The rheumatic disease develops when we don't treat any infections - especially oral infections adequately. So when falling sick with common oral infections, take an adequate course of antibiotics even if symptoms subside and visit the nearest physician to get a check as well.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Hajira Khanam","medicalSpecialty":"ENT Specialist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Rheumatic Heart Disease - How To Check It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on the health of his or her heart!
When a sore throat does not seem to be getting better even after about three days go by, the first thing which is to be done is to see a doctor. This is due to the fact that delays can result in the situation getting worse. As a result of this, treatment can get more complex. And who wishes to compound their own miseries, after all?
Children who are aged between five and fifteen years of age are at risk of rheumatic heart disease. Now, while it is true that children are likely to fall sick more often than adults as their immune systems may not be all that strong, a special eye is to be kept out for rheumatic heart disease. The general symptoms which a parent should look out for are a sore throat, a cough and a fever. The tough part is that these symptoms appear which a range of other conditions!
When it comes to knowing that rheumatic heart disease is what is affecting a person, a special blood test is taken and if there is a need, an ECG and some other measures confirm rheumatic heart disease. Penicillin is a wonder drug and it is used in the treatment of rheumatic heart disease, as well. It is the general form of treatment, in fact, and people with the disease are often put on a course of injections. This means that they need to have an injection every 28 days for a month so as to make sure that there is no further damage which can affect the valves of the heart. The importance of this cannot be impressed enough.
It is unfortunate that in many cases, people only discover that they have rheumatic heart disease once they reach adulthood. The valves of the heart may be leaking or significantly damaged by the time that the discovery is made. Is it not a lot better to save oneself from this sort of situation?","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"B & J Super Speciality Hospital","medicalSpecialty":"Cardiologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Rheumatic Heart Disease - Things To Know!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on the health of his or her heart!
When a sore throat does not seem to be getting better even after about three days go by, the first thing which is to be done is to see a doctor. This is due to the fact that delays can result in the situation getting worse. As a result of this, treatment can get more complex. And who wishes to compound their own miseries, after all?
Children who are aged between five and fifteen years of age are at risk of rheumatic heart disease. Now, while it is true that children are likely to fall sick more often than adults as their immune systems may not be all that strong, a special eye is to be kept out for rheumatic heart disease. The general symptoms which a parent should look out for are a sore throat, a cough and a fever. The tough part is that these symptoms appear which a range of other conditions!
When it comes to knowing that rheumatic heart disease is what is affecting a person, a special blood test is taken and if there is a need, an ECG and some other measures confirm rheumatic heart disease. Penicillin is a wonder drug and it is used in the treatment of rheumatic heart disease, as well. It is the general form of treatment, in fact, and people with the disease are often put on a course of injections. This means that they need to have an injection every 28 days for a month so as to make sure that there is no further damage which can affect the valves of the heart. The importance of this cannot be impressed enough.
It is unfortunate that in many cases, people only discover that they have rheumatic heart disease once they reach adulthood. The valves of the heart may be leaking or significantly damaged by the time that the discovery is made. Is it not a lot better to save oneself from this sort of situation?","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Indranil Dutta","medicalSpecialty":"Cardiologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Rheumatic Heart Disease - Things You Need To Be Aware Of!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly? A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on the health of his or her heart!
When a sore throat does not seem to be getting better even after about three days go by, the first thing which is to be done is to see a doctor. This is due to the fact that delays can result in the situation getting worse. As a result of this, treatment can get more complex. And who wishes to compound their own miseries, after all?
Children who are aged between five and fifteen years of age are at risk of rheumatic heart disease. Now, while it is true that children are likely to fall sick more often than adults as their immune systems may not be all that strong, a special eye is to be kept out for rheumatic heart disease. The general symptoms which a parent should look out for are a sore throat, a cough and a fever. The tough part is that these symptoms appear which a range of other conditions!
When it comes to knowing that rheumatic heart disease is what is affecting a person, a special blood test is taken and if there is a need, an ECG and some other measures confirm rheumatic heart disease. Penicillin is a wonder drug and it is used in the treatment of rheumatic heart disease, as well. It is the general form of treatment, in fact, and people with the disease are often put on a course of injections. This means that they need to have an injection every 28 days for a month so as to make sure that there is no further damage which can affect the valves of the heart. The importance of this cannot be impressed enough.
It is unfortunate that in many cases, people only discover that they have rheumatic heart disease once they reach adulthood. The valves of the heart may be leaking or significantly damaged by the time that the discovery is made. Is it not a lot better to save oneself from this sort of situation? If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a cardiologist.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Saurabh Juneja","medicalSpecialty":"Cardiologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Rheumatic Heart Disease - Things You Must know About It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on the health of his or her heart!
