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RNA Virus: Causes, Symptoms, Complications, And Treatment

Last Updated: Jan 20, 2025

What is RNA Virus?

It is a type of virus that contains ‘RNA’ as its genomic. It is generally single-stranded (ssRNA) but can become double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in some specific conditions. They are present everywhere, in airborne microorganisms and on lab workers' hands.

An RNA virus is quite dangerous as it can harm humans by causing the following diseases:

  • Orthomyxoviruses
  • Influenza
  • West Nile fever
  • Common cold
  • SARS
  • Covid-19
  • MERS
  • Dengue
  • Ebola virus
  • Hepatitis C
  • Hepatitis E
  • Polio
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rabies

Classification of viruses:

Basically, viruses are divided into 6 classes. The DNA viruses are found in classes I and II. The remaining classes consist of RNA viruses. The double-stranded RNA genome is found in class III viruses. Class IV viruses have a positive single-stranded genome of RNA, that performs the function of messenger RNA (m RNA).

A negative single-stranded RNA genome is bragged in Class V virus and it is utilized as an example for mRNA synthesis. Class VI viruses constitute a positive single-stranded RNA genome, with a DNA in-between, showing replication in mRNA synthesis too and they are called retroviruses. The most common & important human retroviruses are HIV-1 and HIV-2, which is the reason for the disease AIDS.

Classification of RNA virus:

It is very difficult to classify RNA viruses. The reason behind it is- its high deviation or mutation rates. The classification is made majorly on the basis of its genome type. There are three kinds of RNA viruses- double-stranded (dsRNA), negative/positive single strand (-ssRNA/+ssRNA), and the number of genes plus their organizational structure. Presently, there are as many as five orders and forty-seven families of RNA viruses. Apart from this, there are several unspecified genus and species. There are two viruses that are correlated to RNA viruses but are distinct from RNA viruses. They are termed viroids and RNA satellite viruses.

What are the symptoms of RNA Virus?

The common symptoms identified for RNA virus are high fever, cough, sneezing, nasal congestion, sore throat, and headache. It typically lasts about 7–10 days after an early 48-hour viral incubation.


What are the three major types of RNA?

There are many types of RNA but the major and the most common ones are of three kinds. They are identified as messenger RNA (mRNA, a single-stranded fragment) transfer RNA (tRNA, a tiny molecule of RNA that contributes to the process of protein synthesis), and ribosomal RNA (rRNA, an RNA molecule present in the cells that forms part of the protein-synthesizing). They are usually identified in all organisms.

Is RNA virus curable?

As of now, no treatment, medication, or inoculation have developed to stop the spread of this virus. Scientists are researching it. They are currently finding it difficult to produce effective jabs against the virus because of the genomic multiplicity of RNA viruses.

What is the mutation rate of RNA viruses?

When contrasted with the structure of DNA viruses, the transformation rate is extremely higher among RNA viruses. The reason behind this is the inefficacy of viral RNA polymerases in proofreading the DNA polymerase.

Do all viruses have RNA presence in them?

Not all, but most of the viruses have RNA or DNA as their genomic substance. It could be a single (ssRNA) or double-stranded (dsRNA). The complete infectious virus particle is termed a vision. It boasts nucleic acid along with an exterior sheath of protein. Be as it may, the simplest virus among all has ample DNA or RNA to cipher the four proteins.

Is Covid 19 an RNA virus?

Coronaviruses (CoVs) consist of positive-stranded RNA(+ssRNA) viruses. It's an RNA infection clubbed together that possesses the capacity to cause sickness in individuals. They look similar to the crown when viewed under an electron microscope. The presence of prickle glycoproteins on the exterior sheath of the virus makes it crown-shaped.

What are the main reasons behind the spread of RNA?

There are 47 viruses in total that are known as human-adapted. They epitomize 12 different species and 29 different genera. Their most prominent and common characteristic is that nearly all of them are spread by inhalation, ingestion, or coming into direct contact by an individual or surface that has RNA virus presence. There are only two viruses that are transmitted by vectors.

Can RNA virus be killed?

What's not alive can't be killed, like viruses. However, they do have genetic commands in the form of DNA (or the correlated fragment, RNA), viruses can't flourish all alone. Instead, they must enter a host organism and take over its genomic commands to replicate.

Can antibiotics work against RNA viruses?

It is a myth that antibiotics could kill viruses. Instead, they can only make you feel better when your body has succumbed to a virus.

How can we prevent RNA virus?

Medicine or remedies approved for preventing ribonucleic acid virus infections besides HIV includes Rimantadine and Amantadine (Influenza M2 channel inhibitors); Zanamivir and Oseltamivir (influenza neuraminidase inhibitors) and Ribavirin for curing infections associated with hepatitis C and respiratory syncytial virus.

Summary: Correlated to the Coronavirus, RNA virus can be spread by coming into the direct contact of an individual or surface that has RNA virus presence. It can also be contracted via breathing or inhalation. The virus can be recognized by high fever, cough, sneezing, nasal congestion, sore throat, and headache. It typically lasts about 7–10 days after an early 48-hour viral incubation.

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Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
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Reviewed ByDr. Bhupindera Jaswant SinghMD - Consultant PhysicianGeneral Physician
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