Renal Stone Treatment - Try Homeopathy For Best Results!
Many theories or reasons are given, but in most of the cases, cause of stone formation in the kidneys is not clear. Biochemical dysfunction seems to be the only possible explanation. Stones generally develop very slowly. The tendency to stone formation may be hereditary. Stones may vary in size from sand particles to large stone.
Signs & Symptoms:
Urinary stones may be present for many years and may give rise to no symptoms. When a stone obstructs the urinary passage, mild pain to severe renal colic occurs. There may be restlessness, sweating, pallor, vomiting, frequent urination, blood in urine etc. Attack of pain may last few hours to a few days, varying in severity and pathological conditions. In many cases, urinary infection is a common occurrence.
Homeopathic Approach:
Homeopathic medicine can help you by two ways.
- Removal of renal stone
- Stop the tendency of recurrence
Homeopathic treatment plan comprises of:
A. Careful monitoring of the case:
1. Ultrasonography at regular interval of three to four months to monitor
- The size of the stone
- Movement of the stone along the urinary passage.
2. Kidney function tests should be done to evaluate the function of kidneys.
3. Urine examination may be helpful to treat the accompanying urinary infections.
4. Parathyroid hormone and serum calcium level for recurrent stone formation.
B. Homeopathic Medicinal approach over allopathic medicine:
It is a well-known fact that some stones can pass naturally. But often they may cause severe pain and at times obstruction. Painkillers and antispasmodics can relieve the pain and spasm, but it can hamper or suspend the onward and outward movement of the stone. With homeopathic treatment, even moderate-sized stone can pass absolutely painlessly.
C. Homeopathic Medicinal approach over Surgery:
1. In bilateral, multiple and recurrent stones, constitutional homeopathic treatment is far-more superior than surgery or any other therapy as it has the potential to help the body, not only throw the stone out but also improve the biochemical dysfunction to check the recurrence of stone formation.
2. Surgery can be helpful only when the size of the stone is very large, causing damage to kidney by back- pressure. Even then, homeopathic treatment is of significant importance to improve the basic biochemical defects.
Homeopathic medicine for renal stone:
There are so many medicines for renal calculi, but few commonly used medicines are - Berberis, benzoic acid, cantharis, Lycopodium, equisetum, Sarsaparilla etc.
Dietary Restrictions:
• Eat calcium reach food (not supplementary calcium), Take citrus fruits, Limit salts and animal protein. Avoid alcohol, phytate, phosphate and oxalate rich food.
• Increased amounts of fluid intake are advisable.
Here In NANOPATHY (The Complete Care with Homeopathy) special formulated protocol is used to give Maximum Result with Minimum Medicine & without side effect in every disease condition. Treatment of renal stone also comes in such protocol which will give you rapid relief.