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Postoperative Increased Intraocular Pressure Tips
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Blood pressure: the cylindrical pressure to the inner surface of walls of arteries due to blood pumped by the heart is called blood pressure. An instrument which is used by doctors to measure blood pressure of a person is called sphygmomanometer. We commonly get confused with pulse rate checked by hand- pulse rate is no. Of times heart beats per minute but that heartbeat causes pressure on walls during its systolic and diastolic phases.
;Blood pressure level less th...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
General Physician•Ghaziabad
आपने उच्च रक्तचाप या हाई ब्लड प्रेशर के बारे में सुना होगा। निम्न रक्तचाप यानी लो-ब्लडप्रेशर भी किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए उतना ही खतरनाक हो सकता है। कुछ मामलो में तो कहीं ज्यादा भी इसका असर हो सकता है। रक्तचाप की सामान्य रीडिंग 120 मिमी एचजी से कम और 80 मिमी एचजी से ऊपर होनी चाहिए। पहली संख्या सिस्टोलिक प्रेशर या धमनियों में दबाव को इंगित करती है जब हृदय धड़कता है और उनमें रक्त भर जाता है। दूसरी संख्या डायस्टोलिक प्रेशर को दर्शाती है जो धमनियों में दबाव को इंगित करता है, जब हृदय धड़कन के बीच आराम क...more
1454 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 3 years ago• Featured Tip
Resistant hypertension refers to the condition where your blood pressure remains high despite taking at least 3-4 different types of medications and diuretics. Resistant hypertension may occur due to one or more underlying causes hormonal abnormalities, plaque build-up in the arteries, obstructive sleep apnoea, ;obesity, and others.
Ways to manage resistant hypertension
Since neither medications nor diuretics yield the desired results, the only way to combat resistant hyperte...more
Ways to manage resistant hypertension
Since neither medications nor diuretics yield the desired results, the only way to combat resistant hyperte...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
MBBS (Hons), MD DTCD CCMTD(Thyroid) , more
General Physician•Patna
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition where the long term force induced by blood on the artery walls may lead to health complications. In some cases, high blood pressure can be a chronic condition without any visible symptoms. The normal value of blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. Even if high blood pressure doesn't have any obvious symptoms, it can cause significant damage to cardiovascular health and blood vessels. Uncontrolled hypertension exposes you to the risks of stroke and card...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
High blood pressure is a condition where your blood exerts more than usual pressure on the blood vessels while flowing through them. There are many factors that influence blood pressure one of them being your diet.
Eating a diet rich in fibre may reduce blood pressure. Let s look at why fibre is important for people with hypertension
When you eat a diet, which is high in fibre than your chances of having digestive issues also come down. This is because when fibre moves thro...more
Eating a diet rich in fibre may reduce blood pressure. Let s look at why fibre is important for people with hypertension
When you eat a diet, which is high in fibre than your chances of having digestive issues also come down. This is because when fibre moves thro...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Clinical Fellowship In Pain Management, more
Pain Management Specialist•Hyderabad
Pain management is an issue that stares back at mankind, irrespective of the underlying health condition. Whether it is a headache or a back pain, burn or fracture, heart attack or cancer, pain is always a symptom. In some cases like migraines, cancer, etc., the pain is chronic and the patient needs to be constantly on the vigil to know when an attack will ensue. This has also put high pressure on the medical fraternity to identify ways that can provide relief to these people. Various methods ha...more
17 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Pregnancy is a source of joy for so many people but at the same time, childbirth can be quite an intimidating process. The physical pain associated with childbirth can easily scare any expectant mother but that should not stop you from enjoying your pregnancy to the fullest. Being aware and being consistently in touch with the doctor are the best options to maintain a healthy pregnancy.
Signs and Symptoms of Labor
When you get very close to your due date, you need to start preparing...more
Signs and Symptoms of Labor
When you get very close to your due date, you need to start preparing...more
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