonidal treatment cost is usually observed between 40,000 to 50,000 rupees.
There always remains a chance of recurrence of pilonidal cyst even after surgery. The results of the treatment may or may not be permanent, especially for those with its chronic ailment.
Summary- Results of treatment usually vary with different patients.
Any person suffering from pilonidal sinus is eligible for its treatment.
Summary- People suffering from pilonidal issues need medical attention.
A person who does not show signs of infection is advised “wait and watch” and no treatment is given.
Summary- A person with no pilonidal issue needs no treatment.
After your surgery you will be handed over guidelines for post-treatment at discharge. In general, these guidelines may be followed:
Summary- Post-treatment guidelines are necessary to smoothen the recovery phase.
Pilonidal sinus treatment usually does not trigger side effects. However, sometimes complications may arise out of pilonidal sinus surgery . These include:
Summary- The above-stated effects are some of the common adverse consequences associated with Pilonidal sinus treatment .
If you choose to leave your pilonidal sinus untreated, your acute pilonidal cyst i.e. pilonidal sinus is likely to become a chronic condition. This means you start to develop recurrent pilonidal cysts and, even start getting new pilonidal cysts. As time passes, your risk of developing a life-threatening systemic infection increases.
Summary- It will lead to worsening symptoms if we leave the pilonidal sinus untreated.
Pilonidal cyst and associated pilonidal sinus is a benign disease and rarely has any long term effects. There are isolated reports of its degeneration into malignancy or skin cancer. However, such instances are few and far between. Pilonidal sinus has a quite high rate of recurrence and thus needs multiple interventions. With nominal modifications in lifestyle and accurate diagnosis, the overall prognosis of pilonidal sinus disease is very good.
Summary- Pilonidal treatment possesses an overall positive outlook. We must be cautious because it might happen again.
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