When a sore throat does not seem to be getting better even after about three days go by, the first thing which is to be done is to see a doctor. This is due to the fact that delays can result in the situation getting worse. As a result of this, treatment can get more complex. And who wishes to compound their own miseries, after all?
Children who are aged between five and fifteen years of age are at risk of rheumatic heart disease. Now, while it is true that children are likely to fall sick more often than adults as their immune systems may not be all that strong, a special eye is to be kept out for rheumatic heart disease. The general symptoms which a parent should look out for are a sore throat, a cough and a fever. The tough part is that these symptoms appear which a range of other conditions!
When it comes to knowing that rheumatic heart disease is what is affecting a person, a special blood test is taken and if there is a need, an ECG and some other measures confirm rheumatic heart disease. Penicillin is a wonder drug and it is used in the treatment of rheumatic heart disease, as well. It is the general form of treatment, in fact, and people with the disease are often put on a course of injections. This means that they need to have an injection every 28 days for a month so as to make sure that there is no further damage which can affect the valves of the heart. The importance of this cannot be impressed enough.
It is unfortunate that in many cases, people only discover that they have rheumatic heart disease once they reach adulthood. The valves of the heart may be leaking or significantly damaged by the time that the discovery is made. Is it not a lot better to save oneself from this sort of situation?","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Abhishek Singh","medicalSpecialty":"Cardiologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Heart Problems - Best Ayurvedic Remedies For It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"The modern age is full of tensions and stress, expecting peaceful mind and healthy lifestyle is just impossible. To prevent common diseases and living a healthy life requires keen knowledge of the main organ of the body, that is the Heart. The heart is a muscular organ which works like an engine and provides fuel to run human body by pumping blood. Our heart has two chambers which separates the oxygen rich blood from oxygen poor blood and each time you breathe the valves of heart opens and closes. There are many cardiovascular diseases that are caused due to the blood vessel and heart issues like lack of flexibility, blockage, fatty plaques of the arteries or lack of strength of the parties.
The modern medical systems suggest surgical treatment for the cure of the heart problems but on another hand, Ayurveda targets the deep root cause of the disease. The best cure for heart diseases is to adopt a holistic approach named Ayurveda the part of the great Indian heritage. This is not only based upon the ancient principle but many researchers worked and proofed that heart issues are reversible with the help of Ayurvedic treatment.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Cardiovascular Diseases:
Depending on the pathology, the line of treatment is decided; Ayurveda treatments are supportive and supplementary to the mainstream conventional medicine. The treatment modalities includes panchakarma, external therapies, Activities, Advice of food and lifestyle changes.
Panchakarma, as the name suggests is a part of the Ayurvedic treatment that helps to detoxify the body by eliminating the toxic wastes through 5 steps -Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti, and Raktamokshana. The organs such as lungs, stomach, bladder, intestine, or the sweat glands are usually used to eliminate the wastes out of the body. In doing so, panchakarma helps in establishing a balance between the various doshas (energies), leaving the body (physical as well as mental) fresh, relaxed and healthy.
Two things are a prerequisite before carrying out Panchakarma - Oleation and Fomentation.
Oleation: Oleation is the application of oil (medicinal) throughout the body so that the goodness of the medicinal properties of the oil gains access to the body. This facilitates the treatment to a great extent and also ensures that the toxins (also termed as \"Ama\") that build up in the body tissues due to unhealthy lifestyle practices, eating habits, loosen up. Fomentation: Here the body is made to sweat profusely. The sweating goes a long way to liquify the toxins (softened by the sweat) which are eliminated via the sweat. The steps of Panchakarma Treatment
In Vamana, a person is given a medicine (emetic medicine) to vomit the toxins out of the body. Virechana is the step where natural or herbal laxatives are given to eliminate the wastes out of the body in the form of feces. In Nasya, a person is given a head and shoulder massage followed by Fomentation. Soon after, medicated nasal drops are administered through the nostrils to cleanse the head region. In Basti, the rectum is cleared of the toxins by the application of milk, ghee, herbal and medicated oil and decoction into the rectal area. Raktamokshana, as the name suggests is purifying and cleansing of the impure and toxic blood. Panchakarma Treatment for Heart Problems Five major procedures to eliminate the toxins from the body are popularly known as Panchakarma. The concept of cleansing the body is innate to Ayurveda and has been borrowed by allied sciences like Yoga. No other medical system in the world has the science of body-mind detoxification.
