Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - All You Need To Know About It!
Recurrent pregnancy loss can be defined as the consecutive loss of three or more pregnancy. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss is a medical condition in which the pregnancy loss occurs before completing 20 weeks in an involuntary manner. Pregnancy loss can be visualized using ultrasound technique.
What are the causes of recurrent pregnancy loss?
Most of the pregnancy losses occur due to various abnormalities in the genetic makeup of an organism or any chromosomal abberities. The abnormality can be present during the formation of an egg or sperm or the embryo. However, it is well said that the miscarriage usually happens within the first 12 weeks of conception. Almost half of the times, women even don’t realize that she is pregnant during the first three months. The risk of recurrent pregnancy loss increases with the increase in previous miscarriages.
Recurrent pregnancy loss is more common in the women who conceive late according to their age. It is because the quality of egg formation decreases and this may lead to abnormalities in chromosome formation or division. Sometimes, it may happen that father and mother, both suffer from a slight abnormality in their genes and hence, the fetus can be more severely affected and hence causes recurrent pregnancy loss in the uterus.
The weakening of the immune system can also lead to recurrent miscarriages. Abnormality in the functioning or secretion of hormones can cause severe diseases such as diabetes and thyroid which can cause an impact. Also, blood clotting issues may also play an important role.
The gynaecologists may help in the treatment of this medical condition but their treatment option depends upon the underlying cause of recurrent pregnancy loss.
The gynaecologist recommends genetic counselling to those patients who have any chromosomal abnormality in their genetic makeup. Some of the couples can opt for prenatal genetic studies while expecting a child so as to keep a check on whether the child has normal genetic makeup. Some of the techniques used by the medical health providers are chorionic villi sampling or amniocentesis.
For genetic diagnosis, in vitro fertilization can also be done along with pre-implantation. If there is any abnormality in the uterus or the tract in the female then surgery can be done so as to cure the defect. If there is a syndrome such as anti-phospholipids syndrome, then medications are provided in order to decrease the formation of the blood clot.
Therefore, gynaecologists are assisting in the treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss in females.