Panchakarma Treatment Therapies
Phase 1 Poorva Karma: Firstly, all the toxins are dislodged from where ever it is and brought to the gut by administering fats (oil or ghee) externally and/or internally followed by applying heat. Phase 2 Pradhana Karma: Secondly, these are expelled out of the body by 5 procedures (Panchakarma) Vamana (Emesis) Virechana (Purgation) Vasti (Medicated Enema) Nasya (Nasal Medication) Raktamoksha (Blood Letting). Phase 3 Pashchath Karma: Thirdly, the body has to be brought back to normal condition and rejuvenated starting with restricted diet and mild activity and gradually increasing it. All the above three are equally important. But in Kerala Panchakarma therapy, equal importance is given to the first and third step also. We believe that if the proper accumulation of toxins are not done, the elimination procedure becomes namesake. Likewise, if importance is not given to after care, immunity of the person is affected. Panchakarma is undergone both as preventive and curative mechanism.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Srinivasa Debata","medicalSpecialty":"Ayurvedic Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Rheumatic Heart Disease - What Is It All About It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on the health of his or her heart!
When a sore throat does not seem to be getting better even after about three days go by, the first thing which is to be done is to see a doctor. This is due to the fact that delays can result in the situation getting worse. As a result of this, treatment can get more complex. And who wishes to compound their own miseries, after all?
Children who are aged between five and fifteen years of age are at risk of rheumatic heart disease. Now, while it is true that children are likely to fall sick more often than adults as their immune systems may not be all that strong, a special eye is to be kept out for rheumatic heart disease. The general symptoms which a parent should look out for are a sore throat, a cough and a fever. The tough part is that these symptoms appear which a range of other conditions!
When it comes to knowing that rheumatic heart disease is what is affecting a person, a special blood test is taken and if there is a need, an ECG and some other measures confirm rheumatic heart disease. Penicillin is a wonder drug and it is used in the treatment of rheumatic heart disease, as well. It is the general form of treatment, in fact, and people with the disease are often put on a course of injections. This means that they need to have an injection every 28 days for a month so as to make sure that there is no further damage which can affect the valves of the heart. The importance of this cannot be impressed enough.
It is unfortunate that in many cases, people only discover that they have rheumatic heart disease once they reach adulthood. The valves of the heart may be leaking or significantly damaged by the time that the discovery is made. Is it not a lot better to save oneself from this sort of situation?","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Maxcure Hospitals","medicalSpecialty":"Cardiologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Heart Problems - How Ayurveda Can Help In Preventing Them?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"The modern age is full of tensions and stress, expecting peaceful mind and healthy lifestyle is just impossible. To prevent common diseases and living a healthy life requires keen knowledge of the main organ of the body, that is the Heart. The heart is a muscular organ which works like an engine and provides fuel to run human body by pumping blood. Our heart has two chambers which separates the oxygen rich blood from oxygen poor blood and each time you breathe the valves of heart opens and closes. There are many cardiovascular diseases that are caused due to the blood vessel and heart issues like lack of flexibility, blockage, fatty plaques of the arteries or lack of strength of the parties.
The modern medical systems suggest surgical treatment for the cure of the heart problems but on another hand, Ayurveda targets the deep root cause of the disease. The best cure for heart diseases is to adopt a holistic approach named Ayurveda the part of the great Indian heritage. This is not only based upon the ancient principle but many researchers worked and proofed that heart issues are reversible with the help of Ayurvedic treatment.
As Ayurveda believes in the natural ingredients for treatment, many remedies are available in our surrounding. Here are some commonly recommended remedies to prevent and cure heart diseases by Ayurveda.
Triphala: To reduce the blood fat level and high cholesterol Triphala- the mixture of three herbs named Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. This handles the causative issues of blood fat and cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy. Ashwagandha: This is a wonder herb to reduce tension from mind and body and provide strength to the heart muscles. Chaywanprash: this is the mixture of various herbs like sugar, honey, ghee, Indian Gooseberry (amla), jam, sesame oil, berries, herbs and various spices. Chaywanprash is an herbal jam which strengthens the heart muscles and boosts up the immune system as well. These three are the most common and easily available remedies for heart problems. Other than these three garlic, ginger, turmeric, saffron, arjuna, guggul, etc. herbs which are good for heart diseases and provides a complete cure. I would suggest consulting an expert Ayurvedic physician for the better results and proper guidance instant of trying self treatment.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Arun Desai","medicalSpecialty":"Ayurvedic Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Valvular Heart Disease - Homeopathy Medicines to Treat It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"There are valves in the each of the four chambers of the heart. These valves make sure that blood flows in one direction only. The blood flows from the atria into the ventricles through the mitral and the tricuspid valves. The pulmonic and the aortic valves allow the blood to flow out of the ventricles. Valve problems occur when the normal functioning of the valve is impaired.
Impaired valve function leads to blood flow obstruction, which in turn can lead to stenosis of the valve. This puts lot of strain on the heart muscles, forcing it to work harder. It may also lead to the blood flowing backwards through the valve and back into the heart.
The various causes of valvular heart disease are:
Valvular heart disease: If you are suffering from rheumatic fever, it may lead to valvular heart disease Congenital heart disease: Congenital heart disease refers to various defects in the heart which are present since birth. In some cases, these defects may include being born with abnormal valves. Heart attack: If you have suffered a heart attack, your heart muscles may be damaged or impaired. Cardiomyopathy: This is a genetic disorder that is characterized by an inability of the heart to pump blood efficiently. Age: Ageing may cause certain changes in the body that lead to valvular heart disease. Valvular heart disease is treated by various homeopathic remedies that do not have any side effect. It takes a holistic approach to healing the body as it gets to the root of the disease. The various homeopathic remedies for valvular heart disease are:
Cactus grandiflorus: This remedy is used in a number of heart complications such as stenosis of the valve. It helps in getting rid of the inflammation in the heart muscles, so that the heart can pump blood efficiently. Digitalis: Digitalis is another remedy that helps in healing the muscles of the heart by regulating the pulse. Kalmia latifolia: Kalmia latifolia is a homeopathic remedy that is used in treating various complications of the heart. It also helps in symptoms of rheumatic fever that may lead to valvular heart disease.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Arpit Mishra","medicalSpecialty":"Homeopathy Doctor","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"What You Need To Know About Rheumatic Heart Disease?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on the health of his or her heart!
When a sore throat does not seem to be getting better even after about three days go by, the first thing which is to be done is to see a doctor. This is due to the fact that delays can result in the situation getting worse. As a result of this, treatment can get more complex. And who wishes to compound their own miseries, after all?
Children who are aged between five and fifteen years of age are at risk of rheumatic heart disease. Now, while it is true that children are likely to fall sick more often than adults as their immune systems may not be all that strong, a special eye is to be kept out for rheumatic heart disease. The general symptoms which a parent should look out for are a sore throat, a cough and a fever. The tough part is that these symptoms appear which a range of other conditions!
When it comes to knowing that rheumatic heart disease is what is affecting a person, a special blood test is taken and if there is a need, an ECG and some other measures confirm rheumatic heart disease. Penicillin is a wonder drug and it is used in the treatment of rheumatic heart disease, as well. It is the general form of treatment, in fact, and people with the disease are often put on a course of injections. This means that they need to have an injection every 28 days for a month so as to make sure that there is no further damage which can affect the valves of the heart. The importance of this cannot be impressed enough.
It is unfortunate that in many cases, people only discover that they have rheumatic heart disease once they reach adulthood. The valves of the heart may be leaking or significantly damaged by the time that the discovery is made. Is it not a lot better to save oneself from this sort of situation?","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Jitesh Arora","medicalSpecialty":"Cardiologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}}]
Rheumatic Heart Disease Tips & Advice From Top Doctors | Lybrate
MD- General Physician-RU- Equi. MBBS, more
ENT Specialist•Hyderabad
Rheumatic arthritis and rheumatic heart disease are caused sometimes by our mere negligence towards the simple throat or dental infection. The rheumatic disease develops when we don't treat any infections - especially oral infections adequately. So when falling sick with common oral infections, take an adequate course of antibiotics even if symptoms subside and visit the nearest physician to get a check as well.
Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on th...more
Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on th...more
MBBS, Master of Surgery - General more
Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly? A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on the health ...more
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor more
Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on th...more
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and more
Ayurvedic Doctor•Bargarh
The modern age is full of tensions and stress, expecting peaceful mind and healthy lifestyle is just impossible. To prevent common diseases and living a healthy life requires keen knowledge of the main organ of the body, that is the Heart. The heart is a muscular organ which works like an engine and provides fuel to run human body by pumping blood. Our heart has two chambers which separates the oxygen rich blood from oxygen poor blood and each time you breathe the valves of heart opens and close...more
Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on th...more
The modern age is full of tensions and stress, expecting peaceful mind and healthy lifestyle is just impossible. To prevent common diseases and living a healthy life requires keen knowledge of the main organ of the body, that is the Heart. The heart is a muscular organ which works like an engine and provides fuel to run human body by pumping blood. Our heart has two chambers which separates the oxygen rich blood from oxygen poor blood and each time you breathe the valves of heart opens and close...more
There are valves in the each of the four chambers of the heart. These valves make sure that blood flows in one direction only. The blood flows from the atria into the ventricles through the mitral and the tricuspid valves. The pulmonic and the aortic valves allow the blood to flow out of the ventricles. Valve problems occur when the normal functioning of the valve is impaired.
Impaired valve function leads to blood flow obstruction, which in turn can lead to stenosis of the valve. This...more
MD - Cardiology, PG Diploma In Clinical more
Some people have a sore throat which they think will go away sooner rather than later. Well, while it may not seem serious, rheumatic heart disease means that it could potentially be! But, how exactly?
A sore throat usually comes about on account of bacteria affecting the region of the throat.
Sometimes what can happen is that the same bacteria can go all the way to the heart and damage the valves of it. This is very serious as the health of a person fundamentally depends on th...more
Book appointment with top doctors for Rheumatic Heart Disease treatment